<br />�
<br /> � �
<br /> �
<br /> � ` 77• �10 6 18 4
<br /> RELEASE OF MORTGAGE N° 28'753 A
<br /> �.� 27469 —�_—_j�
<br /> ru�usw ��. rr�a .
<br /> � iN CONSIDERATION of tDe psymeat of the debt named therein, the uadersigaed FIRBT FEDEKAL
<br /> SAVIIVGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LIIVCOLN, a United 8tatar Corpontion, hereby rele�� the
<br /> most�agr mads by..._.Ti.�ooLh�..S.._.Co�s.sad.Gn�s..3.._..Coaaes�._hurbaad.aa�i--wi�a--....�.�......................._..
<br /> to aaid FIRST FEDERAL SAVING3 AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN on the tollowin� deacribed
<br /> �P�Y� ----._..--•_.._--•--•---- ---�cr..: arrar. -n SIBEgI.------••-._ _._..--•------•----..._--•................__._...
<br /> .___.�._ __._._.__.._._...- ---�_.�....__....�_
<br /> and Hiicrofila 0041
<br /> mhich is reeorded in Book.,lStft...oi Iiaal Frtate Mortsa�es,Ps�.54.9•-•--ot the records of._.��.�_..--
<br /> CouatY,l+f� aad also��the aa�ignment o!reata which is recorded in Boolc�.o!Pa�s_�C.
<br /> ot'1r�'l�q��.���� �Coanty.Nebraska.
<br /> ,:ti•''d��' ...:. n.,�✓,(� •...
<br /> �,C�Q�.�,�r��pteBente to be ezecuted by its President and attested by its
<br /> y 1:�,' ryP
<br /> :;_ � . i+- =:
<br /> `��istaat �ary. under its rnrporate eeal, this_...2Rt.h...day of_....__.__Octoher..-•---•---•.A.D._..19I3....
<br /> =.`$ttest:
<br /> >.
<br /> ; �; i�,.'t
<br /> � "'',r . h�� FIRST FEDERAL 3AVINGS AND LOAN A LINC03.N,
<br /> , �. � .
<br /> Its /1ss rla�C�\! ..E�iCi2� $9-•- --- •- •-- --- --•
<br /> cr
<br /> Seeretary T��oi
<br /> /�-\J��1--��-----------
<br /> DOUGLAS �� On thie.---2Q��3-•-day ot....._.OGzQk�.X_..-•--•. 19_I�.._.bs6ore
<br /> ���Y � me, the uadeisigaed, a Notary Public in and f� rid
<br /> County peroonally �xme Charles H. Tl�orne, President of the �ret Federal Savit�
<br /> and Loan Asrocial3oa of I.inooia,to me pereonally known to be the President ��
<br /> psrson�v6om name is e8'ued to the above relesee aad acknowiedged the ezecution thereof to be his voluatary act
<br /> aad deed ae such officer,and tl�e voluntsry act aad deed of the eaid First Fedenl Savinge and Ivan Arociation
<br /> of I.iacola.
<br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal at�.Nebzas{ra,in�aid County the dsy ana year lsst above wntten.
<br /> � �4Y coauni�sion�zDi:w_- /_��!�:��---..._....Notar9 Pubtfe
<br /> �Ir1�1t MIA-Mr��/r�
<br /> �MOMAS t UIOYA�
<br /> Ar�a 4 i�f�.t!M
<br /> >;y a.
<br /> Lot ll�fa�er ZltM+en 11 havi �ed w be rmarned to:
<br /> � )s A6 a lei�-loot frantage oP Sixty Feet
<br /> (60') ritwtod an the F�st side of the I3ast portion of Kuestcr's
<br /> Lake, aad vhich lake and these premises are situated on a part oi'
<br /> � the East Half of' the Southwest Quarter (E2SWy) of Section Thirteen — ,
<br /> NAM�
<br /> (13), Townahip Eleven (il) North, Range Nine (9), West of' the 6th
<br /> � P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska. ��,
<br /> �
<br /> � sl7d all right, title and interest in and to a ler�shold estate in H� ,� �r
<br /> � tlie abov+� described propurty under t:�e tern�s o�' an in3enture of
<br /> lease bet�reen the First National Bank, ex�cutors of the estate 4
<br /> . , ..o.w: �,
<br /> ot Rudol h Bi. Kuester esceased and Ituth f3uechlc�r, �v•ar�i9•,r, �,f �
<br /> Frances O_ Kuester, an incompeten an Ti.ir�.� iy .,. C.��nnEr �r,
<br /> � Cosmie L. Cox�ster, dated epteaiber 6, 1 , an recor e on the ;r�T� :„�„� - aw
<br /> records ot Hall Count and assig�ied o irst Federal Savin�;s
<br /> and Loatt Association o Lincoln, Linco7.n, e raF a, Fil�`}1 A���.+n_
<br /> ment being d'sted Se tember , 197 , a recor ed ou the records
<br /> � oY Hall County. �cle a - on e aYore mentioner9 leci;se wil_l �
<br /> constitute a deYault of this mortg�€*.e, '�"" �°• ,^E� •���
<br />�
<br />