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�.=„,; <br /> �.'- <br />-,'�' � � <br /> � �. <br /> y <br /> �� MOFiTGAGE—Sa�rings and�IcI� Farm-{Dirrct Cradit Plmo).255-2 fSfwo.ul) � . . <br /> � „ _ � MORT���� <br /> 77 U�6�57 <br /> , �,' . .. . _ . . � � � � .. . Inan No �.� � ._ . .. <br /> 24tfi __�Y _ October �9_,yp�d betweea <br /> 2'FiIS INDEItTfJAE, made e�'. oL ?7 <br /> V Ii2GI L L. KRUSE ANU �EEiORQ��K.R(JSE, hushand an� w i fe, each i n hi s and 'ner own ri a��t ar�c} 3s <br /> � spouse of tha otiier <br /> #� Ha I I ___ _ , _,� � <br /> o! .—._ ._._..._Countp, Nebroaka,�morfgayox�_.'f' �d Homo Fedeml Savinga cwd L�an Aavxivtion of Graad Islav,3, 2S2 <br /> a.corpoxaticn oryanized and eriating the lawa ol Nebxa�ka with its pziacipal pilica and Ploco ol busine�xs at Crvnd Lslvnd Nebrasktx, �� j � . � <br /> m moAqagee:. . . � � � � . . . .. <br /> � . .WITNESSETl�: That said'murtuagcc�5.� for o.nd in �'deration ol the aum of____'_,.. __ � .. . <br /> _—._—� <br /> # 7H I F�TY TN`JUSA�!u F i�HT HUNQI2EU ANU PJOi I ad----------------------------- 30,SGQ.L'u <br /> ----------------^ ._-- ------- ---- .. __—nou�a sa-------�. <br /> �' � tLe zeceipl of�which is hereb? ocimowl.edyed, do...__-. yy tL.ese prcnents mortqage aad warrant unto � �� � � � <br /> �..eid mortgagee, ita au.crasnora +saad � <br /> esoate. _Hd 1 I � � � <br /> assiqns. foreveY. all th� tolloming �3eacribed ieal siivated in tLe munty ot.___._.�______.�_._'__��_.._ _..�_'_ . <br /> avd State nl Nebxaaka.. too-wiC � � � <br /> }� <br /> � LpT FOU� (4? IN BLOCK EiGHTEEN ( !Fi) OF WALL!CH'S ADUITIOi� TO THE <br /> � CII�Y OF GRANU IS�AND, HA�L '�OUNTY, �JEBRASKA <br /> �� <br /> . S� � . . � � � . <br /> �$ <br /> i �� � � � � � �. <br /> � <br /> � <br /> P �� � <br /> � � <br /> � � <br /> j3 � Together with all heat.ang, lighting, ¢nd pli,mbinq e•quipmant �d f:xrw�es. iaduding atolers and bumers, screens, awninqa, atorm windows � <br /> �C ¢nd doors, and window shades or blinds. used on or in co�necL•on wi�h smd property, whether tha same aze nom located on a¢id properiy . <br /> 5t or hereatter placed thereoa. <br /> S � <br /> TO HhVE AND TO HOLI3 T7� SAME. toyeiher with al1 and ainyular the tenemeais,heredit¢ments and a}:puzten¢nces ILereunto bclong- � , . <br /> ing, or in anywise aypcxtaining. forevei,and w¢rxant the fiile to ihe same. Said mortyagor_S.._ hereby covena¢t_ vcith said mortgagee <br /> � � ibQ� t�,e.�___ a re.__ � �he delivery hereo:,the la..vtuS owner._S of the premixs above conveyed �d described,aad_ a rQ �� � � � <br /> t seized o1 a qood and inde(easible eytale o1 inhenfance ther¢in, free and dear of all encumbraacea,and th¢t _t�e�_. will w¢nant �d �SS$. <br /> > delcad thc title theieto forever oga�inst the daims and demonds of c I!persons whom ver. � <br /> � - 4 PRUVIDED ALWAYS, nnd th�s instru.ment is ezeculed and del�vic ed to sxur the pa�yment of the <br /> ? sum oi___ — . .. <br /> � i TH I RTY THUUSAND E I GHT HJI�DRcD HND h0/I 00 --- - - -------- 30 800.00 <br /> = � . r _,..__._ '____._._. _ _.._ _ _ .. ._.. . _.__ . __._... __' .___.__�011d29 �u._ � � . . <br /> C w>fh inlerest tLcieon, looc-tLer wit6 such�chorgcs and d .tts as may b a e d �y<abie fo sQid mo tgogee under the terms ¢ad . . <br /> F <br /> . j conditions o! tbe promissory note o( e n date berewith and secused herebp,ezeculed by amd mortgagor S,.to said mortgagee,pvyable � <br /> ��� �, � j os exp�essed�n sa�d note,nnd to �cu�eVihe performance of all the terms and coaditious con�¢ined thezein. The terma of said nme me � � <br /> ' � he�eby incor7wz¢ted her¢in by thiu reference. . � <br /> : i <br /> p S It ia the inlention¢nd oqreemenl 01 the purties hrreb thai this mortgage sball also secure any f•ture adv¢nces made to said F <br /> S <br /> y �� morlgagor 5. by amd mortyo9�. and any ond all indrb�.-•dnrca in addili�n tn ihw mnnunl ohove sl f.d whic`� sc`d :a�rtgcq�r�, c: :.ay S � � - <br /> ai tnem. moy awe to x¢id moztga9ee, however ewdenced whether by no1e. book acwunt or olherwise 2has mongrsge shall remcin�n ful7 <br /> force and etfecl betweea (he porties Lereto and the�r heirs, pervenal rep�exnl�tives. succeEsora and c�gns, uat�l all amounts aecured <br /> he�eunder,indudivg futwe adv¢ncea, aie �aid in full w�th intetesL � <br /> The mortgagor 5 Lereby assiga__ to eaid morigogee all rentn and income arisinq at any and oll tises from said propertp md <br /> p� � hereby authorize eaid motlgogee or its agenL at iLs optioa. upon de4ault,lo io3ce ch�ge of aaid properry mid collect oll reats nnd income � � <br /> � S therefrom and apply the same to the payment o! intereat,prinnpal. �asura�nce premiuma, tczea, assessmeals. repmra or impiovements neces- � <br /> ' $ nary to keep saidr property in tenantable rnndilion, or to other cbnrgeu or paymenfa provided for herein or in tLe nofe hereby seaared This 1 �� � <br /> � reat ossiqnment sLoll cvntinue iu lorce uatil the unpaid bnlance of amd nole is Sully paid Tho toking of possessicn hereuader ahnll in ao <br /> jmenner preven2 o retard said mongagee in the collechon ot eaid sums by fozedoau:e or otherwise. <br /> T <br /> �2 :he Icxiiu�e of the moctyoyre to anneit caay o! ita riyhtss hex r crt uny time ahnll aot kae cwsuued o mvei ol itn right !o casert . <br /> . the sam'�a5'��-7 te?��"and to insiat upoa cad enforw stricl compliance with a21 the terms ond provis.onsWot said note and o1 this � <br /> . j mortgag�:_' � �,c ::� . �,i .. � . . <br /> t � S . J <br /> � I! i'��gc�t,,,,�ehall_CpunG_,tp,_�.e paid lo s�rid morfgagse l2ie ene:eamount due it hereunder,aad under the term and provisiosss <br /> � of e¢id nole hereby earcured}uture advnnces,and any eztensione or x wala tLereof in accord¢nce with the terma ¢nd proviaiona � . �. <br /> theseol,end il eaid mnrtgogor��ahall complp with ¢II the provisonn ot ersid nole and o1 this mortqoge, then Lheea preanala aball be void; <br /> ers „ , . . <br /> �� S . otherwise to remmn in full force �d elfeci. �d amd nortgagee nhali be eatitled to the pocuemioa ol ali ol mid propeny, ¢nd may, at ite "'�=� . <br /> - oplion, dec3me the whole o} emd note and all indnbiednesi zepreeeated thereby to be immediately due und payable,and may foreclose tLin " -, ��rGn, <br /> . (( mortgage or take vny other lega] actioa to p�otxt ita rigLL �d 4rom the date of such defmilt a❑ items of indebtedneea eecured Lerebp <br /> � a�all�vw inlereat af XJ% per�c�um. Rpprmnnmeat waived � �, f <br /> Thia morlqaqe � be binding upoa aad ahell enure to lhe kwnefi[ o! the Leu�, executor�, adminiatraton, aucceeson �d usaiqns p} A^"� <br /> � fhe respective pa:tiae her�fa �, e•- � <br /> N WI�1?I�SS V.T:;E_qEOF. s�id Maztgcgor`'—ha"�' Lex�eunto :et-_ '�f��� r }nnr�__�e duy uu3 yaur fi�ei abuve �� <br /> ��,}t�n. c / �,,�' <br /> �/L�'' � l-�7,u a� ---- -���,� _ , <br /> b i r�. nrure L�- 'Y�C. 2. �/L/L..['_? <br /> S � ��uui a;; nruse i <br /> - � <br /> a <br />� ��� �� � <br />