<br /> � �
<br /> � 7� UU6185
<br /> RELEASE OF MORTGAGE N° 28'752 A
<br /> la.. 29%s —_j__—�
<br /> ru..y� �w. r..�
<br /> � IIN t)ON8IDSRATiON oi the psyment oi the dabt aatmed thesein, tho uaderai�ned FIItST FEllERAL
<br /> BAVINCB AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN, a Unibd 3tates Corpontion, bereby relemer the
<br /> mo�spp a�d�bY•--_....T1aQt3lX..&.�.�.aaas�r..aaad..�astaia_I....reanaes.__tatshaad.and.rai.fe.._.._..._.._-•............._
<br /> W attid !'IRS'* FEDERAL �AVINGIR AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN oa t� � �nllowin� deecribed
<br /> Proprtty:� _...------------ -i�.''-�-=��J� — �., _----- --•-------.................._.__.-----••-••-------•
<br /> ���L�t�������R���� as Instrument NounO�1447
<br /> Mortsaees,PaPe 127___ot the rxords a1.__ - _.___
<br /> Cou�C�and alao:+�laves the assisamemt oi rents wluch ia recorded in Book�.of Pa,�e.l�..
<br /> od 1�;a+�i" CouatY.Nat�raaka.
<br /> ;r,o ,('�,:
<br /> •;�,°�.'�f T.$�"rlbt0�':,WIiEREOF. the said FIRST FEDEKAL SAVINGS AND LOAN AS30CIATION OF
<br /> ,`�fi�S11�OL'!f E�i ba�e presmb to be ezecuted bq its Presideu and attested by it$
<br /> ,. :,,.:11(;:'ft3-'�>V•;.'�'C"��: ,,.
<br /> ; : . _ ,
<br /> ��Ai�istant ��etiry. under ib oorponte�1, thie •---.2QCt►..day of_........5?t�eker.--•--........A.D. .._.1377._.
<br /> =- ��� .�`:
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<br /> It�oietiC� �u'� BY• --
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<br /> � fw A+reoo�of Ir
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<br /> -- -�.1.J--.r-1-�:�.-----
<br /> �CORJIV'LR � Oa thie..._2D.th_._dsy of......__Octahez.._....., 19...27..betore
<br /> me, the undersigned, a Notary Pubtic ia and for aeid
<br /> �tS' P��y a� Charle• H. Thorne, President of t6e Firet Federal Savin�
<br /> aed Loan A�rociafsm of LinooJn. to me paroeally kao�ra to ba the Presideat aad identicxl
<br /> psr�oe whose n�me ia affized to the aboae reles�e and ackaoevledged the esecution thereof to be hie voluatary act
<br /> aad deed o sucb o�oer,aad the voluntaeq act aad deed of tl�e eaid I�t Federal 3avings ead Loar, Aorociation
<br /> ot I;soaJn.
<br /> Witnw euq hand and Notarial 3,a1 at�Nebtaaka, in eaid County the day saa qesr laet above written.
<br /> xs e�.�� — -.�.�_._1��.1w?�----�rror�s�e�i�
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<br /> wwws a w+o��s
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<br /> ' ". i^"a' �+`�''^qv^ �Tfl�'�\ � - *ecmded to he recurned to:
<br /> Lot 1Faber F.�even {11), havixtg a lake-front footage of Sixty Feet
<br /> (60') situated oa the Eaat side of the Eest portion of Kuester's
<br /> Lake, end which lake and these premises are ��itu�ted on �3 part of �•M■
<br /> � the Ezsst Half of the Soutliwe�t �uaz•ter (��47,i-,) of �ecti-on 1'hirteen
<br /> � (13�� Town�hip F.leven (ll) Nurt}i, Ran�e Ni.ne (,�), T•lo,t of the 6th r, „'t,
<br /> � P.M.� itt Hall Cc�unty� Nt brt�ska. +cow�ss .Sr mc
<br /> and a11 right, title and interest in and to a leashol.d estute in � �
<br /> � �d
<br /> the e'bov�e described property unde� the terr.:s of' �n indenture lease `•O'
<br /> jr betr�en Yuester L�Y.e, Ir.c, �r.d Tir._etY;;,� �. ^o�^cr ;:r.3 ^c��:c I„ "
<br /> Conner dsted March l, 19'75 IInd recorded or. t:ic rc�ord.�: a� :1:;11
<br /> County, end assigrsed to First Fedexal Savinbs and Loan Association •T"TE Z�•�oo. - ' ;,,,
<br /> of Liticoln, Linaaln, Nebraska, such ussi�nmeat being d�ted December
<br /> � 115• 1�'l2 and re_crded on thc rccard� of !?:11 ('c•.::::,;��. ;ay
<br /> clePault on the afore mentioned lease will constitute a defrau=Lt of
<br /> this mortgage. .�„„, ,o. �„E�...,,� �
<br />