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�� <br /> �:` � � <br />-,-`�' <br />,-� , <br /> � � ---���=�:�k��--�-4—=---= ----- - __— ---- — ��-__ <br /> � � ---— -- , <br /> ��� �� 52—REAL ESTATE TwSORTG�AG£--(Wity Tax Clause) Tuo x��t��>n aenr,rn� 8npyly xoa.«, 7.,n,.•,:n, r�tr. ,.f � <br /> . . _ . . . . . ....... ! <br /> I <br /> KNUW �4LL l�EN B}' THESE PRESLNTS: That Roger 3. Essink, Eu&enc M. F.ssfak, d KennelCh �. <br /> rEssiak <br /> of EIall CosenSl�, ¢nd S:ate of Nebraska , in conrideraYion of thc surn of <br /> ; Twerity Z'hous�nd and r,a/1�J0--------------------•—�-----------�.-----I)OLLfS.RS <br /> in Fa�id�nid, do l.ereb,}�.SEL.2, and CONT/EY arr:to give Paints B�nk • <br /> 6f Hall Co�<nt3�, St�.te af Nebreska the follozcrixg des�ribe,'! �ren�ises situatrd <br /> fn Ha21 Coa�>aty, and Slate of Nebraska , to_uz�; <br /> Part of the NFi}, S 21, T L1N, R 9 4T of the 6th P.M.� in Ha12 Eounty, Nebraska. <br /> More particui.arly descrii�ed as followsc A -�ract of lanu-� c�mprising a <br /> A3rt ot the nort}:west quarter (rlta�,) of scction twenty_o�e (22) , Townsl?i�r � <br /> eleven (1i) Noi-Lh, Range nine (9) west of the 6th P.�:, in Hall County, <br /> Nebraska, m.or.e part.icular7�y described as follows: Beginning at the <br /> so�.zt'riwest eornzr of the southeast q�a�rter o£ the Northwest Quarter <br /> (SEa�^7HTa) (As laid o�it i�y county surveyor Bladwin in 1890 and sin�e <br /> � use� as such) ; T'hence running easterly a3ong and upori tYae South Lin� <br /> , o£ sazd norti�west quar�ter (N�7i4) . A distance of two hundr.ed twenty—five <br /> � and seventeen hundredths (225.17) f�et to the intersecti.on with the <br /> norther?y line �f L-he C.B. & S2,R.R_ Belt L_ne; �hence nor�heasterly along d <br /> �nd iipon said northerTy lin� of tl-�e C.B. & Q.R.R. Belt line, � c�istane� <br /> of �e�ur I,undred eighty eight and forty—seven hundr.edths (488_47) feet; <br /> thence �outh�aster'y perpend�cular to the l�st describec course, a <br /> dis.tance af to:enty five (25.0) fee�; thence nr�rtY,easterly along �nd <br /> upon said north�r;Ly line of the C.B. & Q.R.R. Belt Li1ze, a distar�c� of <br /> one hundred ninety four (19�.Q1) feet; thence deflecting left 89°34� and <br /> running northwesterly a distance o£ three hundred fi.fty three and seven� <br /> tenths (353.7) feet -ko a point three hundred (300,0) �eet soutn of <br /> the Sautherly line os" Anna stre�t in the City of Gr�nd Ssland, Pler>raska; <br /> ther_ce running southwesterZy parallel to oeven and thirteen hundredths <br /> (457.13} �2et; thence deflecting left (90 00� and running southeasterly <br /> a distance of twenty five (25�0) feet; thence running southwesterly <br /> parallel to said south line of Anna Street, a distance o= three hundred <br /> sixteen and sixty four 1-iundredths (316.64) feet, to the West Line of said <br /> southeast quarter of the northwest quarter {ggnA7Y7�a) ; thence southerly <br /> along and upon the west line o£ said southeast quarter of the northwest <br /> ; quarter (SE%:iW%) a distance of 'I�o hundred twenty six & thirty two <br /> ; hundredths �226.32) feet to the p1 e .of iae �ni�c� and cor�t����� �, n <br /> The intention being to ronvey hereby en obsolutc titte anafee sx�nfite, mx��dsng a he rzgnts of o n ��'��• mG'es� <br /> FTO Hr1!/E AND TO HOLD the premises ebove described, zczUi all tTie a,hfit�rteotaxces thereunto belanying, or <br /> unto the said n:ortgogee(s) and to his, her or their l:.eirs and assigns forev�er, pravidcd alwa_ys, and thesc pscsents are le S. <br /> = upon the express coridztivn that if the said �norlyagor(s), lais I:er or their heirs, exec:dors, ad»tinistrators or assig�s <br /> sha11 pay or ca:uc io 6c ¢aid to the said s�rorlgagec(s), his, iier or their heirs, ezendors, ad7ninistrators or asszyns, the <br /> principal sum of $ 20�000.0� payablc cs �ollou�s, to uat; April 14� 1978. <br /> ' �utith intesest according to the tenor and effect of Ine rnorlgagors :Eaitien �+romissory nate bearing even da:e udth these � <br /> Qresexts axd shal!pay all tazes and asscssmcnts Ic:,ded upon said ren! estatr., and a11 othcr ta,xes, levies and arscss�rnevsts <br /> lezned xpon tixis �racrtguyc or the note u•J:ich il:is onortgage is given to .iecure, 8ejose the sa�ne beco�nes delinquenY, and <br /> keep the buildings o� aaad prem=ses snsured for the sum of $ loss, if anS�, payable to ihe said <br /> mostgagee, thex th¢se;prescxts !o be void, other.visc to be and rerna:n i�full force, <br /> IT IS FURTHER AGREED (r) That if the said �aortgagor shall fai! fo pay such tas-cs or psocure such in- <br /> su�¢nce, the said rriorlgagee nury f�ay such tases and procure .nacl: insurance; end the su�» so adv¢nced, :vith int�^rest �'"�`i � �*r,` ` <br /> at �es cent, shal/ be repaid by said raortgagur, and ihis innrtyaye rhall stand as security fos the same. tv"`_•. <br /> (z) That a failure so yay any of snid money, either ¢rincipa! os interest, u�hen the sa»se becomes due, o�a�niture to � �' `,' <br /> comply with ¢ny of the foregoing agseements, shall cause the whole sum of saoney herein secured to become due arsd ` <br /> collectible at oxce at ihe option oj the mo�tgagee. �,�, <br /> `�ti -, <br /> Signed rhis Zat}1 day of �` 7 -� �-- »,�; <br /> - ^to��r > >9 7•"� <br /> i� <br /> Ix przsenre of _. �!���` �i r-...!-' <br /> ,, y.-._: ..... �---- <br /> ----------�-----------.................... ._---�------.._--�--.._...._..--� --...... ,- <br /> �_. <br /> --�- -� - � - <br /> , <br /> �--�----.:�.�._.r-�����.:_.^_....._..-�--�------------ <br /> - -- _ �-. <br /> ---�----------��--�--�-�--- --...... . � , ��' �_ �,,,_ <br /> ---_.........................__._.......-----� �� I � <br /> --. .._......c.�.�..,�:_--i���-=-�-=- - . <br /> .._:..�----�--�. ................ <br /> — i <br /> — - l; <br />`���- rt�. � <br />