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<br /> The �UITABCE Life Assuranee 5ociefy of th'e United States �
<br /> � THIS MORTGAGE, dated as of th� .....12th Jul 77 ��
<br /> ......day of...:.... ..Y....... ........ :. 19........, betwean
<br /> • I'� ALVIN A. UENMF�N, also kr.own as A�vin Derxman, single; HAFidLD NIELSEN and DIAN.A
<br /> � NIELSEN, a/"k/a i7iarna Jo D�enman NielsPn, husbancl and wife; DQrJGLAS DENMt�N and
<br /> MF�RYLP.N I?ENMAN,���aa�ebrasTca�^'if� DANNY DENMP.h and CATfTY DEt3MAN, husband & wife;
<br /> whose post office address �s ..... . ......... .........
<br /> • ...._.... ........ ......, ............:........... ........
<br /> heroinaftet ca)led "Most�agor" and TF�E;EQUITASLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY dF TF-iE UNITED STATE$ a New Yock
<br /> corporati�n,havlr�g its prmupal office and post office address at I235 Acem�e of the Arnr,ricas,New�'ork,IVea-York 10019, hereinaftez
<br /> called "Martgagre".
<br /> ' WHEREAS,the Mortgagor is jusU�� inclebtrd t� tlie Mortgagee in the sum of..One Ilundred Seventy �1�pusand and no/lOU-
<br /> ...._...
<br /> ..................
<br /> 270 Q ..... ..................
<br /> ----`----- .'.'.Doliars (S a d�.r00............:) with interesk all as set forth in his certain promissory note
<br /> ....... ....... ......................
<br /> ("Note") of even date fir.rewith matuting March,,,l,,,_ .: ,�x Zd�3
<br /> NOW,THEREFORE,T13IS T4C�RTC;AGE�VITNESSETI3,.that,to serure the payment of the principal of and interost on the Note
<br /> ` and the pctformance oi the ccivenants therein and herein contatned,and in considerai�on of the premises,the Mortgagor by lhese ptesents
<br /> t does p,rant, bargara, se12, convey, Cransfer, usign, mortgage, -pledge, warrant and confirm unto the Mortgagee all the Property ("th,e
<br /> MorRgageJ Property") hereinaFtet described, to-wit-
<br /> : 3. The following described teal property locatecl in the Coun.y of..................... Hall
<br /> . .........................................................................
<br /> .Nebraska ........
<br /> + State�f................ ............................................ to•wit:
<br /> W�st Ha1.t Sou�heast Quarte.� (W/2 SE/4) of Section
<br /> Twenty (?0} , Township '2'en (10) North, Range Ten (101 ,
<br /> West o= 6th P.M. , Hall. County, Nebraska;
<br /> and,
<br /> South Hal.f Snutheast Quarter (S/2 S�/4) o� S�ction
<br /> Twenty--two (22) , TQwnship Eleven (11) , North, Range
<br /> : Ten (10) , west of 6th p.M. , Hall County, Nebraska;
<br /> 5 '
<br /> Default by the mortgagor under any other instrument securing the debt hereby secured shall con-
<br /> stitute a default under this instrument.
<br /> II. The Mortgagor's interest as lessor in all leases (including but not Iimited to, oil, gas and mineral Ieases) noa• or hereafter
<br /> _ aHeding the above-describrd real property or any part thereof.
<br /> TOGETHER WITH the rents, issues, and profits thereof, reserving, however, {untess otherwise provided hrrein or in a separate
<br /> instrument of assiSnment), unto the TZortgagor the ti�ht, prior to a�y default in the payment of the Note or in performance of any
<br /> ag�eement hereunder, to collect and retain such rents, usues, and profits as they become due and payablc,and together also with all and
<br /> smgular the tenements,hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto beJonging, induding irrij;ation, drainage,and water rights of eeery
<br /> kind and description.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the Mortgagee, its successors and assipns, forrver.
<br /> PROVIDED, ALWA1'S, that if the Mortgagor, his heirs, representatives, successors or assigns, shall pay unto tree Asortpagee, its
<br /> successors or assi�ns, the said sum of monc-y mentianrd in the Noce and thc interest thereon at the times and place and in the mannet
<br /> ` specified in the Note, and all othrr sums thxt may brcome dur and owing to thr Afortgagre pursuant to any of rhe terms,covenants and
<br /> conditions hereof, and pezform all the conditions and covenants contained in this mort�age {"hlur!ba�e"),ther,,he,e presen[s and the
<br /> estate hereby granted shail ceasq determine and be void,othern•ise to rrmain in full force and eRect.
<br /> AND SUBJECT to the covrnants and conditions heteinaftcr set forth.
<br /> FIRST: The I�fortgagon c�reby co�•enants an3 ap,tees, to the extent permitted by law, as folloa�s: (a) to pay prompt1y when du�
<br /> the prinap al and i�tcrest and other sums of monry provided for in the Note and in this Mortgage,or eithcr; (b) to pay all taxes,asxss-
<br /> ments and other chargrs (including ditch,canal,reservoir, or o[hrr �vater charges,taxes or asscssments) imposed by law upon the Mort-
<br /> gaged Property, the Mortgagec's interrst thcrrin, or upon the Mortgage or the Note; Frovidrd howevcr, that, in the evrnt of the pas-
<br /> sage of any law chan�ing the laws for the taxation af morYga�es or debcs srcurcd by rnor[�axc sw as to afirct this Mortgage, the entire
<br /> indebtcdness secured hereby shall,at the option of the Mortga�ee,become due and payable; (c)to keep the Dfortgaged Property and im-
<br /> provements thereon in gtwd condition and repait and not to com�it or suHet waste thereof, and except as authonzed in any schedule
<br /> annexed hereto and forming a part hereof, nei;her to remove nor permit the removal of any timber, buildings,oil,gas, minerals,stone,
<br /> rock,day,fertilizer,gravel or top soi! witf�out the prior writtem m�sent of!he Mortgaⅇ (d) to maintain and <ielivrr to the Mortgagee
<br /> policies of insurance against such hazards on the buildings now pr hereafter located on the Mortgaged Property_as the Mortgagee may .,.gR
<br /> ,
<br /> � require, in such companies and amounts and with such loss pa}'able dauses as shal! be satisfadory.o the Mortgagee; that in the event of ' ` " � ' 4
<br /> loss the Mortgagee is expressly authorized ko settle or compromise daims under said policies and the proceeds sha11 be paid to the Mort• f�
<br /> grgee who may aPply same ot any part thereof on the indebtrdness sect�red herebp or to�vards the reconstruction or repait of said build• � �,
<br /> mgs or rdoaze snma ta the Mortgagor; (e) to pay any]ien,daim or chargr a�ainst the Mortgaged Property which might take prrcedence
<br /> over the lirn her�oF;(f)to pay on demand all legal esprnses,tiNe searches,or attornry fers reasonably incurrrd or paid by the MortgaBee
<br /> to eollect thdNote cr foreclose or prote[t the lien of the Mortgagc, (g) that in the event he shall fail fo romply with the pro•:isions of
<br /> (a) through (f} abovq the Mortgagee may iake such action as is nFcrssary to remedy such failure and all sums�aid bv the Mortga�ee
<br /> pursuant hetctu with intcrrst at the rate hereina(ter provided shal! consritute a lien upon the Afort�agrd Property, shall be secure� by
<br /> this Mortgage,and shall be immediatdy due and repa}'�b1e to the 2�4ortga5ec; (h) not to sel( the premises or any portion thercrof, ot, "
<br /> if the Mortgagor is a corpontion,not more Yhan.'...%Q of its corporate stock shall be sold, traded or disposed of to persons other than
<br /> the presrnt owners Prior to ihe time the indebtedness secured hcret�y� shall havr been rcduced .�,cxdusive of perpiymrnts not przmined
<br /> �
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