<br /> � �
<br /> 77_ OGu.170
<br /> MpRTGAGE
<br /> � A/ORTGAGE LOAN NO.L 22,853
<br /> nvow,ua,�te�vevt�sEe�s�[�rrs:rn,� Roger J. Essink and Nancy L. Essink. each in his and
<br /> her awn ri�t and as spouse of each other AND Eugene M. Essink and Sharon K. Essink,
<br /> each in his and her own right and as spouse of each other.
<br /> INort�asor,whether one or more,in conaidentbn of the sum of
<br /> Tirsntv Tl+rtiaw Thn�xwnA IYIQ }�indred ane� �,p/1j�Q___'_'_"'_"_"__r-"_____'__'_'_��DOLLARS
<br /> louped to uid mort�yor by The Equitabk Buildin�awd Lwn Aosociation of Gnnd taland,Nebntica,Mortg�ee,upon 232 chues of stoek of
<br /> xid A.ZSOCiA770N, Certificrte No. L 22�853 ,do hereby gunt, convey and rtwrtgage unto the said ASSOC(ATION the following
<br /> defuibod real ettate, situated in Na{I County.Nebraslu�:
<br /> (12.8) FEET OF LOT SEVfN (7) IN BLOCK FOURTEEN (14)
<br /> to�ether with a11 the tenementc,heredi�unents and appurtenances thereunw belonging,including attathed floor coverings,all window acreens,
<br /> window shades,blinde,etorm windows,awnings,htating,au wnditioning,and plumbin�and water aqwpment and uceesories thercto,pumpt,stoves,
<br /> refrycruors,and other fizturec and eyuipment nuw ur hereafter atuched to or used in cunnectiun with said real estata
<br /> Apd wheraac tht eud mort�or hac sgrced and does hereby rgree that the murtgrgor shall and will pay all taxes and awesuneets kvied or
<br /> arecred upon crid premifrs and upon [his mortgage and the bond secured thueby before tlu ume shall become delinquent;to furwh approved
<br /> iowraneeupon tl�t buiWingt on caid premites utuated in the sum of S 23 QQQ,QQ payabte [u crid ASS(x1ATlON and to deliwr to caid
<br /> .. ASSOCIATIO�1 the puticiet for ttid inwranue;and rtot tu commit ur permilany waete on or about nid premises;
<br /> !n cYce u(defauh in the performrnce of rny of tht cerms rnd wnditions of this mortgage or the bond secured hereby,the rtwrt�ae dull,
<br /> on damaod,be entrtkd w imrt�ed'ute pocoession of the mortgrged premises and the murtgagor hereby assy{ns, vandere and mtc over to the
<br /> awrt�a�ee ali the renta,rcvenues and inaome to be denved from[he�rwrt�aged premises dwie�cuch time as the mortgs�e indabtedrou ahaU roenrin
<br /> uapaid;and the nwrtwee shaU have the pcwver tu uppoint any a�ent or x�ents it may desire for the purpoae of repavin�uid prcmitas u�d rentin�
<br /> the�n+e a�a�lbctins the rentt,revenues and income,and it rtuy pay out of �aid income atl expentes of repairins stid premises rnd necea�ry
<br /> eommioiunc and ezpee�incuned in renting and mana�in�the same and of colkcting rentalc t6erefrom: the balance remainins,if�ny,to be
<br /> �iied towud tl�e diec4ur e of said mort indebtedne9c:there r ts of the murt n
<br /> � grge �h gagx rtwy be eYerciaed at any time during the exiuena of such
<br /> &&ult,irrc�pective of any temponry waiver of the same.
<br /> Theoe Presents,twwever,ue upon the Conditiun,Tha�if the said Mongagor cha11 repay said loan on or before the mrturity of qid�ares by
<br /> prymertt;pry mon[fily to caid ASSOCIATtON of the cum specified in the Bond aecured hereby xe interest and principal on said loan,on or baforo
<br /> the Tvowtieth day of euh uut every month,until nid loan ic fuUy paid;p�y all azes and aceesements kvied rgainet said premi�es and on this Mort�rge
<br /> aad the Sond tecurod[hereby,bcfore delinquency;furnish approvad incunnce upon the buildings thereun in tt.e wm uC S 2$�2�.� paYabk
<br /> a nid ASSOCIATION:repay to arid ASSOCIATtON upun demaad all money by it paid for wch eaxec,aosecsmen[s and incurance witfi interest ot
<br /> tfie s�ximum Mµl rue thereon from date of paymeet all of which Mortgag�r hereby aerees to pay;permit no waste on wd premiset:kup andcomply
<br /> witfi all che�reemacne and co�ditionc uf the Bond for S �M�M this day �{iven by the said Mort�o r w caid ASSOCIAl'ION,and comply '
<br /> � w�ith al!N�t roquiremepit of the ConUitution and By-l.a��flll@'A�CIATION;then theae preunts dull 6atome null and void,otherwi�c they
<br /> iuY rcanin in fu11 force and may be furcclomd at tfie option of the said ASSOCtATtpN after failure fur three monthc [o mdce xny of wid
<br /> p�yn�u ur 6e three monchc in arreus in malcini caid munthly p�yments,or tu Ic«p and wmply with tha agreerteents end cortditions of said Bon3:
<br /> aed 6tort�ur agrees to hrve a rettiver uppointed forthw�th u�w�:h fureci�cure pruceedings.
<br /> lf therc u ruy ctunOe in oY+cership of the reyl estace murt�a`ed heran,by cale or othertiue,thea the entire remainin� ipdebtedneu tureby
<br /> feo�wd�Yail.u the opaion of The Equityble Bu7Wi�utd Loan Asaciatioa of Crand ldand.Nebndca,beoo�ee immediately due and payabb without
<br /> furtlrr nottioe,md the amount remainin�due under uid bond,and any other bond fw any addi[ional ad+Rnoes made thorounder,ohaU,from the
<br /> drte of eeeacire af uid beu intereu at the mrximwa b�a!rau,and this mwtta�e mry then ba foreclo�ed to satitfy the aeaount due on aid
<br /> o�wn orec o e
<br /> bo�d.aed wy otfier bowd fa additwnal advanoe;.tc�ether with d1 wme paid by said Tl�e Equitabk Buildin�md Loaa Auuuation of Gcu�d I�4nd.
<br /> Nelrrlca for inwranoe.taz�s and arnu++ente.and aburacei�ezten�on duqes, with intsrest theroon, from date of p�ymen[ at tlse maximum
<br /> ��.
<br /> As a�t�e So�d�sa�tred horeby�+vhile this mort�ate rem�in:in effac[ the mortp/ee m�y heredter advuace rdditional swns to the
<br /> �rkas iri4 iond,tlrrir a��ur wcauon in mterea,wfiich rumt st�alt be within the oecurity of this mortyye the s�me as the funds ori�inally
<br /> a�ar�d tlfe total amoun!of principd debt�wt W eroeed at any time the ori�inal amount of[his rtwrt;a�e.
<br /> j t�ree � 24th a.yor October y -�, �.n., iv 77 ,
<br /> � ' ` `'� `:�`
<br /> " ',i ,�c
<br /> s ' , c,
<br /> . ssiw _._
<br /> sz��fw�R�auw.�s. o.�w. 2�th d.y� •Ottober i9 77 ,eetore me. .. �
<br /> M� a. Ess1ME awa NMq► l.. Essrht. ead+ rn I�is ane`�°ie'r"�°i�'�tq�°�"�in"�`��ous'�°��#c�"�5�;°'Mlo
<br /> r�
<br /> � �11� ���K. EsslMc. tadt in his md her arn right � a� v�r���o
<br /> .r�s�.e.+�wtla�l.e.e.s .M�e.....w S allix�e�e tl,e ssow inRna�.� s .na the .eva.uy ,�","'"
<br /> �dtwsd�ri Mr rid inh��t w M �1l�1' �i�rtaey aot asd Md. . ' .
<br /> �11'1�B�y!rM aN N�f�W S�rl tlr iM aferarit. % � ' �- ,
<br /> Mv�w��n � �
<br /> - �..�
<br /> �r►i1y=ttat'�A��Mfdi
<br /> ata�� .lOY b!.BEAZtSY ' �
<br /> � 1!Y Camm.Exp.SaDL 1,ilRi `
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