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� <br />� <br />�� � � <br /> � <br /> �_ <br />�.: . <br /> ; .. <br /> ' - 7�"1- ���►� - 7 J <br /> r. , <br /> 1 ._. <br /> c�:H:,.:,c� ro. bzio <br /> Ar, ordinance to vacate an alley �etween Anna 5treet arc' Oiclahoma Avenue from Flarrison <br /> Street to :ildeza Streec in the Ci.y o£ Grand Islar�d, Nebr�ska, cnndicioned upon the reser- <br /> vation �� tne alley vaca�ed .or a public utility easemen[; and to provi�e the e�iective <br /> date hereof. " <br /> S8 IT Oc'.DAIIvED $X T"tiE MAXQR F..KT3 C:UUiiCIL OF itlE CITY OF GRAA7D ISLAND, N^cBRASKA: <br /> SECTION 1. That saie! alley, being of variabie �aidth, ranging from 16 feet, or 4.577 <br /> metexrs, Lo 72 feet, or 3.658 meters, in wi.dth, from r.he eascerly Zine oE Tiiden Street; <br /> the:�ce eastcrly yor a distance. of 454_8 feet, or i38.623 aeters, more ar less, to the west <br /> lin� o£ Harzisan Street, in the City of Grand Isl>nd, t�ebraska, kae, and hereby is, vacaY.ed, <br /> �zovided and conditioned, that said City reserves f�r the public the entire vaca�ed aliey <br /> for a public utility easement,. <br /> A public utilitq casemerzc is reserved to constrvr_�ion, operate, maintain, extend, <br /> repair, replace, and remove �anitary sewer �ains, water mains, storro drainage lines, ovcrhead <br /> and undcrground electric cransmission and distribu[iori lines, rsdnounc transiorrers, secondary <br /> terminais, high voltaKe te�inals, gas mains, t�lepnone lines, and appurtenances thereto, <br /> in, over, underneath, and chrough said utility easemenc, [o�etner with the right oi i:�g.-ess <br /> ' . and egress through and across the utility easement for thc puxpose of exezcising the rights <br /> herein gzanted. No im�rovemen�s, structures, or bUiidings �f any kind wha[soev�r snall be <br /> allowed in, upon, or over the utilicy easement herein retained. <br /> The foregoing alley vacated, and the public easement reserved, is as shown on Exi-iibit <br /> ; ' "A" dated 10/6/77 atcached hereto and inccrp�xaeed__hcrein by rcYeren4e. <br /> ' SECTION 2. The title to the alley vacated by��Section 1 of thisjordinance, being in <br /> Parkhill Second Subdivision, shall revert to the owner or owners of lots or lands abutting <br /> ; the same in proportion to the respecLive ownerships' of such lots or grounds, and the portion � <br /> _ i <br /> � of the alley vacaced, lying easterly o� Parkhill Secozd SubdiOisio:� s:.ail revert zo the ok-ner <br /> or owners of lo[s or lands abuctin� the same and 'oeing on the souther�ly side of said vacated <br /> alley. . � <br /> SECTI04 3. That a certified copy of this ozdinance is hereby direc[ed to be filed in <br /> the office o: che Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska. � <br /> SECTIO\ 4. This ordinance shall be in sorce and take effect :.rom and after its passage <br /> t <br /> and publication withou� Lhe plat, vithin £ifteen days, in one issue of the Grand Island Dai1y <br /> � Independent, as provided b -l7aw. <br /> ��� Enacted 0 CT 17 ��7! � ' � <br /> ' //t�IB51Qe2]C Ol LR2 OUnCil � <br /> AP?ROVED AS 70 FORM � � <br /> ATTE � <br /> ' � ,j��i��.� � <br /> �ty lerK OCT 1 0 1977 <br /> -���� <br /> LEGAL DEPARTA7ENT �' ""� <br /> � � <br /> L � � �- <br /> :.� <br /> . , � <br /> . , <br /> J <br />���■r .-,_._ � <br />