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<br /> 4„'HEREAS , E . Dean Wolfe and Judith A , WoZ .fe , hiisband and
<br /> wife , as o��xers , have causeci ta .. laid out into 2ors and
<br /> easements a certain tract af land conprising all of Lots
<br /> Sixty- �i�ht ( 68 } ttzrough Seventy- six ( 76 ) , inclusive , of
<br /> 4�o1fe ' s Subdivision , i.n the Cit� of �rand Island , Nebraska ,
<br /> said t. ract 'ueing situated in a part of the 23arthwest Quarter
<br /> of the Southz•rest �1u�.rter (NT1�Sk'4) of Sectioxl Seve:at �en ( 17 ) ,
<br /> 2'c�canship � � ��;a^ � 11 ) I�•orth , Range Nirre ( 9 ) West of the 6th
<br /> p . l�t . , in HaZI Count}* , Nebrasl:a , urdes r.?� e name of fnTolfe ' s
<br /> S �eond Subdivisic>n , anc� have eat. secl a plat tl�.ereof to be
<br /> 3c.kzzosolec� � ed by thers , containin� a dedicatian of the easenenLs
<br /> 5
<br /> to puUi ic service ut �. �ities ; and
<br /> i:F�_EF�t�S , � uch subdivision was apFr�t�ed by the Regional
<br /> Planning Co�nission on � eptenber 7 , I977 ; an.d
<br /> TdY:EREA� , a c �opy c, f thE plat of such subdivisir�n has been
<br /> presented to the Board of Education of School Fiiatrict No . 2
<br /> t in ��a1Z County , hTebrask.a , as required by Section 79 - 4 , 15I , F. . R . S . ,
<br /> ;
<br /> A343 ; and
<br /> F?ii�P.EAS , a fora of subdivision agYeement has been agread
<br /> ,' to betv.ween the ot,Tners an3 the City of Grand Island ;
<br /> BE IT RESOL��D '£:IAT tne for� of st'ibdivision agreemeat
<br /> hereinbefore described , be , and hereby is , approved , and the
<br /> President of thE Council is hereby autnorized to ex.ecute such
<br /> fi . .
<br /> agreement on behalf of thc City of Gra.nd Island .
<br /> BE IT FURTHER P.ESOLVED that the plat of Wolfe ` s Second
<br /> Subdivision as made out , ack�owledged , and certifie � , is herebq
<br /> approved by the City Council of the City of Grand Zsland ,
<br /> Ivebraska , and tr�e Fresident of the Council is hereby authorized
<br /> to execute the approvai and acceptance of such plat by the
<br /> City of Grand Island , Nebraska . 'T"'?� � " , '�, • `•<
<br /> e�t ���,.
<br /> I - - - . �.
<br /> Moved by CouncilLnz*1 �dar � '
<br /> � .
<br /> Seconded by Councilman 2�Ieyere �
<br /> "' Roll Call vote : "Yes " : Bredthsuer , Ditter, Meyera � '�iinor , Roeser, Sny@er
<br /> "Pa= s " t S attesy
<br /> "No " : ?�one �
<br /> Dlotion carried 5eptesber � g , � 977
<br />� ��rr' �`�--_ �
<br />..� _ �s
<br />