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� <br /> x =� <br />�.� � � <br />� <br />,� . _.,., � <br />� � � <br /> f �' � <br /> � . � <br />' ' ' not extc.uc� o� ticctpot:e t13e dut ciaie oi 'tLc � nontl : l� insc ;+ llnicrt > rrier : ec'1 to in psr:� grapL� l anc'. 2 hereof �r i <br /> change t ie amouni oi sucli insf.alLnc�7ts . ! <br /> 10. Iiorrower ?dot Fieleased. I'at.ension o ; tix� ( u�x. tor pa��n� en4 or r�7acli �ra;ion u ; :;�<; ��rti �aiion cd the suina � <br /> seeured by this \Qorlgage grant:e<I bi I_ender to ary successo� in intc:� cst of FSorsower sl�all noC opr.rste to release. , <br /> in any inar�ner, the liabiiri }• oi thc oM �g�nr�l F3oiro�rcr and }3�rro�+ cr', �ucr,ess�r= in interest. Lender shall nuL be � <br /> � re<�uired to cominence ��r�ceedings ga�r:st suc1� sr�cc.e.:ror or i•et :�se io �xtend tin�e i'c�r payment oi• ather�vise ino�3if�� <br /> an�orti2ation of i.he sums secw-cd by f.liis Uortgagc 1 �G reason c�f :in �� den� and niade b�� t:he originni Rorm�uer �n� � <br /> Borrower's successors in interest. <br /> 1 � . Forbearance by Lender No1 a Waivez. Any tnrbearance by Lender in exercisin�; an}• right or remedy i <br /> here��nder, or otherta•ise afiordc:d by appiica6le la��• , sh31 ! naL be 3 �rai.�er of or preclude tl�e e�ercise af any ri�ht <br /> �' or remedy hereundsr 'X'he a>rocurement of iniurance or tl�e pa��iur ni. of taxes or ather }aens or chair6es 6y I�ender <br /> �? shall noi lie a �+ ai��er of LendPr's right i.o acc�let•nte the �n3turit�� of t.lie indebiedness sec;ured b�• this �,g'ortgage. <br /> � ` 12. Remedies Cumulative. A13 rernec� ies pro�•ideci in this \7ortg�� ge ire distinct, nnd ciun�laiivc to ans o6her <br /> �r'' righi, ar remedy under thi; Uorcgs�e or afiordc�;i h}• !:��� or < qi; it�� . snr? nia�- i�� c. xcr<�ist�d concurrenih , inde��end - <br /> `-- ently or suece��i��ely. <br /> �--- 13. Successors and AGsigrx� Eounc�; Joint and Several Liability; Captions. 1'he corenant:s and agreemente <br /> � i�erein contairied shall bind , anc� ihc lig}; ts Lc� c i: nclec• �hiall ; r� iu•c to . thc � � } �� cii � � ,ucee«or� and n�ei�;ns of Lender <br /> � �nd I3orrower, sut�jeec io tD�e provi��a» ��t ��� r.sgr.� p�h 1 ; hcr�of. :111 au � �r„�ants .� a�;� ecr��c;nts of l�oi•rcae�ei• slistl � <br /> �1 �e � oint and �e��eral . The cr���tioais and 43cadang� 01 the para�ra � �l �4 of il� ic A � or � �.sge ar�z fa� convenier7ce on ]}� and � � � � � <br /> are not io be used t,o interprei, or define t.he pro��isic.n� liereoi . <br /> �� Iq. N�lice. A��}� notit�c to Bori�ower proridrr.l for in tl � i< ,llortt;agr slrsll b� �ivcn h�° n�ailin � stich nuC,ice b�- � � � � <br /> c+ertifi�d maai] a.�dd�e�ss�d t,c� Borr�rr�;r at tha I�rc��iertti� .9ddreti� � txted hel ��c , exeel,t fa an}' ❑oti �;e ri+qiyired under � <br /> J�ara,gr:ep�h ] 5 lrereof t.o be gi�•ei� t �� �3orrov:er in thc mnrmer prescri6et� � b�• ��,plicsi� lc lr��c - An}� ��� ot� cc }��ro�-ided � <br /> for in this \Iortgage sh3ll bcr deeii�ed to I �:� vc berei� �;���en co I3orro�� r•r �vl �en �;iven in the �nanner ar:si �;n�it,ed herein . <br /> 15. Uruform I�4ortgage; Governing Law; SNverability. 'I'lii= fm•m of n'�orig�ge cc�rnl!ine� unifor�n covenants <br /> for national use and non - uniform covenants �vith limited �•ariaiions Uy iur;stlict.ic�n to constit.ut.e n uniform scca- <br /> $; rity instrument ccverin� real propert`�. 7"his \ Iortgage shall be governed b}� itze law of t.hc jurisdict,ivn in whic'ti <br /> ihe :'roperi.y is located . In ihe e��cnt 'c }�at any pro„isio�i or claus4 ot thi; 17or: nage or t.he I�Toie cor.flicts with <br /> applicable la���, such conHici. s'riall nnt sffect ather provisions o; this \1ort�a�a or ihe �Tot�; }vhich can he given <br /> efi'ect n�iihout the conflin 'ting provision , •ancl to this end the � � rn ��isior.s of Lhe \lorigage and the Note are declared <br /> to be severable. <br /> 16. Barrower's Copy . i3orro�� crsii :�ll br. itnnislied :i c<�ntorrned �c�p}- of this �im•i.gage a6 ti� e tiine of execu - ' <br /> tion or after recor•dai.ion hereof. <br /> 17. Transfer of the Prupezty; Assumption. li ;jll or an � �ric°t. c�t t!;e Property or wn i:iterest therein is sold <br /> r or transferred by 33 �rrower �vithoiit l ender'� pr.o� ���ni,ten con�cn! eacluding ( 1l t};e eceution of a lien or encunr <br /> branee subordina9,e to thi���� AIor 'tgagr, ; ( l�� l tlrc creataor� of� ;i � � u � � h�s�c� �u, enc�; see� rat�}� int,�r�st foi• Lot�senold ap�,�li- � � � � � <br /> ances, ( c ) x iransfer I�p de. �•isc, c3escent. ai• I�}� cpe�ratitin of la�c t�pon ihc deat}i of a join6 tcnani. er ( d ) t:iie grant of <br /> � � an}� leas�ehold irierest o€ tlircae y�ars n� ] c_sr, not containing xn option 90 ��>ure)'� :�se,�der m.�Ly . :dt Lender's option , � � <br /> declare all the cum�s secnred b�� ih�s �7ort �aga io 1u- inimediatel�; due an � ! � :a��abit�� . I,ender �hall I�ati�c �vai��ed such � � � � � <br /> option 'to accelerate if, prior to t l�e sa '.r, or trarisfer, Lendcr and the � ierson t� �cl�vm tlm Fro}�erty is io be so ]d or <br /> � transferred reach agreen�ien[, in «-rit,ing tliat� t�he credit, oi sur„l � � ierson is ,satisiactor}� io Leuder and t}i�t the int.erest � <br /> E payable on the sums secured b�� this \tortgaKe shall i�e at sucli rate a• l.encier s17a31 request . Ii Lender has waived <br /> the opiion to acce] erate provided in this paragrapli 1 i snd if I3orro�ver � cuccessor in intei•est, has executed a «�rii- <br /> ten assuinpiion agreemeni aer,ept.ed in �criting by Lencier, Lender shall release Borro�cer irom all obligaiions under <br /> t�hie Mort�ga�c and ih� �Toie. <br /> � If Lender exercises sucd� option to accelerute ; Lender shall �nail Bm�rowcr of acne�leration in accordance � � � <br /> � �sitl� parsgraph 14 hereof. Such noi,icc =hal1 procidci a � 7eriod of not� `�ss ih2n 30 ciays from tLe date ihe notice is � � <br /> F inailed u-ithin which Borro�t�er ma�� pa�� tLe suu�c <]eclared due . Ii T3orrc��� er f;�i7 = to pay .uch sun��s prior to the � � <br /> expiration of ;uch �reriod , I,e�nder n�iay . ��•ithouf� Suriher notice ur r{ c, ,,y� . ;, �n Sorron�er, incokc any reinediee per- � � <br /> j� � mif.ted b� paragraph 18 hereof. � � <br /> �; � oz.-I? riFox�ri CovErnrs•�. Boi � ro��-cr � nd Lendcr fi� a•iJicr ru� en ,� nt� ,ind � ,.r �•ee ac fol3o �cs : <br /> I8. Acceleration: Remedies. E� cc^�it as � � ro�'iiic•� I iri � cuagr:: � � l � 77 iioreoi , u� �on ]iorr�3�3i� � 'ti breacli of :an�• <br /> covenant or agr�eement of Borro��� er in thi� llor, � ;i � c . in �� Iu� iinq thc ruae� nanl - to � � a} �rhen �� uc an �� .�unis �ecured <br /> by this J7ortgage , Lenrie !� prior to a< ccle :;ition sluill i � i : � il itotice tt� };o � ;r>��� cr ur � n�n��i�iu� i in � �ar.,�rri �� l � 19 hereoi <br /> speeifying. ( 1 ) the breac•h ; ( 21 tl�c �iceion re�otiiirod t <i eure �urh ! n�c:�cli ; 131 a ��iate . r��ot les� Uuin thiri �� dn��s <br /> , froni the dt�te thr notice i =_ n � ailed to 13orsu�,�� cr. I ��� �rhicl � <uc ; i I , rcacl � wust I,�c cin�ud ; anil 141 tlint isilure tc� cure <br /> ; such Ureacl7 on or i.�efore t ]ie dacc sE ,ecified in tLe noticc iu ::�� re�ul � in acrr� ? rr:irion oi tl � e suin= secured 1„' this - <br /> �4�artg�ge anu sale oi iiie Pr�rpert}'. If tlie brc�ach is not curr�i or, or l�efore the d •str sl�ecified in tlic notice. Lencier � <br /> at Lender's option ma�• deelare �Il of the =un � � recin�ec3 h�� thi � AIortgake to l ,e immeclia � el}� due and payable <br /> u� ithout further demand and ma}- fomelore this \1ort �age ! �y iudicial proceec3inK. Lr-ndcr sl�all be entitle�i to rollect � � <br /> s in such T�roceeding a11 expenses of foreclosm-c ; iuclu � ling , hu( i�ot lin � ited lo , costs of docun� entarv e���idence . <br /> abstracts and title nports. � <br /> 19. Bonower's Righi to Rein�state, Aots� itL;tinn �{ ia�F lcnder 's .� cc�� lr� r�ition af f }�ic surn� secured by this <br /> Mortgage , $orrorver s}iall }'ia�•e ihe right� 2o ha� e ai�il' �n�ocee�iinh: h�kun t��- Len�les� t.0 un ;orce this \,1orcg;ige dis- <br /> continued ai :�ny time ��rior io entry of a iudemc�nt <•nforcirip thi � \ 10 i �� :� c��• ii � i ;; i ]3orrm� e� r r �a}•= L�•ode � a11 <br /> sums n�hich wonld t'�e t.hen due under tl�i; Alort �age , the ?�ote :wd note� srcurir,}; Futurr Ad �•ances , if an�� , had no <br /> acceleration occurred ; ( b ) Borrok•er cures 311 t>reache: of am� othc:r co� enants or agreen�ents of }3orro«•er con - <br /> tained in thiE '�lortgage ; ( c ) Borrower pril�s all re�i�onal�lc r� � ��nse� inrurr��d h�� Lrndcr in �.�nfar��in� the cm�enani. <br /> and agreements of Borrower contained ,in this VortRa �e and iu enfcnrin � Len�Icr'= ren �ediF . xs � �mvided in nara- <br /> graph 1S hereof, including, bu4. not ]imited to reaisonalile attornr�� '= fee : anii id i 13onc� � cr takt•s suclr actaon ac -P„ � - , ; -; <br /> Lender may reasoi:ably require to :assure ihst ihe lien oi tl � is \ Iortgagc . Lcnder '� ir. ierest in the Pro2�ert,�• sr�d N .'.-r <br /> Borrower's obligation to pay the sums securcd b�� thi� \Iort.�age shall continue unimpsi7ed . L?��on nuch ��a�•inent : <br /> and cure by Borroa�er, this '�lortgage and the obligation� secured hereb�• ,hall reniain in fu11 iorce 3nd tficci as if � � � <br /> no acceleration had occurred. <br /> 20. Assigament of Rents; Appointment of Receiver; Lender in Possession. As addition ;il security here- <br /> under, Borro�-er t:ere�}- assisns ta Lcr,uer il�c re.c,ts ui ti ,u Proi,rri � . � , ru� i � i��� i i i �:� t iiurru�� cr ,i �aii . priur io acr. cler- <br /> at.ion underpsrsgrsph IS hereof or :� �' on;nent of tl� e Pr�� .eri}� ; I �u �� �� LLr riFl �� t tu cullrct nu�3 i � ixin such re:nts <br /> as they become due snd payable. _ _ <br /> Upon acceleration i,�ndrr parag�a;�1; 18 !�icreot m� :� handoniuent af th� Pro�sc i t � , i.rnua_i � n }7Er.on , b�• agent <br />� or by ludicialh� appointed receiver �hall h� en1iU���i in F•nt ��,• iqxm , irik� �,<,�•e>�, o : . of :m �+ ,nans �e thc Yroper't�� <br /> and to eollect t.he rents of the Propeny , includin� tho>e � �sst dui�. A11 renzs c•ollcc�l ��ij Irc Lender or il�e receiver <br /> shall be r�rplie�d first to pa�-ment of ii�e cost-s ot uiana�,cinenc oi ihe Propert�� anri co � )� vtion of rent�, ir:cludm�, hur � <br /> not ] imited to, receiver'� iees, premiume on mcci ��er's I �ond , and reasonable :ittornc � � fec� . xn�i t7 � en in ihc �inns <br /> secnred by this A+Tortgage. Lender and t.he re�e�rer shal ] Le liabl� to account onlv fo� th; os� rent � actualiy� recei��ed. <br />�� � ri_... � <br />