, r �
<br /> i_ - _ .
<br /> DUE ON 8ALE
<br /> ' FowY NQ 720 .
<br /> � lc�2n Number---�4_8$�__-_122.__-_B.�1F
<br /> 00620C�► MORTGAGE
<br /> THI9 MORTGAGE,made and executed thie ._...._.�..�P.__...._ day of.._�Q%l�...._.... A.D.,
<br /> 19....7.2..,between the Mortgagor, ...EarL.H....Seastane..and..E3leen..R...SeasLoae...husbaad-.aud..--�--
<br /> .st.ifS..-.ju1aC1Y..,aod..each..in..tl�ir..asm..right.,........ ..................._......_..__ .....---._....................._.........
<br /> ` of.._._S'ss,at�d_.x�s.,7.aAd...._.,Coua�ty of _.----_..Hall.................State of..Nehraska..--.---.hereinafter referred
<br /> to aa tbe Botrow+er, and the Mortgagee, FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br /> LiNCOLN, 1235 "N" Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68501, its succeec3sors and aesign�, hereinafter referred to
<br /> : ar Lender.
<br /> �y7��qs�rH: That the said Borrower for and in consideration of the sum of THIRTY ONE THOUSAND
<br /> AND N�/1o0------------------------------------_-__�� ._
<br /> _....... .. .
<br /> . - - ...__.._.._....._.._.....__....__ __._..___........... .. ____.... -._....... .
<br /> ---.._. l:ars (US$..31.000.00 _....._.)
<br /> paid by asid L,eader, does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender, ite succeasorx and aseigns; the
<br /> fdbwinf deocribed property located in the County of ......Hall . _. _ _, State of Nebraaka:
<br /> Lc�t One (1), Block One (1), in Park Place, an Addition to theCity of Grend
<br /> Ialsad, Hel1 County, Nebraska.
<br /> TocerH�e vvith all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and all easements,
<br /> �ht�, appurtenances, renta, royaltiee, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and
<br /> wrater ctocl�, and all fiztures now or hereafter attached to the pmperty, all of which, including replace-
<br /> a�eata aad additinns thereto,ahall be deemed to be and remain a part of the property covered by thia
<br /> , Moetss�e; aed all of the foregoin�, together with asid property (or the leasehold estate in the event thie
<br /> �[aetsa�e ie on a leaoehoid) are herein referred to as the •`Froperty��
<br /> Boel�fwer oovenants that Sorrower is lawfully eeised of the estste hereby conveyed and has the right
<br /> to moet�aaEe, graat and convey the Property, that the Proper'.y is unencumbered, and t.hat Borrower will
<br /> wrarrasst and defend QeneraAy the title to the Property againtt all daims and demands, subject to any
<br /> e�reenentc aad neatrictiona listed in a echedule of exceptionc to coverage in any title ineuranc:e policy in-
<br /> � Lender'e interest in the Property,or (2) attoraey's opinion of title from abatract of title certified
<br /> by bonded abatracter.
<br /> PYOVIDED ALiYAY6, aed theee preeents are esecuted and delivered upon the following condit'sone,agree- .
<br /> menfr and obiigations of tt�e Borrower, to-wit:
<br /> Tk�e Borrower age�ees to pay to the Lender,or order, the principal sum of _'t'ti.x.�.TX..O�iE..THQLTSAND_ .
<br /> �(A_.Dl9JiQ4---.---._-----------------.-----.----------.-----.Dnllars (LJS $..3.1,QOU..Q4._.._
<br /> )
<br /> payabie ae provided in a note e�cuted and delivered,cor►rurrentl�•herewith,the finq1 payment of principal,
<br /> if not eooner paid,oe the .__Yirst... ___ . day of. ..November .. . _ , ���b.
<br /> Ux[[rotu Covexwxrs. Borrower and Lender coveaant and agree a� follows:
<br /> 1. t�w�st et Pe�t e�ed inaewl. Borrow+er ahall promptly pay when due the principal of and in-
<br /> t+et+e�t on the indebtsdifeas ewdenoed by the Note, prepayment and late ci�arges as provided �n the Note,
<br /> a�d the prineipai of and inteeest o�any Future Advancee eecured by this Mortgage.
<br /> L !'�fer Taxas�d�. Subject to Lender's option under paragraphs 4 and 5 hereof. Bor-
<br /> e�ower eha11 pay Go Lender on tlse day monthly installmentti of peincipal and interest am payable under the
<br /> NoGe,unti!the Note is paid in f+ud,a aum (herein "Funde") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and
<br /> �o�entr which msy attain pr�ority over thie Mortgage, and ground rents on the Property, if any pl�s
<br /> awe-t�lftl� of yearly premium �sta!ls�+enta !or haurd iaeursnce, pius one-twelfth of yearly premium in-
<br /> etalla�nte fot mortgage inaurarace,if any all as ressonably esLimated initially and from tiine to time by
<br /> I�an tt�e basis of aaseea�eets sad bitla and reaeonable estimatee ther�f.Lrnder shali applv the Fund�
<br /> �P�Y�t�seQ.aore�asetttQ,inwaraeoe p�siums asd �round rents. Lender ehs!! make no charge for so
<br /> �t�re Hore��nwar��ritJwut dwr�e,�aocouetin�g ot tl�e Fu�nds�etaowing crediteTand debits to thle
<br /> ' secmity ibr tl�e ea�ma secmed �q tt� deltit to tt+e Ftiands wae msde. The Funds am pledged a8 additionsl
<br /> Moet,sa�e. 1�e Boriwwer sgrees that the Funds may be held by the `
<br /> Lit�der aed ao�were�i�i witk of�er f��wd tl�e I.ender's awn fuads and tite I.eeider maY P�Y eucl+iteme _.,,_._ . z '�4
<br /> �+i!s o�re Aeei esd t5e Issder�tlt aot be Ii�We fo�intenast ot dividends on such Funds.
<br /> � It 11�s 1l�wit oE LM!'tlois LeW by f.�ier,te�etl�[ w�itl� tl�e futw�e ma�thly in�t:llmes�ts of Fuods
<br /> �nrL4 pibr rs iis d�e��t lit+oe�,w�m�b, u�eoe pe+emiuna �d iround eeat�, at�all esceed �
<br /> tir a�r�r�t ts�y.rd tasea.�a�6a.ia�uneoe p.ew�s.��rap,d rente as they fsll due,
<br /> a�t►e�ea�a��t Hiotaowr's q�{ias,�ea+�i�e�id w Boero�ver or credited to Borrower on ;"'�
<br /> �ti�ly i�Mw1r et S�ud�. It obe a�eue�t �E tbe l�e�d by I,eedee ehall aot be eutfic�ent to pay
<br /> la�Nt.�.i�eu�o�e �aemi�e rld Y�rw�rd aenl+� ar t�y f�1i�e. Bcxrowex .�rll pay t� Le�nder
<br /> a�D'ara�t 6��los tip t6s siti�a l�utq iys al�6ee netice f:naf Lender to Horeew�er
<br /> w��li���r�wlVw�f.�e B�eeoawar� aa maare iw monthty iestaitments of Fundg required.
<br /> a�Ntlt tir .i�ie�'s�c�y�riAiia tlrs Fw�aoo�s�tiw� PK'io�,
<br /> UP+� P�9�ie [rq ot aU w�nu�s�nod by k6is Moetsa=e.I.ender sl�sll appiy Fu�sds held as a c:edit
<br /> y a�riert aM.�as�dW. �
<br /> i!
<br /> �
<br />