. � ( ( �
<br /> � not extend or poscpone tl�e due date oi tLc nionthlc ii �-� all � ncnts referred io iu � ,aragrapli� 1 and 2 hereof or
<br /> chsnge the amount of eucli installruents .
<br /> !0. Bonowe: Not R�loawd. �xLension of the iircie for �ibynient or n�odification of amortization of the sums
<br /> cecured by this Mortgage grant,ed by I.ender to any successor iu interest o( Borro��•er shall not operate to release,
<br /> in any msnner, the liabifity of the origival Borro�ver and Borru��-er 's successors in interest.. Lender shall not be
<br /> roquired to eommenee proceedii�gs against such successoz or refuse to extend time for payment or othernise modify
<br /> � amurtisstian of the wms secured by tl�ia \lortgagc by reasm� of any demand inade by the original Borrower and
<br /> Borrow�er'g �uceesrottis in inl.erest.
<br /> 11. Fosb�araac� by L�ad� Not a Waivar. Any lorbearance by Lender in exercising an}• right or remedy
<br /> � hereunder, or otherwite alforded by applicable Is�c , s6a11 not I�e u �eai•✓er of or preclude the exeroise of any right
<br /> � or remedy hereuxider. The procurement ot insurance or the ��aymenl of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender
<br /> � shsU �L be a waiver of Ixnder'6 right to accelerate the maturity o( t6e indebtedness secured by this T7ortgage.
<br /> 12. R�m�di�s Cumulative. all remedies proti�ided in t6is \iort�;age are distinet and cumulative to any other
<br /> �' ri�ht or remedy under this �Iortgage a� afforded by- la�.� or c•quit }• , and ma�• be exercised concurrentiy , independ-
<br /> C' enWy or eucees�ively.
<br /> � 1�. Suee�asors and Aasigas Bound; jo3nt aad Several Liability; Captions. The co��enants and agreementE
<br /> � herein contsined shall bind , and the rights hereunder �hail inure tu, thc respective successors and assigns of Lender
<br /> ^ �nd Borrower, subject co che provisions of pxragruph 17 Iiereof . � 11 co��ensncs and agrecments of Borroe•er shall
<br /> be joint snd several. The captions and headings of t.he � �aragra� �li� of tlii� \Iortgage are for con � enience only and
<br /> are not to be used to interpret or define tlie provisions hereoi.
<br /> ! f. Notiee. Any notice to Borroci•e•i• pro��ided for ir� tl� i� �torcgugc nt � al( i�e �;i� en by wailing such notice bc
<br /> eertified �nsil uddressed to Borrower at tLe Yropen � Address st:�ce�i bclo�� , eace�,t for an}� notice required under
<br /> paragraph 18 l�eteof to be given to $orrouer in the ivanner � urscril�ed b�• s� �� �licablr laa . An�• notice provided
<br /> tor in this �lortgagc sl�all be deen�ed to l�a��i� 6eeu git rn to $orro�� cr t�•hen �;iven �n thc manner designaud herein.
<br /> 15. Uniform Mortgage; Governing Law; Severability. "Phis form of mortgage combines unifonn covenants
<br /> for natioaal use and non-uniform co��enan�s wit6 limite�i .�ariations b}• juris�iiction Lo constitute a uniform secu-
<br /> riEy instrument covering real propert_v . "T6is \Iortgsge shall Lc governed b}• t.he le��• of the jurisdiction in which
<br /> Lhe Property is loaated. In the event that any provision or clause of tliis �qorLgage or the Note conAictc with
<br /> applieable law, sucl� conflict shall not affeci other � �rovisions of thi� \lortgsge or the IVote which can be given
<br /> effect without the conflicting provision , and to this end tiie provisions of tLe \Zortgage and the Note are declared
<br /> to be seversbte.
<br /> 1& 3otrow�r's Copy. Borroaer shall be furnisl�ed ai conformed copy of this T7ortgage at ttie time of execu-
<br /> tioa or �fter recordation hereof.
<br /> 17. Traasf�r o! the Prop�rty; Aseumptioa. If all or any part of the Property or an interest therein is eold
<br /> or trsa�ferred by Bozrower without Lender's prior written consent . excluding (s ) ihe creation of a lien or encum -
<br /> brance eubordinate W this Mortgage , ( b ) the creation of' a }iurcha.r mone}� security inierest tor household app)i-
<br /> ancee, (e) s transfer by devise, descent or by operation of Is�� u��on the death of a joint �ensnt or ( d ) the graat of
<br /> sny leseehold interest of three years or less not eontaining sn option to purchase . Lender map . at Lender's option ,
<br /> deelsre aU the sums secured by this Alortgage tu bc iu�niediatcl �• �1ue and puyal.�le. Ixnder shall have M•sived such
<br /> option to socelerate if, prior to the sble or transfer, Lender aud t6e �iereon to whom the Property is to be 6old or
<br /> traaaferred ruch agreement in writing that the credit ot sucli person is satisfactorg to Lender and that: the interect
<br /> paysble oe the sumc secured by this :�fort,gage shal] L�e at such ratc as Lender shall reyuest . lf Lender has waived
<br /> ibe optioet W acceterate provi3ed in this paragrapL 17 and if Borrow•er's successor in interest has executed a writ-
<br /> ten aeaumption agreement accepted in �vriting b�� I,ender, Lender si�all release Borrow•er from all obligations under
<br /> this Morf�ase aad tha Note.
<br /> If I.ender enercisec �ucL option to accelerate, Lender shall � nail Borrower notice oi accelerstion in accordanee
<br /> with paragraph 14 hereof. Such no6ice s6a11 provide a ��eriexl of not les� tlian 30 days frotn the date the notice is
<br /> �siled witdain which Borrower may pay the sume declared duc . If Borrower fails to pay such sums prior to the
<br /> ezpiraLion of such period , Lender may , �vitl�out further notice or decuand on Aorrower, intoke any remedies per-
<br /> autted by paragraph 18 hereof.
<br /> 1Jox-Llxtroax Cov$xwr�rs. Borrower and Lender furtl�er covenant and agree as folloa�s :
<br /> If. Aae�l�rafioa; 8e�aediK. Exce�n as pro� ided iu � iurs�gr:a� �6 17 I �rreof , upon Borrower's hreacl� of anp
<br /> eovensnl. or agreement of Borrow�er in thir �IortFa�c , including the co��enantc to pa�� wiien duc any sums secured
<br /> by this \1ort,gsge , Len�ir' r �ttior to acce�lrration �I�all n�ail noiice to Borro�� cr ae � u•o� idi•d in paragrapL 14 hereof
<br /> apecityinj : ( 1 ) the breacl� ; ( 21 the :iction requircvl to cwi� auc6 brcuch ; � 31 a datc , not less ti�an thirty dsys
<br /> trom !he date the notice is mailed tu Liorro�cer. b�• �� I �icli �ueli Inrncl � iuust �c cure� ; and 141 that tailwr to eure
<br /> �cueh breseh on or before d�e date specified in the noticc we� result in accelrration of the xumr secured bv this
<br /> *1orf�a�e and etle of the Property . If the breach i< not cured or: ar l�efore tix� date sprcified in the notice, lxnder
<br /> at l.ender's option �nay declarc all o( the sums secured bp this Martgagc to be iirunediately due and payable
<br /> wiLhout fuRher demarnd and msy foreclose this �1ortgage b�• j �i�iicial proceeding. Lender shal ! I�e entitlecl to collect
<br /> in eueh proceeding sll expenses of foreclosure, including, hut not limited to, costs of documentarv evidenee,
<br /> abtt�raets and tiWe reports.
<br /> 1s. De�ewws's Riqht to Reiaulat�. \'otWitl�sUsnding Lendei's acceleration of the sumF secured by this
<br /> Mostpjs, Borrower shall have the right to have any proceedingF begun by I.ender to enforcc this !�lortgage dis-
<br /> eoutinued at any time prior to entry of a judgment enfoTcing this �tort�age if : � al Borrow�er pays Lender all
<br /> a�ms wFtieb �rrould be tben due under thiu \]ortgage, th� \ote and notes securing Future Ad��ancee, if an�• , had no
<br /> aealerstion oocurred : (b ) Borrover cutes all brearliee ot any other corenAnts or agre•ements o! Borrower con-
<br /> tained in Lhis �Sort�e ; (c) Borrower prys a17 reai:unablc r�:�ienee� incurred by lxnder tn enforcmg the covenants
<br /> +nd a�ree�oente o! Sorro�ver contained in thic �loriguge ar�d iu enfur�cing I.cnder's remedies as provided �n para-
<br /> psph IS 6ereof, ineludin6, but not limited to, reasonable attorne�•'s fee� ; an�i iA I Borrower takes such ection as
<br /> Leoder map rwwnably require to yacure thrt the lien of thie \fortgage, Lender'R interest in the Property nnd t
<br /> 8�oef'o�es'a obls�sLiao to pay the ams secured by thiF �lortgxge Rhsll continue unimpsired . Uron such payment ,�
<br /> �d � tiY ��r, ��s Mostg�e and tfie obligations Fecured hereby shall remain in full fa•ce and effect as if r
<br /> *� �o�i�r�tiaR h�d oec�rned. � �;' -�
<br /> �' �� d �af� A�ffi�t oi lbe�iv�r: Lead�r isa Foscesaion. As sdditional security here- �
<br /> � ��'� �'+� � aai�ns Lo I�esfdtr tl+e rents ot ihe Praperty. pro�•ided thst Borrow•er shall , prior to ncceler-
<br /> a�iAa uode[ � 18 hereof ot sbandonment ot the Praperty , hs��c thc right to collect and retain such rents
<br /> as t�r b+eo�w due �ad payable. �w
<br /> [1�n reeeierntion under �sratraph 18 hereof or abandonment of the Yroperty , I,ender , in �.en:on . hv agrnt ' �
<br /> � b7 l� �pip�Ned reeeh'es thaU be eatitled to enter u�on , take rosseFsion of and uianaRe thc Property y ,' `'�r
<br /> a�d t0 edieet tbe raMs at the Praperl,y, incivdin6 thoee pact due. A11 rents collecteci by Lender or the receiver
<br /> � � +I� �� � WY�t � t� �S of managemeot of the Property and collection of rents, including, but.
<br /> noL IimiteQ tq. r4ueivrr'. (wy, Jirnuaiwtu} on mceiver's �Soncit and reasonable attorney 's fees . and then to the sums
<br /> ��'�d b7 f�lw Most�. Lender and the rooeiver d�a11 he liable to account onh• for those rents actusllv received .
<br /> ! �
<br /> K,
<br /> Y�..
<br />