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�r <br />� �. � � <br />�: <br /> � , __ � <br /> 7�� U�1fi121 . . <br /> � <br /> oxn:t;wr,c�, no, �zo9 <br /> An ordinance creating Streec Improvement L�istrict No. 935; defining tha boundaries o� <br /> tne distri.ct; pxaviding :or the i�,�rovement o£ streets crithin ttie district by paving, bu�tering, <br /> ' and all incidental work in connectioa .heresrith; .;nd providing the eEfective date o� t.:is <br /> ordinance. <br /> . $E iT vic:�Ai:�[.li oY iri�, ::AYOR r.i;D COi�?:C.i, Oc ir.c CiTY Uc GR'.iti� ISLAND, NE�RA$F(p; <br /> SECT:U;� 1. Street In�rovement Discrict No. 935 :n [h� Ciry or Grand Isiand, Nebrasxa, <br /> . is kze:e.�,y crea[ec. <br /> . . SECTIOt� .2. '1'he boLnuaries o: the distr�ct shal.l be as f�l:owsa . � � <br />�� at a point on zne sectio� �ine i_n Saint Paul Road and 245.25 feet, ' <br /> or 74,752 -ecezs, n r h u: Lhe eas� pralon�,ation of the nore;^, iine of i8ch Screet; <br /> • thenr.e runnin� sou�n on �t:e sectioa �ine in Sainc .T'aur Road for a cistar.ce of � � <br /> 605.25 feec, or i84.480 m�ace_s, te a poinL 30Q fee: or 9i.44 :n�ters, sovth of <br /> � [he east prolorgacion of Lhe soucn line or 18th Sr_retet; trence r���ing wes[ on � � <br /> a parall.el [o -r�d 3C0 :ee�, or 91.44 neters, s�u:h of [ne east pro;�on�aLion � � � � <br /> of thc south line o.. 7.?,..,, cr�an^ ,,,�1 rnr� _ rr, i- ,.a ,o_� _ _ .. � <br /> . oi 1b5 ,•":ece, or 5�3.292 r,.ecers, to^�_ne �aast line o£�Lot S in B1ock�4 of�Bla+_nJ����� � � � � <br /> ;� Addition; cnence zu:min� south on a line parallel to and 163 :er_c, ar 50.29� <br /> meters, west o: tk�e sec�ien :i.e in 5aint Paul Ro�d, ior a dis[ar,ce oi 1.63.� feec, � � � � � <br /> or 49 c35 mete:s, to a noinc 161 feec, or 49.0�3 merers, souc.h of :he sourn iine <br /> nf B1 in elcditioo; er;r_e runnin,�, c.:est on .i line �:arailel to and 161 Yect o.— <br /> G9.073 m�ter,, sou�t� of �ne sou[n 1'ine of Biain „ddition, also beinp ?00 fee�, <br /> , or 91.44 mecers, souc: oi sovtix line of 18ch Screet, for a distance of 993 <br /> feet, or 's02.6o; mecers, co the sou�h rrolo:�;ation of the west iir.e of Loc 24 3 <br /> 31oc:c 4 of 31ain Acci ���; thence :u:��r,inh n�rth on the south prolonFacicr, o� tne <br /> wes[ iine oi i.ot 24 in S:oci: 4 of B:�in �";dd:tion, and on �he west i�ne o.: said <br /> � Lo[ 24 a�d or. [ne east iine ot Iltinois A� nue, for a distance nf 4A8 reet, or <br /> � ry W '48-74� �ecers, to cne n�renwest corner pf Loc 20 in Slor.k 3 oF �?.ain ldriition; <br /> hr_:�ce ru��^:n� easL on a li-�e r.�rnllci co �n�� �38 Fee[, or 42 062 meters, rcrt� <br /> �, .— � o: che norch iine o: 1&th Scree� for a cis:ance of 643 feet, o: 245. 9&o meccrs, co <br /> '� Y✓, ¢ a po:nc 7 fee[, or 2.134 mete:s, rrese oi che southeasc corner of Lnt 7 in Biocic 3 oi <br /> ��� '_' W clair. Addicion; [hence runninr norc� on a 7 fee[, or 2,134 me[ers: ior a <br /> „ �✓, distunce oi 35.5 fec�, or 10.520 mctcrs, to a o <br /> � ` � � poin[ 102.5 s"eee, or 31.Z4� ne[ers, � <br /> o'— \p —� sou[h oF the south line of 19th Street; [hencc running eas� on a l:ne paraiiei io <br /> n�"�. \� � and 152.5 feet, or Go.462 necers, south of cFe nor[n line oi 19ch Screet ior a <br /> � g � discar.ce of 350 ieet, or i06.6& meters, eo the east line of Indiana Avenue; tnence <br /> �. run.^.ing no:ih on the easc line o: indiana nvenue and its nor[n prolonga[ion Yo: a � � <br /> dis�ance of 245.25 fce[, ar 74.752 ne�ers, to a poir,t 92,75 Teet, or 28.270 r:e�ers, <br /> nor[h of [he nor�neasc corner of 19�n S[ree[ and Ir,diana Avenue; thence running � � <br /> east on a line parallei co and 245.�5 feet, or 74.752 me[ers, nor[h of tne no:ch <br /> �� . line o: 1Scn Street oetw•een i;diar.a Avenue and Sainc iaul Road, for a c.istance o: � � <br /> 165 iee<, or 50.292 ^ecers, to the section ?ine ir. Saint Paul Road, beir.g the <br /> point o. beginnino, a11 as s:o•»n or. che piat daced iQ/3/77, narked Exnibit "A", <br /> attached he:eto and incor�or�ted hercin by reference. <br /> SECTION 3. The :oilowing streets in the district, shall be improved by paving, curbing, � <br /> � gu:tering, and all incidencal �:ork in conneccior, theree:ien: <br /> 18th Stree� frc� che east line of I1linois F.venue ro the exiseing aaving in <br /> Sair.t Paul noad (�or cne purpose of chis ordir.ance, t^at part o� indiana <br /> � fiver,ue joining 1SCh Stree:. lying c:est o: indiar,a Avenue to 1Sch St:eet lyiro ' <br /> � east of Indiana Avenue, sha11 be considerec as a po:[ion o£ lfich S[reet). <br /> Said im�rove�ents shall be made in accordar.ce with plans and specificacions pzepazed 'oy L'ne <br /> Engineer for the.City and approved 'ny che ;;ayor and Council. <br /> SECTiDh 4. The im?rove^ents shali be made at public cost, but tne cost ch.:reof, <br /> I <br /> exclud:r.g :ntersections, snaii be sssessed u�on cne lots and lands in tne district speciaily <br /> bene:ited thereby as provided by lav_ I <br /> � _ 1 _ . x� �. <br /> ' N' <br /> � �, <br /> � <br /> w�' <br />� . <br /> J <br />�:�`�.�r r�__ � <br />