� ,
<br />�T�` � �
<br /> _.._..
<br /> ; � r - � ; (! � " � 8 w
<br /> � T}�a� the Marf.gagor wiJl 7�y ihe indebf.edness a� hcreinh��rfnre prnvidrd. � � � � .� � �
<br /> � � � . . � � That the Mo�rtgagor is tt.� ciwner ot s�id prop�rly in fee simp1e anc3 hati �,ocx3 right :�nd lawh� i auf }��riiy to se❑ and
<br /> � eonvcy the same and that the sam�- is frrv and clear o£ any lien or enc•.umhrencc; and that Mortga�nr will w;srranl. and defenr3 lhe �
<br /> � . title to said �. premises a �ainst the clairns of all petsons � w}��myurvcr. � � . � �
<br /> � � � �Tn pay immedaa(eiy wben �Suo� snd ��ayeble all qenxral taxes, .sry�crial. tnxes, vpeciai asx<ssmenLS, water charges, sewer serv� � ��' �
<br /> � ic<• ehargrrs. and other taxes ar.d cherges iy;ainst. said prciriert}� , and all faxes levi�•r3 un thc� de6l secured hcreby, anci to furnish the
<br /> T'foPtgagee, uK�n reyues[, w�iRh � t.Tic originhl� or� duplicalv rrceipt.s thrre•f�>r. � Tliu� ;�7ortgagor agree+s thal therEr shall F�t• edded � to � �
<br /> . earh �mon.Lhly paytnent. re�quircd her«-under or imc3er the evide� nce• of dct�t sercure@ h.rrebt� an amc,enl eslimate:d hy the TQorlE,ager � � �
<br /> � . to br sufficient tn enable the hQ � r3�agcE� tr� pay , as thcry t�f�corns• doc. , al1 t �..zes, sssessrnent5, anr,' sirnilar charges . upon thi�• pr��m � � �
<br /> it;es subjc,rt therc:to; any deficieney� hr.ause of tbe insu �cienc}� of cuch ndtfiYiorial naymi•nLc shall 6e � frirthv.�ith deposi �cd h��� t.}�F. �
<br /> h4'orlgagor w-ith � th<,� Atc:tga�er u��un demand I�v the \�aurlgagee. An•: de•i.a �..�ll �anr��rr ihi � para �; rnph shall bF� dr�em.ed -a JeL:� ul ; in �
<br /> � . . (�ag�rrient of 2axes, as.�.;essnrenic, nr ,�.irnilar chargcs rayuirad hrrc• undcr . � � � . . ,
<br /> ��� � "i'he� Mortgagor u �rears ti�at. . therr s}7�]I also bi• a�<1ed tc, r,ach monthiy payrx�ent of principa! and in 'eres4. ri�, uire�i i �ere-.. � � . � .
<br /> - under an :aan�>unt etitunate.d b�.; t.hc> ldortgagre lo bc suAicient. to cnahCe t.he A1nrt�;a�rr• tu p,fy . �s it. bc�cor,ivs duv , th��: insur.ance � . .
<br /> premium or: any insurance poli['y rlrl: vered to the h� ortg�gee. AnY deficiency l�ecausc of ihe insu�<�ienoy o! such add� tior:al pay - � � � �
<br /> � . menLs shait be Corihw•i} h dennsited by the: \4orf.gagur with � the Morf.ga�ee u {wn demarid by tho �fcrrtga�ee . Anu default under ihis � � �
<br /> . paragraph shall tie drrmed a default u; fhe p:oymeni. of inr:urance premiums . l ( t}��e pulic}� or pnL:•ies deposite��d are� cuch :n he.:mr- . . . . .
<br /> � nwtaers or alJ Tis�l: polic ��s, ant! (}'ei• �Irg>osiLs arr insu�cien [ tn pav thr entire> premiurY� . Yhe MortgeF'�F• �'nay aFrply t}�� �Ji�;�o�-7+ 10 � . .
<br /> . ��ay premiums on risks rc-yaired to bce insurcd by this morYgage. � . � . .
<br /> Ya��mcnLs ma;ie by the ;�lnrtgagor under the al�ov� �� ara �; :��aaph ; may at t }ie op4ion nt ib�� Morigagec•, be� held ' hy ii :�nd � � �
<br /> ec�mmingled �� (Lh other such funds or its own funci; for the piym �•nt of such items, and until sa aFiplied , such payment.� arr h -rrebv � �
<br /> � � pledged as security lor the unpaid balance nti * 'x- mor� tgagr in3ehtkdness. . � . � .. . � '� �,
<br /> � � To procurc, det �ver Lo , ani'i rnafntairi for the tr�,�ciczfit of thr ?.7nrx�epe. e dur; xig� t}��� li (r of thfs mort � age uriqirva7 qrrflieivs �nd � � � . . .
<br /> ^ renewals the�res>I, deti��ere�d ert lr:�st ten da��s he(orf� the expi ;ati<,r; of any such pulicies. insuring :� gainst. firc and crther insu :aMe � � �
<br /> haxards, cssualties, and continge�nrrs as lhe T4ortgakee ma�• rrquire, in are .�raount rqual t.0 ihe i�debtrdness secured by this � � �
<br /> . hQortgage. 2nd in cnmpanicc acccpt:; ;-,le- io the, D4urtgagee. .. ith foss payable clai.is�• in favur of and in form a�ceF>tablr to thc Mori.ga. � � � . . .
<br /> . gee . In th� event any y<,licy is n� : renewrd un ur br.fr.�re ten days ot itc r. z;: i :at.ian , th�• �1ortg�qae may i>rocure ins�� rancc- �in thc � � �
<br /> improvemr. n:s, p�ay t}��. prc•mium i }�.r-ref�or, anc9 suct�; sum shal ; b -re:>me irnrnediatcly due and payable with ir. teresL at t. he rai:e se.t � � �
<br /> forth� in sai3 note imtil paid :end r::; i ! bo >:.�c�urrd b�,� ihis rnurigagc. �ailure an the }�art. of the ��lortgagor to fiirnish such re�neu�alt " � � �
<br /> � as are h�rein requievd ur failure. lc� ,,� y :� r � �.urn� ad.�ancrd hereunde• r shall . at 4hF• o}��tion of the Mar...gagee. cuneiiYuta a dr- fault �
<br /> un�ier Yhe terms of lhts rn ;,rt6;i �.c. : ir d�.livery uf such pr�l ii��rw�. �!�all . in : he ervent c7f defavlt, eunstitute �n zesignmenf. o( the ttn � � � �
<br /> - eamcvi premiurn. , . � � � � �
<br /> : Atiy sums receicFd b}� tF: � �Sony, agee hc rvason of loes ur r". ,rnn�e inaurc:ci ��;�iinst may be relaines3 bY the !�9urtgagee . � � .
<br /> anri a�pliec3 t.e�ward Lhr payment ._ ,i th�• del:�t tiereb�• �er�� r�•d. ur. at the option of t }�e ;�1ortgageir, such sums either w- holly w �n � . .
<br /> part. may be paid over to the h?o ..=s� �.; or to F.e- used to re ��xir .cuch t�.uildingc ar to Fuild ' ncw buiiding4 in .heir �.larr or Fnr anv . . � � . .
<br /> � � ot'}ner purpo+�e or objec�C sat.isfaator:- ta � tEiu !�Qurl � agro- �vit. t�nu � s9Hr�cting thr 37em on kh�- m<�rtgmge (or thrr Yull :� musmt .rcured here � �
<br /> � by be(ure s�ch nayment rvor f <,ok r:;ure. � � � � . .
<br /> To pru�nptly repa � r, restc^r or rcl��uild eny huilr3ingv � r improvumentti now ��r hrreafter on the prrmises w�hich may he- � �
<br /> come d-amaged or destroy�rd ; to ker;, said prr�mises in grw,d condition and repair and Ree Rom any mec}�anids lien ur other lien or �
<br /> daim of iien not exprecs)y sut�rdi:.� ted tc. the- lie�n hcreof: not lo sufTrv ur pevmit am� unla�+�fu1 use o( or any nuisancce io exist on �
<br /> fsaid proF�e�rty nor tu permit u�a,�te c.n sa�d pra• mises, nor t <:� do ariy othc•r ac! wherr�by tt��e pruperty }�� r -rby conveyed shall Ixrcome
<br /> less valusble,� nor to diminis}� �� r � mr --.ir its value by an�� :�et or umission to act ; tu comply with all reyuiremenis uf law with rrs �eN
<br /> to the mortgaged premises �nd the use thrrenf. � �
<br /> i� _.., .. .. � � � .
<br /> � Thaf . 5hou1J the premiseti ,. r am pnrt thereuf be taken or dnme4ed by reasun o( any ���ublic imnrovement or condemnation
<br /> i� pcoceeding, or u.nder thr right of e . inent domain, ur in any other manner, the Tiortgagee shall be entitied to alI compensations, � �
<br /> r awards, and any other payment or reliet f.h�-refur, and shall he entitled, at. its option , t.o commencc. appear in and prmercutc in iL5 �
<br /> own nxme an}• actiun or prucred� rE., or tn make any comprornic� or sett.lomenl. in coruieckion w�ith such taking ur damage. AII such
<br /> � com�ensat.ion, a�.�ards, damages , right o( action and pr�,cexl; are hircl.�y assiKned !o the Morlga�;t�e, vcho rtia �•, aft.er deduc[ ing � �
<br /> therefrom ell its expenses, release e-r,y muneys so rrerived h� i ( ur ;.ipph the sarne cm any indE�hiedness secur<��d hereby. The �1ort- �
<br /> � gagor ngre.es to execute suCh further assignments of an }� crumprn �ation , aa�ards, darnaRes, and rights of action and procaeds as the
<br /> � b4artgagee may require. .
<br /> ;� That in case of failure tq perf�.>rm anp of the ro��Ensnts herein. thr Murtga{;rv may do on the Mnrt�;akor's behalf evervthing �
<br /> �, so cvvenanted ; that the Muritiagee may also r)o an,y ac[ it mey dee�m n��c<ssary to prate•ct the lien thereof: that thr Mortgngor ..�i11
<br /> rcpay upon cicmand any m<ineys paid or disbursed by 2he !�9urlgagre for any o( the ahu��e purpucex. and �urh �naneys � oKetFier x�ilh �
<br /> � intcrest therr-on at the ratr providvd in � id note sha❑ bvcnmt� so muct; ad� � t. iunal indebt.e�dness hereby secured and rnev be in�
<br /> c7udrd in any decree foreclosing this murtgage and be paid out of the renes or proc��eds uf sale of $AI(I premises if nut utherv.�ise
<br /> paid _ that it shall not be obligatory upon thc Mort.�;agee tv inquire into the validity of any lien, enrumbrancrs, ur claim in ad�
<br /> vanc� ng moneys as xbove authorized, but nothing herein contained shall tx construed as rcY7uiring the Morfgagee tu advanee any
<br /> moneys for any such yurpose nor tci do any ect hereundrr; and that Mortgngee shnll noL incur any persunal Iiability I.ecausc o( anv-
<br /> thing it may do or omi! to do hereunder. - �
<br /> � In � he event of the drfault hy Alurlgagor in the payrncnt ot <� ny instaIlment , as reyuired by ihe Notr sc-curt�d }� ,.reby, or
<br /> in :he yerformance of the vbligation in inis rnortTagEr ur in ihv note s.-cured Lhe: reby, the Dlortgagee shall be entiiled to d -rclare the
<br /> debT secured hereby due and payahle without notice, nnd ihr ?�7orteag�=o shall bc� ��ntitled � ; its op.wn, .. i (f�iouc ni,tice, e� ther by It,.ce) t
<br /> or by a receiver to tm appuintrd by the court thert�c�(, and vt�ithoiit regard to thc adryuacy o{ any cecurity for ihc� indebt�-dness se �
<br /> cured hereb}•, to rnter upon and take pos4rssion� of the nu�rtgaged premises, an!3 to collcct. and re:ceive the tenls. issues and profits �
<br /> theraof, ar�d apply the tinme, Jess rosLc ot urmration and cof )rction , u �n thr indeLt..-dnes�; cccurcd by this mort�;age ; said rents,
<br /> isrues end profits being hcreby assign�d to the Mortgagc•e as further cecurity (or the payment of all indebtednrss sr�curevl hereb}•. . .
<br /> . � The Morigagee shalt have the power to appoin [ any agent or agents it. may desire for the p� rposr. ot r<rpairing said prem_ �'"'*� C� � ' " �� :
<br /> ises; renting the sazne: coilecting the ren�s, revenues and income, and it may pay ou [ of said income all expFnses incurnd in rcnt- ` - � " M" "� '
<br /> ing and managing Lhe same and of cotlecting the rentals iheretrom. The balance remainin ,f �. ��.f""' �'
<br /> . g. it eny . shall be aF>plied to..•ard tne
<br /> discharge of the mortgage indebtedness. This assignment ic to terminate and becoma nul! and wid u �n relea� uf this mortFnRe. I �� : �
<br /> J
<br /> �
<br />�
<br />„ �
<br />