� �
<br /> � , 77• �062U5
<br /> Tbe qrantor Hrentwood Development Company of Grand Island
<br /> � a corporatiou organized and existing under aud by virtue oP the I8W8 of the Btate of NebraSka
<br /> in uonaideratiou oi Teh Thousand & no/100 ---($10,000.00) ----Dollars
<br /> received from grantee, dces grant, bargain, sell, con��r}� xn�1 confirm unto
<br /> Ronald D. Mesde and Sharon K. Meade, husband and wife,
<br /> ' as joint tenants with rigLt of survivorship, and not as tenant�c in rornmon, th�� ����'n�h�i�^• �1�•Scrihe�9 real
<br /> pruperty in ........��d�.�................................................. CountY, ;�iebraska:
<br /> Lot One (1) Block Three (3) in Brentwood Subdivision
<br /> in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska
<br /> S7AR4P 1'AX
<br /> i)Ci 2G 1977
<br /> �1/. ca eY�!
<br /> 'Pu liuve runl tu Iwl�l the aLo�•e �3e�;criLr�1 preuiises togetl�er with xll tenemr,uts� heredita�neats and
<br /> appurteuances thei•eto belouging unto the grantaes an�3 to their assigns, or to the }�eirs nnd aasigns of bhe
<br /> survivor of them forever.
<br /> An�l gruiitor for itself and its euccessors does hereb�� co��enaiit with the grantees and �rith their
<br /> aeni�n�; auci �citL the heire and aasigns of the survivur nf tLe�w ihut grantor is laµ�fully seised of said
<br /> prrn,ises; ti�at tt�ey are free fro,n encumbraace excepting easements and restrictions
<br /> of record
<br /> U�at grnntor has good right and lawful suthority to convey the same; and that grantor warrantx and
<br /> will defend the title to esid premie�es ugainst thr luwful claims of all peraons whomsoeven
<br /> It ir the intention oi all parties hereto tl,at iu the e��ent of the death of either of tl�e grantees,
<br /> the entire fee eimple title to the real estate xhall ve+t in ihe surviving grant«•e.
<br /> In witnec� whereoP, grantor hna Lereuntn caused itv corporste seel to be affixed nnd theee pres�nta
<br /> si��ed by itb ('resident.
<br /> Dace3, October 10 �`� 77
<br /> `.s,.,000 o�:o�.
<br /> _-ey s "✓� ., �-'° .........�F G ..:ZSLAND
<br /> - 'o .�Yl .,,. ' .......... ... .........................._..........................
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<br /> -4 �•... �;y <::F:':. ........................................ rre.ident
<br /> o � a:�
<br /> � ............
<br /> .,,,�..�, ,.. ,
<br /> BTATE OF Nebraska............ ............ County of .rHall..............................._..............:
<br /> Before me, a aotary public qualified for said county, personally caine
<br /> Johss A. WOlf Prerident si E
<br /> ' J�rentwood Developn�ent Company of Grand Zsland _..,--.. � "'�
<br /> �� � , a oorporation,
<br /> � �� te.me to be ti�e Ptesident snd identical persou who eigned the foregoia� inrtrumeaty aad seknow- �
<br /> �.
<br /> lad�ed t4e lzeeufam thereof to be h�a vdnatary acL and deed rs euch officer and the voluntary act end
<br /> �eed ef �aid ooepe:atiea aad t6st ifi� osrperate �cal ��se thereto affized by ite authority. �
<br /> , . �sv:
<br /> WitrMw a�y�I�aod aad Aetre'id red ea...........oe.t n2�r..10.r-........»..............,, 19...1 Z........ ..• "+*
<br /> , .T
<br /> , �lMtN�111�r-lYiUdY� ....�.Q.d..A�..r....!!.'1:......L.G/�:��r..?:•cL..... Notary Public.
<br /> VlRIR lII.YV1011TO�IE ' _ G
<br /> Irrera4.ow.ta.mt l[y oommivrioa �zpirer ................�......�..}.............. l��.�...L.
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