_. - � _ �
<br /> � MORTGAGE
<br /> 77� �.l O s l�s SECOND
<br /> ThiBIndenture.Madebyandbrtween E�1.IN C. SI77l��R AN.D JANIC� K, SIT7L�R, Husband and...Y1.i.f.e..
<br /> �—�'—��—�—�--�—������---�—��—'�—�••'�'���—��'�—'��— r neo mo rein lter erred,to rtor
<br /> �`� � �le ras�Ca. ereina�`ter�
<br /> referred to as Bank
<br /> � 'lLeitoefQr�orforandin<wndderationof(S ��aQQQ..QQ.-_) � -'-'_—�-"-_'�-_-'__-''- �'��� __ _''��� 1
<br /> _ _ _ _ _ . _....
<br /> TYENTY THOUSANQ AND NO/100-------------------------------------------
<br /> _. _.__._..__. ._ _ ._._. __ _ _ _. _ __ _ __
<br /> _ _._ ____ _.__DOL[.Axs.aaid br�e h.nk.
<br /> the ►eceipt �rheeeof ir hereby acicnowledQed, hae gran4ed, bargained, sold and conveyed, at�d by fhe preren4, does Qc�nt,
<br /> bac�sin,rell and convey,unto raid bank,the following deecribed renl property eituated in the County uf __ Ha��
<br /> __._ _.........
<br /> and 8tate of Nebraaka.to-wit:
<br /> Lots Nine (9) and Ten (10) of Block Nineteen (19), Morrill Addition to the
<br /> City of Grand Island. Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> WQether with e❑ the tenuments, hrrediea�nents and apT>w•tenances eu t:hr same belonginK, and all the eatate, title, ciaims aed
<br /> drmande whatsoever of the mortgaqor of, in or tu said premises ur any pxrt, therrof; and said mortga�or dces hereby cov-
<br /> anant,that the mortqYgor ia luwfully seized �.�f said premises,thac said premisee are frer Prom incumbronce and mortQaQor .
<br /> will warrant and defrnd the title Lo said premisrs egainKt the i•laimv and demanda ot ull persona whomeoevet.
<br /> p$OVIDED ALWAYS, and these preaents are upun Lhe+;e eonditions:
<br /> E E S, t e mo or as e e• te nd elivere t t e Bank. d C81"td1ll
<br /> date��c�to�er �4. �1, t�or ���.�0�.0� at �0� �nterest, with quarterly insta�men��o�°�
<br /> principal pius accrued interest, which note is scheduled to mature on September 15, 1980.
<br /> A detailed schedule of payments is noted on the reverse of this �rtgage.
<br /> �ad lfas aRreed to maintain fire, windsWrm and extended ��uvei�age insurancr on said premiaes in umuunta required and in
<br /> epeipsnie� approved by the brnk and with standard mortun�;c rlauses which policirs shall he delivr.red to the bank, tnd hae
<br /> iteeed tq pay all taxee and as9essmrnts Irvied against aaiu prrmisec before th� same brcume delinquent and to maintain wid
<br /> pramiieo.
<br /> Now, therefore, if the mortqagor ahxll cumply with all uf the provi:�iuns of said notr and the proviaiona hereof, then
<br /> thece preaentr shall be null and void.
<br /> However, if the above note and interext there•un or nny F»ymrnta called for thereon are not p�id when due or if apy
<br /> o!the covenanta of thid inetrument are not eumplied wi�h, thr bank, or the holdor hereof, at ita option may declare the re-
<br /> msinin; halance of said indebtedness due und paYable and muy muintain xn n��tion at law ur in equity to recover all amounts
<br /> due and enforce the provisiuna hereuf. In the evrnt uf the failure of murtKBK��r �o �naintain che premiaes, ur to maintain
<br /> ipsura�e as io alwve provided for, or to pxy taxes ��r u.sesamrnts,the hulder hereuf may advance the eum or aums necewry
<br /> W olftain compli�nce and �uch amuunts ehall br added tu the un�ounc due on the above mentioned note and besr interesL at
<br /> the hiQhest IeQal nte.
<br /> IT IS FURTHER AGR.F.ED, thia murtKHKe ahall const,itute eiotice ht•reof, that this mortgage ia seeurity for not only
<br /> tbe amount advanced concurrenUy with the execution hereof but all 1'uture ad��aneva which may be made at the option of the
<br /> parties or their assiRns up A�the total emuunt stttted in thia mort�;age, Cn the samr rxtent os advaaces oriQinally made here-
<br /> ppde�. Further notice is hereby given that thr tenor of ench MortQa�;e Note inrluding thr interent rate, payment, mrturity,
<br /> penalties, and other terms shall concurrently upon execution M��•��ine a part of this moKqage.
<br /> IT IS FURTHER AGREED, that the said Mur4ga�;or xhall and will pny xll taxcs levied upon this mortgaQe or the debt
<br /> �scueed tlfeaeby, together with any other txxes or assresmenta which n��ny be levied undcr the I.xwa of Nebrnska, aQainst Lhe
<br /> �sid 1[ort�aree or the legal hulder of the �aid principul nutr(s)on uccnar'�t nP this indebtedness.
<br /> IT IS FURTHER AGREED, if at any timr, uhile the mi��rtgaKe is ir, effect and the note for which this mortgaRe i�
<br /> �[ven as security, ur any pyrti tiirreul, remuins unpa�d, the undrrsiknrd Nurtxutinrs >ell, runvey or contract tu eell the re�l
<br /> q4te herein deoeribed, or Yny part thereof, ur thr MortK++Kurs do not have ur rease tr: huve tiUr Co said rP�l eatate or any
<br /> part thereof, then and in any such r.vents, the MortKaK�'e may,as its option,decl�rr thr onpaid principal 6alance, ¢nd interest,
<br /> o!We note secured hereby immediytr.ly due and pnyable. ln the rvent. that thrse pre�r�isrs nre not now, or ahould here�iter, not
<br /> 6e oceupied by mortRagor then this instrument=hnP cunstitute an assiy;nment uf rentats anA service of a copy thereof upon the
<br /> oecLLpant shall be Qufficient to require all paymrn[ for renta! or uar ot t.he premisrs after dYte uf auch 6rrvice to made to
<br /> sortptee.
<br /> st�.a cni..... 14th.... . ..aaY or__ _ October ___. , ia �� " -
<br /> __ _ _ .
<br /> In pmeence oP Edwtn C. 5ittfier �;'�'`—�"" � '"""' �""" '" ""a
<br /> ............ ..... _ ._. __. _. _ 3anfCe 1t: Sittler
<br /> � . �
<br /> � v�
<br /> .................. .. . _..._.. _ __ _ _ � _._ L.
<br /> _. _ _ . _ ..._
<br /> __.__ .
<br /> b
<br /> ST' TE OF.........�����.�.......___._ _ , Count}• uf ��.�..__ _ _:
<br /> s.+t�� �, a�wtrry Nu�n, yuniifi.+d ,.,� ,a�,; � ,.,,�s. N<,,,.�,auY �:sn,t Edwin C. Sittler b Janice K. Sittler
<br /> hr•ideoticel person or prrsons u•ho �i�nedthr foregnin�iaatrument and arknowl��dqed the Nxerution there-
<br /> Ivntary act and deed.
<br /> � A�� ial eeal on. . . . . OCtObeP �4 ..... .. . . . 19.._�7
<br /> tsc frrrs.-�r.'�i'' ... ..
<br /> . �Ir eeati9�sim expii'e�tT... ...���."�.. ..__ . 19.'� � ��.__... ... .. .. .. . Nutary Public.
<br /> �. . v�..
<br /> E'('ATE OD' ......... . .... ... ... _._ __... _ � Entered on numerical �nuex and filed foz reeord �� � ��
<br /> f u. ",:
<br /> � Co�uty ................. .. .... _.... . . _... in the Reqiater of Deeds Otfice of xaid County the +
<br /> . ds7 ot , lo �r i'�.1„rk xn.d minoso� M . . .
<br /> ro,:
<br /> •ad mwtd� in Buuk.........__._._...__ ___..._�t _____ _. _ .L uaKr _ _ _ ,s, �
<br /> .. ........._.__. . .__..___...._. . . .. . .. ... ..Ree. of Deed� . �: ....
<br /> Hy...... .. _.._..__._..._. .. .._ ... . . .. . . .Deputy
<br /> � �
<br />