<br /> _ �� 7�«!�G 619�
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<br /> � � SS-A—REAL EBTATE MORTGAGE—With Taz Glau�e (Revised 1962) '!be HuGmra G.mrd supply Houw, Liocoln,N.br.
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT John W. Rreger dAd Merle A71AE Kreger,
<br /> Huaband and wife
<br /> 4i' d H811 (Mortgagor$ )
<br /> � County,and State of Nebraska ,;,,co�;aa�ac:on ot cna�um ot
<br /> '� One Hundred Thousand and no/100-----($100,000.00)------------------m�,,� �'.�,
<br /> �j s'n ha�a wad,do!►ercby SELL and CONVEY unso Commercial National Bank & Trust Company
<br /> �!
<br /> (Mortgagee )
<br /> � Hnl1 County, and Sfete ot Nebraska the following deacribed premi�es
<br /> .ieuacea ;n Hall coanty, ai,a stace at Nebraska w-wit:
<br /> I,ot 'Ilaenty One (21) , Capital Heights Seventh (7th) Subdivision, Hall
<br /> County, Nebraska
<br /> In the event the title to said real estate is transferred, or contracted
<br /> to be transferred, from the undersigned for any reason or by any method
<br /> whatsoever, the entire principal. sum and accrued interest shall at once
<br /> become due and payable at the election of the holder hereof. Failure to
<br /> exercise this option because of transfer of title as above stated in one
<br /> inetance shall not constitute a waiver of the right to exercise the same
<br /> in the event of any subsequent transfer.
<br /> '� The intent'uin beinQ W convey hereAy an abeolute title in fee simple including all the rirhte of homeatead and dower.
<br /> 'TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the preminre a6ove deecribed, with all the appurtenanceo thereunto belonginQ wto ths
<br /> ' raid moH¢agee and W 1t8 heire and anxigna, forever, provided alwaye, and theee preaente are upon the e=pier .
<br /> cvndition thot it the af�irnsaid mortgag�,r S� t.Z1C1T hrire, executore, edminisstraton or aasiQns aha11 pay ot caure to 6e
<br /> prid to the raid mort,agee 1 t8 heire, excY�uturx, edminiatratore or axeiane,the eum of OhE Hundred
<br /> ` Thoueand and no/100----------------------------------�uan,paYable as foUow�.so-wir.
<br /> Znterest shall be v"��H` "`
<br /> payable ���r��ei�lst day o�y��nuary, 1978; principh� and
<br /> , interest in the sum of Sev�� �'�o sand Seve F�i�ndred Thirty-Four anti 60/10
<br /> shall be due and payable ���`�in�et of Apr �, 1978, and each 90 day� ther -
<br /> after until principal plu fin`�er�st is pai�Yi°� full. Final payment ahall bR
<br /> 1 2 �k> ara n t e 1
<br /> ar������i�r��a�' 1085�'� S��p r��'m�.�a�lied_1 �`l�.�na�f d«br�g'r�tt� ��in�«�ot
<br /> � •certain promirory note�t uaid _— — ,
<br /> John W. Kreger & l�rle Anne Kreger, Husband and Wife
<br /> bearing even date with thesr prevente, a�d shall pay all taxre and aaaeaernenfe levied upon aaid real eatate,and a1(ot6er ta=er,
<br /> � levies and are�menlr levicd u{xm thir mortgage or the note which thia mortgage ie given to�ecure,before the rfine beeome� �
<br /> delirtpuent, and I[xep thr buildinge un xaid premi�rx insured for the sum u( � N/A low, if any, pay�6le fp �
<br /> � tt�e r�id murty�ee, thrn thrae preaentu W t�e vuid, otherwi�e W be and remain in full foroe.
<br /> � IT I6 FURTHEH A(:REF.D (1) That i( the daid mortgagor rhall fail to pay auch ta�ceo or praun weh i�uurseoe,fhe
<br /> .. arid ewrtsagae moY P+�y euch taxes and prcxvre auch ineurance; and the sum eo advanced, with intetert at j Q.$ per oent �
<br /> �hal! 6e paid by rrid rrk.>rtRagor. xnd thie mortgage rihall xtund rx eecvrity fur the asme. (2) That e tailure to paY�Y�yid �.
<br /> �� mn�ey, either pnncipal or intereSt when the same becomer due, or a feilure to comply with any ot the foe�oia`a�reemeny, �
<br /> Y�II caure tAe whole rum of money herein eucured to become due rnd cdlectible at once at the optioa o!the mortsasee. .
<br /> ' s�d eh.. 2ath aay.�[ October 1 is77 . :
<br /> ln preeence ot l��• ��' ��i_f t r �—
<br /> _.._ _ ��_._. ._.
<br /> Jo�in W. Kreqer. _...._.. _ ....... .........
<br /> ,: `_.. ._ __..._..._....._............___........._..._...___............. ...............
<br /> Merle Anne Kreger
<br /> _ �.....
<br /> ' '.1..��..t�i �;l i:�:.;,.•...�i ........
<br /> s _..... __ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _. .. ..�.-.l.ty,G...(..:..............................
<br /> �
<br /> sTe1'E o�..._.........Neb.xa�Sk.�_.____._ . cw,n�y ot __ _.H�l.�._ ...__..........._....:
<br /> Bdor� �, a nottey public quatibed for qid c�unty, peroonalty ceme John W. Kreger & Merle AIlI12
<br /> ; Rreger, Hueband and Wife
<br /> , krnv+ fo �s b !e the identical pe��oe or peeoon� w!w aigned thw tora8oine 'uutrument end �ckno
<br /> .: wledsed the e:eaation
<br /> �j IWe�o[!o be�.Asr or their voluntary mct and deed.
<br /> � Wisee.,m,y b.aa ,nd aot.iu� �e.t un. October 24 . 19 77 .
<br /> ........... .._ . .
<br /> ;� !y eari�ia�espirs: --..._�.-C:-'!-. ...t.a. 19..�.�� �.'.�::x�r.k,e:-s�.�'�"�...... ....Notary Publie. ' .�
<br /> � �'!'ATB QR........................_. ......._._....---- --.... .........- En6ered m numericaf i�e: �ad Sled tor r�oord � y�.;
<br /> �:r;-
<br /> � ,I Os�r4Y ..................._.._... .................._._.......................}� ia tl�e Ra�i�fwr ot Dred�Oias d�id C,wnh �
<br /> h�; � �
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<br /> �i BY---........................._--..--.._............_....._......_..__._ _ �tv
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