<br />���.. . . . . .� ..
<br />�� " � . ... � . . . . . .. � . , �
<br />� � . ��� . � . � ' .
<br />� U(�61�U FxY��Tn� �z..� �� o�TG�.��:
<br /> �7- ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS Lcz„,�c _ 1._2'_.>_`.._
<br /> YNOW ALL N,EN�Y TNESE PRESEPJTS:Thai Cec i l L. Raw7 i n�s and Pamel a 7. Rav�l i nas, husband ar�d tri i�
<br /> (i)A���pafle�ca�led th�t�ortgagcrsj in consicierali n of thF��� c
<br /> Tti�renty-Four Tnousand Seven Hundred Fi fty� and na�7._.�--- ---------__ Uol;ars(5 24 �/�0.!):� -;
<br /> loanea(o Mortgagors; do hereby granf, bargain, self and conuey Unio COt1�M'eRGIAL FEDERAL �AVfNGS AND l.OAN ASSO�IA�iON o9 Orr ;z,
<br /> �'ebraska, (hereinafier ca1leG "Cemrrierc�al'), sfs successers and assigr.;, tfie fo:lowing desaibtid reai es,ate, situated :n the Co�ir.} �?,
<br /> � �4a7 7 State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> Lot one (7 ) in 31ocl; tt��o (2), in Sothinan's Subd�vision to the Cit,y
<br /> af'Grand Island, Hall County, tdebrasl:a.
<br /> TO HA4'E /�PiD 70 HOLU TNE SAP;if, v,ith ihe appurter,znces tiit.;eunio b;iongirg, unto Commeicia!, its s�cr.es,pr;and asslg^s,fur;v-;
<br /> SaiG Pv1�xlgagors h?,et;y �c�venanl wiih saitl Gommeiaa!, its succes>c,rs and assigi;, that Ahorigagor;a e I�wfi�i�y scized o •a�d �e,:i�e �;t
<br /> they 2re f�ee trom �nc�rrbrances, and tna� they will fo�eve� tvanan( ard dFde�id th�e title io s�itl preinise�<,g2�nst tne tan�lul claims of all peis�r:s
<br /> whon;soever.
<br /> Provr�ed, aev�irthe ess, i�tiEse presents 2re upon,he follo�,•ing conaitions:
<br /> Tha( v;heceas the said Morlgagors as mc^�oe:s oi Comm¢rcial have tms t1af� execuieG a note evidena ig such ican antl;grceinL to r� 2iv
<br /> sum oi mcrey, with interest; in payncnls as set forth in said noie anC hai�e�greed fo atide b� lhe terms c(sa�tl note and Ch2rf �and F3y-L.a s at
<br /> C�mrrercial.
<br /> That vrl�ereas this mortgage shall secure any a�ditional ztivances, wi(h inieres+ which may, at ihe option of Commeicial,be made bv G;�� � �
<br /> metcial le�he ur,der;igned h1ortgagors or L'7eir;ucce.,sar;in title to�any purposr.a any t�r�e b=1ore the release and cancella!icn d lhis mortgz�p.
<br /> bui PROViDEO. H01';[VFR.;1 no lim ;hall the �gie€aie prir�cipal ainouni securea uy this moitga�e,ueinp the amount tlue ai any timc on s2io
<br /> oriLinal note and any aa�i±onai advan.es n r:;ie, exceetl an amount equa! l0 1l0 �e rcnt of 1ne amounf o(the original�ule, but in na event shzll
<br /> � said note exceed the•naximn� amuunl�err�ittetl bv law.and PROVIDED �04�EV�h �rat nofn,ng harein conta�ncd shall be consitleied�s lu�ring � � �
<br /> the amouni Ih�i snall be SecureC hereby when ad✓anced iu prot2cl t�� ;ecuri(y oi in ;�ccorcance w�th c�ovenanls cnntafned in the mor?�e.�e �
<br /> Ncr.s�, i( the staid h4urtgagars shali na; or cause te he paiC (ie sa�G su••�s of rnney w�ier due,as sei forth �n^,ai�note,arid any other note fo: � �
<br /> � �dditionai�advances ma�e untii said debf is tulty paid w.ifh inter �t, 11�iei� tizse��esents shali be voi�: oth�rn-ise,to be and temain in iull lorce and �
<br /> � cftect;but if ticfauli sho�,id he nade: � �� �
<br /> t�) In ariy o(the payments due on said nofe, and any ofhai nofe inr additional aavancr;s made,as tie�e�n agreetl tc be;naae for thrae months.or � �
<br /> � �� � (b) In IEeepin� tf�e improvernenis on said o+rinises insured agairist loss by �eas�n of flrE, liyhtning, and o(her f�iazzids includetl in ezfen�etl � � �
<br /> covera�e insiu�,nce in an amo��nt not less ihan fhe unpald balance of saiu mo�9gage (oan, ir a company o�cor;panies ar,ceptable fo C:;�r�� � �
<br /> f ; �riercial, )he o�igfnal of sucn policy or policies to be he ci by Ccmmerciai: �nd Kilh a mcriga�e clause aUached to said policy or rolicies.
<br /> in favor ut Comme�cial;or
<br /> � (c) Ei�ihe payment cf iaxe<_an�assessmenls IevieG,.pon said premises, oi on ?tris rn,ortgage, be(o�e m�iey are delin;uent;or � � � �
<br /> � � (tl! I( there is any chan�e In ine ownership of ihe renl �51aiF�n�ort�a;Ec he�e�n, by sale,:i',her eutrighf or by land cqntr�ct,m by ass�gnr��eni ot �
<br /> any inieres! tfie�eon or othervrise;
<br /> � �� then, In any ot' ihe abuve sei-(or�fr even(s the wPi�le i��debtetln�ss i�ereby sc�cuiea shall, at the op'tion oi Commercia!,irnmedia(elv becom�dur and �
<br /> � payabie withoui fu�tner notice,anC th�timount 6ue under said note antl any o(her note fo� 3�diiionat advance;matle shail, from the da�e o!the exercise
<br /> ot saitl option,bear interesl at the maximum legal rate pei<innum, and ihis r.io�t�age n�ay tiien b�i,;�eclosed to sahsfy(he aniounf due on said note.znd
<br /> any other note for atlditional advances, togetner with all sums paid oy Corunercial for inswance, tzxes,assessnie,^,ts and absiiact extension charges,
<br /> with inierest thereon(rorn the dale o(payment at fiie maximuin I�gal rate.
<br /> PROVIDED ihai in r.o event, eiiher before o� a(le� defauit, shall l'ne ir,Eres? due uraer sa�a no?e anA th:s ^iort�age and any olher rcle for 2tl-
<br /> diUonal advances made exceed the maximum lav,-iul inteiest rate.
<br /> PR�JVIDED,turlher, tha(in tl�e event tnai defauL' ocar, in the ,�ai,inE oi th= p tinicnls due c saiC ncte. nnd or d��y cther nofe fo;atldihonal
<br /> r, advances, as inerein agreed to be rnaoe, e� i i keeping !he rrei i.rs in,ured, as 2bcve p�ovieed or i;^e`a���,y:°r,a;;e!n ihe,r,ayn�eni o!ine fcxes
<br /> or assessmenis Ievletl upon ine piernises above descrlbetl or upon this mor,gage, t�efore (hey are by law tielinGuent, Cor�,:nernal shall be enti:i.� �
<br /> to ;he immetliate possession of the piemises abcve�desaibeA, fo�e(he� v,�ifh all senis, proceeds and issues 2rising out of the p�emises.an�.^zv �
<br /> � in Its discretion use the rents so fa� as it deems necessary for thc purpose of r,;ak�rg i�pairs upo!� the premises and ler ihe paymeni of insu,2n[e
<br /> premiums,laxes antl rsse,sme�ts upon such p emises, 3 id to�neces a�y c� �enses incui� a i� �it! g saic+pre��ises and cellec(ing ren!thereiro-� z^,C
<br /> � (o apply same un said nnia and any noles :v�ciencing u+u�e idvar rs r ,��,.,�c �uni�l �h� ��ee_�e�nc:,s�c��ed is ful�y paid;antl im such pur�os�s
<br /> ,he undersigneC �focs hereby sell,assigr„ set over ar�tl t,�ns��r u�t. C���.n�,erc�el all o` �aic renls ,��ree^sa��C ��iromes includinga;�y land coi��ract
<br /> � payments tlue mortgage owners ar any oiher inconies of any i,pe v:natsoe»e; from cz�� p;��pei;y (e be app+ied r,n ?ne nnies airove-�r.scribed; bui szid
<br /> kCommereialshall i�i no ease be Ifable iot the'ail,.re 9n procc�e fenan s �n �eUcc' ien(5 e� tc p•osn�,�ta achcns t��>cove!possessicn o(sai6 p�erisrs.
<br /> The t�,1ortgagors(urihcr appoinl Cor�r�ercial f Jr;a`a h�cL•asnc �mir aY��noy ir t���, �,y,np su-io a;,mncy i,�a� e: ii�c��ocably,eithei on its orrn
<br /> ��� �� name or h4orteagor5'names (o take all nececsar� ,"ens f,;• n�oce��r',r�;s in cnur, cr ufher�,sa. tn ca.,se tiaic,i^�n:es in te vacale�.f��oltect��:�.�-
<br /> 'd or other incomes due,and when vacant, lo relei;he sanc, +�m3b:e ai rc �r rc� .r; n , � tax s ,; .,i said•�sn1s, rcfiis cnn(r� t y•�E i,s c�
<br /> i incomes and fo dc�al(such (t�ings either by ifs o���n of�i �is ei 5y �ihu�c�f.�.�, �uly�uth, �,_co„nA G,,oin,�'d by ;, es.Is agen!foi said F�rposc�otl
<br /> e � to chzige or pay a reaso��able fee lor such sc�vices. s,tl �t the zbo��e �o hµ�1on�zt s>a�h i�=��es anc in<.,�� ��nnn ;n4;,n su,:7(eu��3,,i t;ieii sai�
<br /> attom2y may seem best,vnth tull power of subslitufion.
<br /> Tne R7o�iga�or;hereby agree thai ii Commercial eifher vol�ntanly or inrol,;niaiily beco^�es cr is rradE ;,F;�,v to an� wit ur p, ccec n�rc��1 e�
<br /> � lo the hereinbeio�e described reai estate, or to ihis inorigage oi said note ur notes,other inan e fo�ecl c�re �nsl�tuied by Co r-e��ia� '�"u I�r cis�ti�ili �
<br /> reimburse Commercial for ali reasonable costs incurretl bv Commeicial in saitl sJi(or F�roceedin� Thc Mc��l�a�;o � f��riher zk ee l7.af i+fh_he�_,nC���e
<br /> a`� � described real estate or any part thereoi be contlemned untler the r.�ower of eminent donain, or is otheiw�ise ecqci;etl fo=a public��se, i�ne da���-=s
<br /> � awartled, the proceeds ior the taking,anG for the consitle�at�cr 10� suc`acq���sitiun to the exle�t or iie iuli arn w � IrF r m �n�c� � ir+
<br /> ness secu�ed by ihis marigaee. be.and they iiereby are,assigrred to Ce�n�nernai and snai! t�e paiC tc;fti.sith ie C e�ciz �c „ ,,;,,,;i�i u����� ,
<br /> the last m2huing insfall�^ents�i such ind�brcdness � � '"
<br /> ' oaredL,�s--�a�---dayor-----��..�oh�r.---, �e71 - ` L ��� �'"'
<br /> ;�,-
<br /> IN TI{ ES JCE OF: _ �e=---� � ��f ��� i .. �
<br /> � -- - - � _.
<br /> ___. --
<br /> ' ��,��f ��:`�__�-z_--% -�`�ci l L '�?a�•�l in�s �,�
<br /> ;
<br /> � , �
<br /> �..) _ _
<br /> i )
<br /> — _�__• - --- ------ ____ _` -_,
<br /> � -
<br /> -
<br /> �� .
<br /> ,_� _��_�—_--_, `___`s_�..�. l _ `
<br /> - ; . ,.---, ;
<br /> . -- ---- ---- _ ..----- ____ `--Pane1 a T. Ra�:�l i nos - _ _ _ _.._ `� �
<br /> STATE OFNEBRASKA � ` � '
<br /> COUNTY OF Buffa7o ss _ _ _ ____. _._ __ _._.__-_ *�
<br /> . (�n lhic .. ._24th.. ___.. (1Ct(}hPY :� ].�. ,x�,C � . � �;;,;.,,y NcLll: ..,,; u�i d Gauu�y.F:,�svuciivi ce��e '7`�: . .
<br /> ___ day of �
<br /> _ ___. . �. �
<br /> the above named �°
<br /> Cecil L. P.a�o7ings and Pame7a T_ Rawlinas, husband and t•�ife
<br /> to me weii known to be the idpntical peison r,� ner�nne wn�sF�nar,P i�r, n=,,.r ?,. �' n� .�-�. , ,
<br /> or she, severall acknawled e the �r�,en+a,n fh� � + ° ` �� `"�� � ` ��
<br /> y g e-� .��unn t� �� +e fhe r v�rn ary ac n tle:c. �
<br /> ' HAROLD C RIChTEk ,— �--�
<br /> y
<br /> YlITNESS rny hanG and t9otarial Se ��� >� anC vea?�Ei��H?4tr�-NNir?BA. ��� L /' - ----
<br /> "o STATE GF 19EBRASKA l` lr 'i -�`_'�l� �__���`- � '',
<br /> . M Canmission fxp_ Sept 29, 1979 ' - �
<br /> � ,.: �.. �
<br />, r, .,.,;�-„ . �.�.,res nn r�,P ;.�_;�:..i ��;v�i � s �r ,:: �o - � � , --
<br />���� 1"1_... �
<br />