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r --� <br /> � . ..� <br /> uot extend or �wstpone the due date ui tl�c iuontfily iu.�:ill�nent� i•eferred to in paragraphe 1 acid 2 l�ereof or <br /> chauge the amounE of sucli instailme•�ts. <br /> 10. loisotir�rNot �. Extensiou of the time for payment or modification of �iuortization of the eums <br /> aecured by thie �ortgage granted by l.ender to any succesuor in inierest of Borrower shall not nperate to releaee, <br /> kR SOY YOaflM6l� the liability OI CI1C OTi$1[l$I �0170WC1' t3tlll }.30TfON'CI'�� eucce�;sors in intereat . I.ender ehsll noL be � <br /> �" requised to eomtnence ptoceedings agaiast sucl! succeseor or refuec to extend time for payme�t or otheraiee naodify <br /> j ^,,.� amortiaatiot� of the sutuu secured by tl�is Uortgnge I,y reasa� o!' an�� demand inade by the original Borrowez and <br /> O $arrawer'e eucoeseote in intereat. <br /> ' C1t 11. For� by I.�ad�r Not a Waiv�r. Any forbearance by Lec�der in ezercising any ri�ht or remedy <br /> CD hereunder, or otberwise aHorded by applicable law , shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any ri�t <br /> � Q or semedy hereunder. The procurement of insurance or tl�e payment of CaYes or other liens or chargee by I.ender <br /> � ehall uot be a waiver of Leuder's right to accelerate tl�e maturity of the indebtedness eecur+ed by thie Morteage. <br /> 1Z B�aCumulativ�. All remedies provided in tliir >lortgage are distinct and cumulative to sny ot6er <br /> right or remedy under this \iortgage or uflbrded hy lnu� or c�quicy, And may- bc exercised concurrently, independ- <br /> ently or succeeeively. <br /> la. Sucev�on and Arsigus Bouead; Joiat aad Ssvsral Liability: Captioos. The covenunt� and a�reemeats <br /> hereia contaiped ahall bind , und the rights liereunder �h�ll in��rr tu, thc respective euccessora and assigns o£ Leader <br /> nad Borrower, subject to tlu provisiouc ol' � �ssruRru� il � 1 i liereof. All coeenai�ts und ngrecmente of Borrower shall <br /> be joint and seversl. The caption, and lieadiug. of the � �nraKr:i� �h. of tl�ir \tortKage are for convenienee only and <br /> are not to be used to interpret or defiue tlie pro��isians Lereot. <br /> 14. Noticv. Any notie�� to I3mrowrr procided fur in t6i:: \lur�gagc .hull be Ri� en h�• u�iling Duch notiee by <br /> certified iiiail addreesed to BorroH�er ut rlic Yruyerty Addre.; ..t :�te� i beloH , ex��e� �c iur uuy notice required under <br /> parsgraph 18 hereof to be �i�•e❑ to Borrowcr in th�� manuer � ,re.crihed hy� up�ilioa6l�� Ina . :�ny notire providecl <br /> for in this �lortgage �hall he deeu�ed to hx�•c be�en �ivcu tu Borro�ccr �vhen �;i � en in the munr�er designated hereia <br /> IS. Uaifoem Mortyaye; Gov�rning I,aw; Sev�rability. '1'hir lm��u of u�ortgage combines uniform covensnts <br /> fos nstional use and non-unifomi covenants witli limited ��ariation� b�• jurisdiction to constitute a uniform aecu- <br /> rity instntment covering real propert�-. 1'his \ Iortgage shull I�c governed hy the la�v of the jurisdiction in whieh <br /> the Property is located. In the e��ent that auy provision or clause of this Dlorcgage or thc• Note conAictr w�ith <br /> applicable Isw, sucli conflict shall not affect otl�er proeisiw» of tl�is \Iort�age or the Note which can be eiven <br /> eSect without the conflicting pro �� ision , und to thiN end the � �roaisions of thc �fortgage and the Note are declared <br /> to be sevenble. <br /> li. Heero�v�r's Copy. Borrower shall be furnis6ed a conformed cop�� oS this �lortgage st the time of exeeu- <br /> tion or after recordation liereof. <br /> 17. T1r�r o! ths Prop�rty; Aosumption. If all or any part of the Property or an interest thetein is wld <br /> or transferred by Borrower without Lender's prior writteu consent . excluding (al the creation of a lien or encum- <br /> brance subotdinate to this !�iortgage, i b ) the ereation of u purcliase tuonuy security interest for fzousehold appli- <br /> ances, (c ) s tranefer by devise, descent ar hy operation oi Iti��� u��on th�� death of a joint tr.nant or (dl the gtant of <br /> any leaaehold interest of three years or les� not cuntainiug uu option to pumhase , Lender inav , at Iznder'c optioa, <br /> dec4re sl! the sums secured by this '.bfortgage to be i�riiuediately due unrl ��ayable_ I.ender shsll have waived Buch <br /> option to accelerate if, prior io tlie sale or trac�ster, Lender uud t {�e �iereon to whom the Property is to be eold or <br /> traeirferred reseh egreement in writing thac tlie credit ai �urli � �erson i� satie�factory w I.ender and th�t the intereet <br /> paysble on the sums secured by this 1lortgage ehul! br at rucli ratr as l.ender Ehall request . If I,ender has wsived <br /> the option to accelerate provided in this puragrapli 1 i and if 13orrower'. nuccessor in interest l�as eYecuted a writ- <br /> ten sesumption agreement accepted in writing by Lender, Lender �liall release Borrower from all obliastione under <br /> thir Mortgage and the Note. <br /> If Leader exercises sucL option to accelerate, Lender shsll �nail Borrower notice of accelention in s000rdanee <br /> witi� paragraph 14 hereof. Such notice chall pro��idr a period of nut le�r tl�un 30 days from the date the notice is <br /> mriled within which Borrower inay pxy- the sum, declared �iur. 11 Barrower fail� tu ��ay such suu�s prior to the <br /> e7qsiration of such period , Lender inay . �� ithout furtlier noticc or iiemand ot� Borrower, in�•oke any resnedies pee- <br /> mitted by par;graph 18 hereof. <br /> NON-�INlFORM UOYENANT6. HOI' 1'UR'Pl' i1I1(� Ll'A(IPI' tllC2.�ll'T CU\'l'11NIlt 3Il(1 $K'TBr a� follows : <br /> !t. Aeeduuation: RKntdi�s. Except as ��roci� led in � �:u•�gru� �li 17 liereof . u�wn Borrower 'r breach os rny <br /> oovenant or sgreeinent of Borrow �•r in ehi. \lort�;»ge� , ini• Iwling tLc covenant : to ��sy N�I�en dua any suitu secured <br /> by thie \fortgage, t.endcr � �rior to secelerution x:h:�ll uu�il nutice tu Borro�� er u� �irorid�d in p�ragraph 14 hereof <br /> epecifying : ( 1 ) the brea�t� ; 121 the xet �on rcquire� i to �•�n �• �ueh hrenc6 ; 131 u date, not lees tl �an thirty dsye <br /> from the date the notice i� mailed to Borro�c��r. 1 ��• �� I � ich �u�� l � hreu<• h n �ust ix• cun�l ; and � 41 that fxilurc to rure <br /> such brnach on or before t4e date spccified in tha• nohrc� uissy n•nutt in arceleration nf th�� .wu� �eoured by thie <br /> Mortgnge and sale of the Yro}�erty. lf the breacl� is not cumd un ur bei'ore tlie datr n{�ecified in t6r notice, Lender <br /> st I.endet's aption may declam all of the sums secw•ed liv thi� Jlortqage to 6e iinmediately due xnd psysble <br /> wit6out further demand and may forecloac thia \1<�rtgasge by � u�iicial �iroc�eedinq. Lender shall he cntitlec{ to collCct <br /> in uuch proceeding al! expenses of torerlosure , inclwling, hut not li�uitcd to . coat, of docwuentary evidence, <br /> abatraete and title report�. <br /> 1!. 1en�ewr�'s ltiq5t te B�ieMaf�. A'otw•�tLntsndinq I.ender's ucceleration of the swns erecured by thia <br /> ASortpge, Borrow�er rhall have the right to ha�•e any proceeciiag� begun by I ,ender to euforer [ hi� �fortgaee dis- <br /> eoetiaued st any time prior to entry of a jucl�,nnent enfqpring this \fortgagr if : ia � Borrow•er pa►ys Lender all <br /> rams �'1�ioh would be t,hdn due under thie \lortgnKe. tl�e :�ote xn�l note�; secunng F'utur�� Adv�►ucee, if aay , had no <br /> aceelention oceurred ; ( bt $orrower cure� all brcai• ! :r= uf 3S: \' UtI1C1' C0lctlil :l� : JI' ,a�R't'lliiil'aa o: IIorrux �r c.�n- <br /> ' taie�d ia thi� Mortga�qe ; (e ) Borrow+er pays all rea�onahlo ex� �rnse.� incurred t>�� i.ender in cnforeing the covenunts <br /> snd a`tee�i et Borrower contaiaed in this \Iorte{aKe and iu enforcinK I.ender', rrniediea � �irovided in prra- <br /> grapli 18 Meree+f, including, but aot limited to, reusonable attorne�� 'r tee: : an�i id � Borruwcr taken such action u► , <br /> I�eeder msy rereoably require to aesure thak the tien of thi� \iortgage. Lender'e interrst in the Qroperty and <br /> . . <br /> �e�aw�ae'� ob�ttptu� to Pay t6e p�a recwed by thiF :41ortRrge Rhall continur �inim{isireci . i1�wn euch payment . . .... , , " ��4. <br /> sAd eure by Borsowor, this Mortp,te aad the obligrtions ,aecured hereb�� slwll re�nain in full force ar�i effect ac if �° <br /> � no aeedahtios Jrd oeeurreti. <br /> � �wMMt ! a��lss A�peiYMd at �a�i.�e- L�wirr ia P�e�wiea. An udditional eecurity here- <br /> W�', E4te�et Yel�sby �iqe� ta I,en�tier the renEs af the PruQ�rty . }iro��idiec! thet Boerower ehatti, prior to xeceler- <br /> , �ie� uweler p�t�r�pi� 18 baeeet' or sbaodonmeet af cfie Pra�aexty, lmvc the riglit to collect und retain cuch rer�ts ;::^� <br /> +s thrS h�owas d+�e aad WYatale. . <br /> iljaap sCceleraLiou aader par+�ri� 18 La�e�wt w �wu+luwa.+r.�t ut Ll�r YiYyirrty . I.e�nlrr, i�� �,erwc+. �y usenc <br /> ae' b� �tld�14y sppomted reeeirer �hal! iie e�tit{ed to eotrr u�wn. take �sion ot and �uanaRe t.he Property <br /> Mt1 f0 a4�Ok the reeb ol tfi� prapiettq, iatltdi� tlea�e (�ast due. All rente eolleMcxi hy Lender or the reaxeiver <br /> �11 §e sp�liea A�t t+a panwent et tFk+ we�fw �f mnnw�mi•nt e�i thr Pm�wrvy 1r.i ��11P�tion �f rrnt� . in�lvding, 4. ,.it <br /> not � to, reaeitnet's taer, nn+miums nn reeeiver's boneiF aod reaeonshie sttorney 'e feee. anrl then to the xume� <br /> , �eEu!!d by td�i� Drlotfp�e. Lender and tlfe receiver sttall lx� liable to account only for thow! rnnt . aecualh� mreivcri . � <br /> 1 <br /> ii <br />