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� � <br /> ��_uosis3 <br /> lIORTGAGE <br /> MORTC,AGE LOAN NO.L 22$54 <br /> ' KNOW ALL lIEN BV 7HESE tRESENTS:T1w� Jerpne E. Determan and Kaye A. Determan. each i n hi s and <br /> her orm riqht and as spouse of each other <br /> Mort�or,whethor one or more,in contideration of tlx wm of <br /> Twenty Five Thousand Five Hundred and No/100�------------------------�-------�--��ppLLARS <br /> Iwmd to wid mortqyw by The Equitsbk Buildi�uid Lwn Association of Grand Island,Nebraska,Murtgygpe,upon 255 sharos of stock of <br /> did ASSOCIATION,Certifipu No.L ZZQr$4 ,du hereby grant, comey rnd murtgage unw the said ASSOClATION the following <br /> dstcribed real estau,titusted in Hall Ccwnty, Nebnska: <br /> LOT SIXTY THREE (63) LE HEIGHTS FOURTH <br /> SUBDIVISION, HALL COUNTY. NEBRASKA. <br /> � tqt[ker with ull the tenert�nts, hereditamen[s und appurtenxnces thereunW belonging, including attached Fluur Wverines,aU window screens, <br /> window ehades,biindc,cwrm windows,ywnings,heating,air cunditioning,and plumb�ng ynd water equipment and�u:ceecories thereto,pumpe,savea, <br /> rcfri�enwre,xnd uther fixtures and equiprtxnt now or hereaf'ter atqched tu or used in cunnncliun with srid real estate. � <br /> And wherers the cficl mortgagor Fu�c rgreed and doea hereby agret thyt the mortgagur shall and wiU pay all taxes and aues�mentc kvied oc <br /> aqewed u�wn eud premicex ynd upon this murtry�{e and[he bund�ecured [hereby 6eforc the same sh�J!become deGnquent:[o fwmth approved <br /> imurance upuo the buiWings un said premius situa[ed in the sum of S 25 SOO.�Q payabie to uid ASSOCIATION and to deliver to faid <br /> ASSOCIATION the pulu;ies for soid insurance;and nut tu commit or permi�any waste on or about�id premixs; <br /> . In wx of delault in the performance uf any uf the terme and conditions of this murtgsge or the bund xcured hereby,the rtwrt�a�ee thrU, <br /> on demand,be rntit{ed tu immediate poefeww+uf the mortgaged premises and the murtgrgur hereby yctigns, transfers and sets over to [!fe <br /> wan�s�ee aU the rentc,revenues and income to be derived from the ewngrged promises during such time ac ehe mortgage indebtedross ehal!remain <br /> unpaid:and the mortgnOoe shall have the power to appoint any agent or apents it may desire fUI[}lE pWE%/iE UF fCPflflfl�EYId PfCRfMC6 NA nntio� <br /> the wer and cullect�g the rontc,revenues and income,and it mry pay ou[ of said incume alt ezpenees of repairing crid premi�es and necewuy <br /> cummiosione md ezpeneae incurred in ren[in�and managing the erme xnd o(couecting rentals therefrom; che balance rertuinln�,if any,to be <br /> app1�ed tvward�F+e discharge of srid mortgage indeb[ednesc;theee rights uf the mon�agee may be ezerciaed at any time during the eziaunee of wch <br /> detaul�,urecpecuve uf any temporuy w�uver o(tfie saine. <br /> Theee Preaents,however,are upun the Cund�tiun,That if the said Murtgagur shali repay suid loxn on or before the rtuturity of sud shares by <br /> pryrt�enr,pry mcmthly w said ASSOCIATION of the sum speci8ed in the Bund xecured hereby as interest and principrl on said loan,un or before <br /> tht Twrniieth day of each and every�nth,until srid lorn is fully peid;pry a11 taxes and assessmen�c Ievied ygainst said premices utd cm this IKort��e <br /> and[he Sond�ecwed thereby,beforc detinyuenc:y;furnich appruved insuranse upon the buIIdings theroon in the sum uf S 25�$�.� p�yabk , <br /> to�id ASSOCIATION:repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand all muney by it prid fur such trxes,assesements rnd insunmx with interert at <br /> dfe maxitnum Iegal nte thereon from date of payment all of which Mortgagor hereby agrees tu pay;ptrmlt no waste on said premises:kttp and comply <br /> �vith all the a�eementc and conditions oP the Buad for S 25�5�.�Qhis day given by cht suid Murtgagur to srid ASSOClAT10N,and comply <br /> �rith all tfie requuerronls of the Cunctitutiun and By• of said ASSOCIATION;then theae presente rnrii become null and vo�Q,othe�wire they <br /> df�l1 remain in full fora und mry be 1'omcloaed at the uption uf the said ASSOCtAT1UN afur fyilure tbr throe months w malce xny of�au! <br /> prymen[s or be three�twnthc in arrtars in malciwg said monthly pryments,or w keep and comply with the agreements and cunditions of t�id Bond: <br /> and Mort�or�rces tu have a receiver xppointed forthwith in sw:h fureclosure proe,roedings. <br /> 1([laere is�ny c.�han�e in owarslfip of'the real estate rtwrt�ed herein, by sale ur utherwue,then [he entue rema�nin� indebtedne�hereby <br /> �. recwed the option of Tlu Fquitabk Building and Loan Acwciatiun of'Grand Irlwd.Nebravca.bacome immedia[ely due u�d p�yabk withoot <br /> feather�uuioe.and che ynwuet romain�due under eaid bund,and any other bo�for sny additsonal adwne;es made thercunder.ohall.from the <br /> date of exercae of srd o n,berr interen at the maacimum kpl rate,rnd thic mwtgage mry then be foroclooed to�atisfy the unount due on taid <br /> bond,and wy other bon for sddidaul advanoe:,w�ether witfi all sume paid by srid The Equitable Building and l.�an Arocution of Gnnd Idand, <br /> r4brrlu fw inw�raeoe,taza a�+d�uescments,and abaracting eztension chxrges, with intercrt [l�areon, from date of payment at the mazimum <br /> leyt nte. <br /> Acpr u�ided in tlm Sond�er.ured hereby,whik thic mort�e remrinc ln ePfa t the rtwrt�y�ee mry hereafter advrnu additional eumt to the <br /> �rlcsrs of�id Bond,tl�a'v awpu ur sucexawrs in interen,wfiich sume shal!be within the security uf tlus nart�a�e the same as the fund�ori�im!!y <br /> �scured theroby,the toql�mouwt of priwcipd debt not�o exoeed at any time tht wiginal amuunt of this mott�e. <br /> O�ed[h» 25�1. �� �CtO�Y A.D..19 7] <br /> .s �.� <br /> E. �! M7�d11 <br /> Kiye . a!L!T'ri�1 <br /> srsre���,�r. oa a�. 25th. a�r or October i9 77 .�r«��e, '"R, <br /> tl�e�a Nocuy Pubiic in and for nid Connty,porwndiy aar <br /> Jer�o�e E. OeZer*tn e A. tflterwan. each in his an� her ew� right and as spouse of <br /> � tiC�1 O�1l1" a�, l G q,.�,/,. who a� panowaUy�wve to <br /> �!!0 6�f!r iM�4ica1 •`'; i�1�aAr. n,,, a1Y alMlxed to tYe sbo+e ifarumsnt u monppr 5 �c�d thQy �oveolly <br /> aal�erY}�Yr f���t b M wlrrry aet a�d��ed. /^ � <br /> �.� <br /> �}Ilf.�►R.MM�1q{yY !!�iMs�fow�rl. �t_.�i�%1%/��/ i�"'�.�"�'!'�G-�"/ � <br /> ~� �(��� J �S`� .. ��: <br /> s.a.rrr -•....... ".:� <br /> \os,ur rublic <br /> 'f..J�. Yrt.'��g,r,s <br /> � �11.,,»..-.:�n,-� � <br /> fi <br />�. <br />