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��� � <br />�� . . � <br /> x �; , <br />�. .. - <br /> 7,7_ �►(��� 25 F��P�� �.��z.F Ma��rG� �E: <br /> � ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS L.a,n Nc�.__..__c133o'4-6 <br /> ----. ._.--.__. <br /> KNQWALLMENBY?NE5EPRESENTS:Thai Bill f. Verplank and i:athy P.. Verp'an�;, hu5band arid +nife <br /> (hereinaflcr cailed ihe Morigagors)in consideration ot ihe sum of <br /> ThSrty--Four Thousand Two Hundred and nnJ100----------------------- Doilarsis 34,20Q.nn___� <br /> � loaned to Mortgagors, do hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto COMMf.HC1AL FEDERAL SAVINGS AP1p IAAN ASSOCIATION o6(Imaha. <br /> Nebraska, (hereinafier called 'Gommercia!"), iis successors and assigns. the toliowing described ;eai es(ate; siYuated in the County of, <br /> Nd17 State of Nebraska,to�wit: <br /> �asterly Seventy-Seven Feet (E77') of Lots Ttyo Hundreci Thirty-Three (233) <br /> and Two Nundred ?'hirty-Four (234) in ldest LaHm, in tY�e City of. Grand Island, <br /> Hall County, Nebras�.a. <br /> TO HAVE AP�D TO H�LD THF. SAhRE, witfi the appurtznar,ces thereunto belonging, unto Commerc�al, iis successorsandzssi�ns, fcrever. <br /> Said Mmlgagas hereoy coven��n! w�th said Ccrrmercizl, its sutcessors and assigns, fhat Mortgagors are IawPully seized o� suid pre;nises,thal <br /> they are free from encumbrances, and ,hzf tney w�ll (orever �h•anant a.^.tl de(en�i the tille to sai�i premises againsl the Iawfut claims ef ali ueisons <br /> wnomsoever. <br /> ?rovided, new^.rfheless, these presents are 000n t6e in%Ima-in�cerd;f�cns: <br /> That whereas thi: said hlort�agors os members of Camriiercici have this date execu(ed a noic�eviden�ing such ioan ard agreeinp fn repay said <br /> sum oi money, with inte;est, in paymen:s as set !orth in said note antl have agreed lo abide by ihe lerms of sa�d not=_and Chartei antl By Laws ct <br /> C�mmerciaL <br /> Tnat whereas this mcrtsage shal! ser.ure any atlAitional a�ivances, HiL': interes(, which may, at the qption of Cornr�ercia!,oe made by Com <br /> me�cial io the unders�gned Mnrtgagors ur their successors in t�tle foi any purpose,a?any time Cefore the reiease antl car:cellaiion of this morigage, <br /> buf PROVIDED,H(7WEVE�, ai nc timc shaii the aggregate prccipal �mouni sewred by this martgage,being ihe amount due afany tsme on said <br /> original nole ard a y additional advances made,exceetl an a.reunt equal to 110 perr.erl of the amounl ot Phe original r�o(e,bui in re evenl shaii <br /> ' said nofe er�eEd tl�maximum amouni permifed Gy f�w, and PR�VICED,fiOWEVER,that nothing herein contained shall bc corsidered as limi(ing <br /> ; the amnunt lha! snaN be ser,uieG he�eby when advanced lo protec� the secwity ur iri accordar.ce�vith covenar.ts confained in lhe mertgage. <br /> New, ;( the sa�d Morlgagor� shall pay or causc- to be oaid tfie said sums of money e�hen due,as set(orth in saitl nr,ie,and any olher n�te for <br /> i zdd�fionai advarces maAe un:il saiC debt is tuliy pa;d with inleiesi, fhen tnese piesents shali he void;otherNise,�c be and.remain in fuil force and <br /> effect;6ut it tlefault shou!tl he made: <br /> ,a; In a,^,y of ihe pay�re�t� G�e on ;aid noie, and ar,v otnzi noie ior additional�idvances matle,a�therein agreed to be rt�ade foi three mon!hs,or <br /> (b) In keeping (he improvemenls on saiA prermses Insured agalnsi loss by !eason o� fire, lighlring, and other haza;ds include�in exfentled <br /> coverage insurance in ar. amcunt net less thar. the unpaid �alance o` sald mor�gage loan, in a c�mpany or companies acceptahle io Cum- <br /> mercial, the original o( such policy or policies to ba held hy Commercizl, a�d with a mortgage claus�:aitached to saitl noliey or policies, <br /> in favor ot Commercial;or <br /> (c) Ir,the payment of faMes and assessments levied uE��on said preinises,or on fhis niortgage, befoie they�r�de�linqi�ent;or � � <br /> � (d) If fhere is any charige in the o;vnersFii� of �he rea! esfate i?iorigaged hereir., by saie,either oefrlgn!ci b;� lar,d contra•�;, or tiy a;si�nmen',of <br /> � <br /> any in!erest thereon o�otnerwfse; <br /> then, in any ef the above set iortFi evenfs, ttie vuhu�e ir.aebfedness hereby secured ;hall, al the cptian of Comme;cial, immetliately become due 2nd <br /> payaGle without furthe�notice,and the amount due under said note and any other note lor additionai advances made shall, trom the ddte of the exercise <br /> of said option, bear interesi at;he maximum legal rate per annum,antl this mortgage may then be Poreclosed to satisfy fhe amouni due on saitl noie,and <br /> any other note for additional ativances, together with all sums paid by Commercial 1or insurance, taxes,assessmenls and abstract extension charges, <br /> with interest thereon fiom fhe date of payment ai tne maximum legal rate. <br /> PROVIDED lhai in no event, either before or atter default, shali the in(erest due under said note and this mortgage and any oiher note for ad- <br /> difionai ativances matle e�;ceetl the maximum lawful interest raie. <br /> PROVIDED, furthei,thal in the event that default occurs in the making of the payments due on said note,and on any other no�e foi addilional <br /> advances, as therein agreed to be made, or in keeping the premises insured, as a6ove proviGed,or if Cefawt be made in tiie payment oi the taxes <br /> or assessinents levied upon lhe premises above described or upon this inortg2ge, betore ihey are by law delinquent, Commerciat shall be eniitled <br /> to the immetliate possession o( the premises above describetl, together with all rents, proceeds and issues arising ou(of the premises,and may <br /> in its tliscretion use lhe rents so far as if deerns necessary ior th� purpose oi making'repairs upon the premises antl fpr tne payment o(insurance <br /> premiums,taxes and assessmenis upon such piemises,and lor necessary ezpenses incurred in renting said premises antl collecting ren�thereirom,antl <br /> te appty same on said note and any notes evidencing fu(ure ativances he�euntler unfil fhe indebtedness ser.uredis iully paid;antl iorsuch purposes, <br /> the undeisigned does hereby seli, assign, set over antl lransier unto Commercial all 01 said ren�s.proceeds and incoines inc�uaing any land conlraci <br /> payments due merlgage oKners or any olher incomes of any type whaisoever from said property to be applied on the notes above-cescribed; but said <br /> Cornmercial shali in no case be liabie fo�the fai lure io proare lcriants, to colleci rents,or to prosecute acfions(o iecover possession ol said premises. <br /> The Morigagors (urlher appoin! Commercial ol Omahe, Nebraska, iheir aftorney in fact, giving said attomey power ir�ev�cably, ei(hei on its own <br /> name or Mortgagors' names to take all necessary steps for proceedin�s in coiirt or oihenvise, io ca��se said premises to be vacatec, fe collec;ienlais <br /> or otFcr incomes due,and wnen vacant, to relei,he,ame, �o make ali teasonabie�epairs 2nd pay faxes oui of saitl rents,p;oirts,coniract paymenfs or <br /> incumes and to do all such things ei�her by its own officers ar by other parties duiy authcrized and appcinted by il,as ifs agent for saitl puipose,and <br /> to charge or pay a reasonable fee for such services, all of the above in be done at such times and in such mannei and on such lern;s 2s to fheir said <br /> aftomey may seem 6est,wi[h fuli power oi substiiution. <br /> The Morigagors hereby agree that it Commercial either vcluntarily o� involuntzrily becomes or is matle o party !o any surt or proceeding relafing <br /> to the hereinbetore described real estaie, or to this mortgage or said note or noles, other than a toreclosure inslifufed by Comrneicial. Mortgagors will <br /> reimburse Commercial for all reasonable costs incurred by Commerciai in said suii or proceeAing. The Morigagors further agree ihal ii fhe heieinbelore <br /> described real estate or any pait thereof be condemned under the powei oi emineni domain, o�is otherwise acquiretl for a public use,the damages <br /> awaided, the proceeds tor the laking, antl tor the consideration foi such acquisi(ion ta lhe extent ef ine full amount of fhe rem-aining uripaid ind�•nied- <br /> ness seared 6y this mortgage, be,and ihey hereby e�e,assigned to Commercial anc shall be pa�d torthwith f� Commercial to be applied on accet,nf o! <br /> the last mawring inslaifinenis oi such inAehtedness. <br /> , Datedtt�is____2_0_th..--___dayo(_._._.._OctOber 19 77 <br /> , __. <br /> IN TH PRESENCE OF: ______ ' F`;������ / �� <br /> . >�=G_:-_i._L.��._,�i:'i_t_v.1_'`�-----------.._ <br /> l /�! ����,« _�,�J Bi 11 �Verpl ank ,,/� <br /> ____ � ) . „�,! . <br /> �� , v� ��� ��,;- - „- r*,-,. <br /> y ��-P- -- � __�-�—___ _._._.___.__ �i' , <br /> f'ath R„Ver 7ank � � . <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA <br /> COUNTY OF Ha11 ss. � ; , <br /> On this_ _20th __.____Aav ol OCtOG2i^__._ , 19�� beforc;n�, a r;t2;v Gu ,�. � <br /> fhe abcve-named . , ` , �w"'�Vf�i�RE�1V`�C'L'dUTMA1V � <br /> Qill E. Verplank and I:athy R. V'erplank, husband an � GEhERAt NOTqRr <br /> to me well known l0 6e the itlenticai person or peisons whose name is m namas are a(fix?d fe ine zbrve .c �AiE OF �{BRq,�q <br /> o� she,severalty acknoH�ledge the said instrument and ihe execu(ion theraof, to he tnei�volunta�y act and �.�_���'°�'��'�'�`�4��1;T981�' <br /> WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal this day a�nyd ear last above written. ,� � � <br />: . _/_// T/` „ �/(/f�,'/,Jf �j!�f��/��y�,�/'�c.�—� <br />�� r.,. ..,�...�„�.... _.... ,�.� . . .... .... , _. / ary -.. ._--�-- --- <br /> _ 1. . , <br />� <br />����� ,�__.. � <br />