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-.� � � <br />�� <br /> �� <br /> �. , � <br /> 7'7- C1�E�J �� . <br /> � _ �RD:rih2;CE h0. 6202 <br /> !+n ardinanc,e creating Wa�er :'ain D::s:crict ho. 334 in the City of Crax3d Zsland, <br /> hebraska; de�ining zne boundaries of che district; providing for the laying of �, water main <br /> in said discric , �rnvidinS for plans and specificacions and securing <br /> hids; providting ior <br /> the assess�ent of special taxes for construci:lna sucn c,ater Qairi; und providing the e�iective <br /> • date hereof. . � <br /> BE IT ��.iihL•� SY 7'nE �i,y'iGFi AitD CDliNCZL GF Ti:E CIi! OF GRA;.D ISIr,ND, tiEfiRAS'r'v�.: <br /> • SECTION 1. Water Pu;in nis:rict ho. 334 xn the City of Grand Zsland, 2Cebraska, �s <br /> hezeoy created =or the iuyir.g af a six-inch, G'I 15,24 centemeters, watermain in F4edde Screet <br /> and Hope S ueet froc, the existing c.•ater main in Sylva: Scree[ to cne cul de sac in tiope Str.eec <br /> being nerch of vacated Windolph Avenue, <br /> SECTZO\ 2, The bounda:ies of such water main district shall be as follows: <br /> BeF�innin� at che ncrtheasc r_orner oz Lct :hree (3) in U'Neill .hird <br /> Subd�vision, c`�c.^.ce .-u .in,e, sou'h on the eas[ line. oi Lo[ Thz�.c (3) in . <br /> s 0'Neill Tr.i^d SL't.`({1V151pi] ior a cistance of 171 Eeet, or 52.121 me[ers, <br /> [o the soucne3st corner oz Lot ;n:ee �3) in 0'.lici.11 Thiru� Suodivision; � � � � <br /> ihence runninF west on the souch lir.c of i.oC Three (3j in 0'Nei11 Tlt�rd �� <br /> Subdivssiori ior a �istanee oE 10.5 :ect, or 3.2C10 r„ece:s, t� a point 142.5 <br /> feFt, or 43.434 me:ers, east o: the easc 1in�e of :iope S�cree[; �hence � <br /> runnini, avu�h on a ;.ire pLrallcl to �nd i42,5 icet, or 43.434 �:�etcrs, <br /> east o� thr. cas[ lir.e of iiope Street ior .; dis�ancc of 340 :eet, or <br /> ?03.632 T,etcrs, �o v poir.� 140 fcec, or 4?.�7z meters, ror[h of tne nortn <br /> s_ Z line af Hedcie Streec; the:�ce runnir.�; east �n a lir,e n.z:,311e1 �o anz 14C <br /> c YeeC, or 42.672 mccers, r.ox�h c: �}�� �or:.11 line o: };edde Streec :or a <br /> , .a ,:.,, w � <br /> �� � �� distance of 10.5 fee�, 0 3.200 -noce:s, to a poinc i53 iret, or 4b.634 <br /> � �' �y c�eters, easr cf he �as i�e of �lope S*:ce�; thence running s�uth or. a <br /> Q d lin� parallci �o rid 153 iect or 46.G34 me�ers, casL ot tne cast iine <br /> o ' w o= }�ope Strecc for a d_star,ce of i:.0 .ece, or 4?.672 moce:s, to tne nor[; <br /> ��{/� � o line or Hedde Sereet; tnence running e�sc on [he nortn line of fied�ie Screet <br /> �oC \\o -� ior a distance of :92 fee�, or 58.522 rie[ers, to che enst lin� of Sylvan <br /> \' c4a Streec; thenee rur�n�.^.S south on cne eas[ iine of Syivar Stree: for a � � <br /> Q � diseance of 6G Ieec, or i5.2SS �eters, to the soutn line of iiedde St:eet; <br /> chence rvr�ning wesc on cne south line of Hedde Streec ;or a dis�ar.c� oi <br /> 202.5 £eet, or 61.722 meeers, �o a point 142.5 feee, or 43.434 meters, <br /> - eas[ of che eas[ line oi .'io�e St=eec; thence running south on a linc pazaiie � <br /> i to and 142.5 ieet, or 43.434 mecers, easc of the east line of fione Scree� <br /> ' � � for a aistance of 140 :eet, o: 42.672 mecers, to a poin[ 140 feec, or <br /> � � 42.G72 mecers, sou[h of the sou�n line of .':�adde Stree[; �hence rur.nine wes[ <br /> on a line parallcl to and 14G feec, o: 4?.672 meters, seuth oi the sout: <br /> line ot iiedde Scree[ for a d:s"ncc oz 177.1 ieet, or 53.980 r;ere:s <br /> or iess, co rhe ioesc line of 'r.ope St.-ee[; .;;ence running ��ore <br /> nor[n on �he <br /> . xest line of 'r.ope 5[re�� �nd vacated }{ope Sc:eet, also beir.g the a•est � <br /> line of Pleasarc Ho-e Subd;.visioa =or c:stance of 550.1 :ee� er 259.ii <br /> . , meters, mo:e or less, [o cne sou.hwesc�co:ner os Q"'�_:1 Second Subdiv`�s_oa; <br /> tnence runrin; easc en the so,acn ' :<e of Q'i;eii2 Seconc Suodivision Yor a <br /> distance of 1S7.i4 aec, or 57.040�meLers, co the poinc of beginnir,^ as <br /> sho:.�z or. c;�e a:nted�aced 10/7/77, �ur::ed =x'r,ioit "A" accacned hereto anc <br /> incorporated 'nerein b� :eference. <br /> . � . SECTI0:1 3. Said imp:ovements sha21 be made in accorc�nce with plar.s and specifzcacions � <br /> s <br /> F prepared by the Engineer ior the City who snall esLimate the cost thereoi, and sub;ic t:e <br /> saroe to the eity council, and upon a�proval o£ the sane, hids for che construccion oi sucn <br /> ' water main shall be taken and con�;acts en�ered into in the ranner pzovided by law. � <br /> i <br /> ScCTZON 4. The coet of conetruction of suc1, +;.-,•��•e-���s sha'i oe assessed a 'nst ;.he � <br /> � gai <br /> property within such district abuttiag upon the streets wnezein such vater main has been so � <br /> placed to the excent of benefits to svcn proper[y, not to exceed tne laying of a six-incn, ' <br /> ,, or 15.24 cencemeters, vater �ain by reason of such :�provement, and a saeciai tax shall be � *^.y� ' - "' <br /> ��., �� <br /> levied at one tine to pay for such cost of cor.struction as soon as can be ascercained; and ' � `'' <br /> ' � � � <br /> z,,. '', <br /> � <br />�- <br />� <br />�..�s�� �._. � <br />