. � . IiUL � 7. f11 � . �� : .J � -, rllr . . � .. . i � . . . � i i i. .. . �' i � i . . . . . . . . . i . , . � . . . . , � _ . . � � � . , . F.7_.:
<br /> �.�..
<br /> � - i 'ii1116n Iln ' :Uu . 'llill U ; > Jl l I ::; III i �l : ��;?
<br /> � 10. Borsuwer Pdot neleased. L•:xt �. nsint. ui tin� � in �o inr us�� n �cut or iun�iiu ��:uinu ui :�nwrtizuliou ui ! V ,�• �uwe a�_,�.,!
<br /> ' ceciired Ly tl�i� Aloit ;;s�� t;rantr� l I � c i .cuder lu :in}� �nrri�;;or ii � ir.tr�� ��, [ oi 13orru«�vr siuili not operalc to rclease, ' � y
<br />�r ' � � in any manucr, thc liabilit �� ui tl,c r�riG:n,;al ltou�o�rei iud 13orrniti � i '., <ucrc �<oi:� in iurcre�t. Lendcr �hnll �wt bc
<br /> � � ���. � reyuired to couunencc ��roceedings :igaiu�t •ncli Su� re<-or oi iriu��c to ixten�l tnne im• pa}�ment ur othern•isc modif}•
<br />,� �,� �;: �; tui�ortization uf thc sum� :cewed by thi� Alorfg:i�;r I��� ics�ou of enc demnnd ina� ic by l6�• ori�iu,�l 13orron•er �nd
<br />�� " �u� <. I3arrowcr'e suc��e�sore in intcrc�t .
<br /> 3 n,�r:-r ' .
<br /> �, 11. Forbuaranco by Lender Not a Waiver. Any fotbe;u•auce by Lencier in exercising an}• right or remedy
<br />��....,.-�,.",`��', hercunder, or othenvise afinrded In• np�ilirahl�� I�av, �lu�ll not be a «•ai-;er of or prec:ude the eserr.i�e of eu� rig6t
<br /> ��' n� rnmwlv linrriin�irr Tl�n nmr��rnjnnnt. nf jnc!:"::n�� L+:' 11:� ' � :): afinCc Gi GiiiCi ii2i�c vi Cii81 C� U l.l'L116f . . .
<br /> : �J'� e ' � j;:�:::�.i. 6 ' .Y � . �
<br /> ; Shall not bc x w ii� c� oi I wdcr's r�gh� tA IICCC�G':t�C t �IC I1lntucl�V o( lhc indehfrdnre. snri�rn�� �i � Ihic \Tnrfoonn : .
<br /> . : .."' ""' .�_�... r. . . -. . . .
<br /> i u`. . . . Ih k��_�:�� ��w�!w::��. ;:i :if��iuiLo jiiJ�iueii ui il�i: ;,iu, igu�;c ��u�c �iisiiuci, :uni cmnuiaiivc io an}� o[iier � �� � � . . . . . . �
<br /> � G right or remedp undcr t6i� \[ortgnge nr :diorded by 1n��• or cquit �� , and m;n� Lc excrci�ed concurrently, iudepend-
<br /> v: .
<br /> ° �"� ently or successively.
<br /> ^" 13. Successors and Assigns Bound; Join1 und Sevaral Li,:bilily; Captions. The co��en.uit; nnd ugreements
<br /> ""' herein contained ehall bincl , and tlie righls 6crcuuder ehall inure to, thc rc�pcctivr �ucccssor�! and nssigns o[ Lender
<br /> ` � and 13or.ower, suUject to ihe procisione of para�;rnpli 17 hercof. :1ll co��enanlx and n�reementn ot 13orro�t�er ehall
<br /> ` �1 � be joini u��d se��eral. Thc cnption� :md hcidin�s u( t6c pnrngrnu��� �� thi= Alort�agc nre for com•enicncc only and �
<br /> � ; are noL to be used to intcrprc� or define thc provieiuns I�ercoi.
<br /> 14. Notico. �1ny notice to i3mro�rer pro��ided for in thi� \ lort �;u{;c •Imll be y;icen bc mailing such not.ice b}�
<br /> � certified mail udd:e.sed lo ]3orron�cr nt the I'ropert}• Addres. �t ;ued bclow, except for auy noticc recluired under
<br /> � i ��ru��ra �h 18 6ercof to be itu� w Bm•ro�ccr in the in;inner ircrcribed b}• u i ilicublc la�t�. :1n notice �ro�•idcd
<br /> , I ' 0 1 6� . , � ll Y � •
<br /> " i for in this _llortguge shall be decroed to h:n•e becn giccu to Borro�t�cr n•6cn gi�•!•n in tlie inunner deeignufcd herein.
<br /> 15. Unilorm Mortgage; Governirtg Law; Severability. 'fl�i� (onn of mort�;:�t;e co�nbines uuiform co�•entints i.
<br /> ior uaiivnui usc und non-uniiorm covennnts �vith limitcd �•ariations bJ• jurisdicfion to coustilutc a uniform eecu- +
<br /> rity insttument coti�ering renl propert}•. '1'his \Iortgagc shall bc govcrned by thc lan� o( the jurisrlictiun in which �
<br /> the Property is located. lu the e�•ent fhnt :u�y� prol�ision or c!ause of tl�is Afortgage or tl�e Nate con(licLs t�'itL
<br /> npplicnble lan•, euch con(lict shnll nnt uffect at6er pro��isimis o! this \Iortgage or thc Notc ���hich can be given '
<br /> eHect titi�ithout ttie con!licting pro� isimi , ;uid to this end � hc proc1510t15 O( � Ilr \(ortgage und the Note are declared ;
<br /> to be severnble.
<br /> ! 16. Bonowei s Copy. Borrotir•er shnll be furnishal a confarmed copy ot this \Iortgage nt the time of execu-
<br /> ; tion or after recordation hcrcof.
<br /> 17. Transfor oI tho Proporly: Assumption. If all or uny part ot tl�c Yropert}• or an interest thercin is sold
<br /> or transferred by I3orrowcr �vithoul Lender's prior «�rittcu ronsent , excluding (n ) tiie creatiun o( u lien or encum-
<br /> ' brnnce subordinate to this \Tortgage, ( b ) the creation of a purchc,e mmiey securit}• intetest for I�ouseLold appli- '
<br /> ances, (c) u tr:mster by devi�c, dc�cent or hy oper:�tion of lan• upan thc dcath of :� joint lennnt or (d ) thc grnnt of
<br /> any lessehold interest of threc ycars or less not cont :iinin� :�u opliou to purchase; I.ender mm•, :�t 1,rnder's opt.ion,
<br /> �i ; declnre ail the sums ccrured by this \fortgagc to bc innnediutcl�• duc and pay�blc. I.cndcr �6�I1 hn�•e ���iti�•ed such
<br /> option to uccelernte if, prior to tlie eale m• transicr, Le»der :wd thc per=on to �r�hom the I'roperty is to be sold ar
<br /> ! transferred reacli ngreemenL in icriting th�t the credi[ 01 �uch person i� �ati�f:ietory to Lender and that the interesL
<br /> l;a�able ca tf:e sums s2eure�l by tliis .11oii�;u�;c -liali i�c ;ii sucii raie a� i.ender si�ail request . It I.ender has �caiced ,
<br /> the option to nccelernte providcd in tliis pnrugr�pL 1 ? :ind if 13orro�cer'� su�•ces_=or ie interest has executed a �crit- �
<br /> ten nssumption ngrement ascepted in ��•riting by 1,ender, Lender �hall rclea:c Borro�ccr frmn all obligntions under
<br /> thie Diortgagc nnd thc Notc.
<br /> If Lender excrcises such option to acccicr�tc, Lendcr �hall �uail I3nrrocser noticc o( accelcratio» in accordance
<br /> ticitL paragruph 14 hereoL �uch notice �hall procidr a period of not Ic�s Uinn 30 duyti from the d;ue the notice is
<br /> mailed �cithin �chicL I3orrower muy pa}' ihe swn: leclared duc. Tt Borro�cer fail. to p;n• �uch �ums prior to the
<br /> '' expiration of such period, Lendcr m:q•. �cithout furthcr notirr or �lemand ou B'orrou�cr. im•okc anc remedies per-
<br /> ` mitted by p:iragraph IS hcrcoL
<br /> % \o:,-t` steoicni Corese �r�. I3orro��•er ;u��l Lcuder f'tuiLcr cu��enrint and :iy,�rcc :i� follu���s :
<br /> 18. Aeeoleration; Remedies. L•;�i�ept a� procidcd in p;u:i};ra� ili 17 hcrcof, upon Borrc^:cr's brr,�cl: of nu�•
<br /> i cot�cnnnt or agr. ^•�,�•M oi I3orro�ccr in lhi= \tort �;n ��•, inrladiu{� flic co�•en:u�f .: to �i:q� �� hcu duc an}• sumv sccurcd
<br /> �; b� lhis \lortgagc, I.cnd�r � �riur to nccclei:ditm �liall in;ul uuticc tu I3orru�ccr a� �no��idcd in pnr.i�;r�ph 14 hcrcof
<br /> � sl�cr.if}'ing: ( 1 ) lhc Lrc;icL : ( 21 thc netion rcr�uircd tu cm�c �urli hresrl� ; 131 n d:�tc. not Ic�s thnn thirty' da}�s
<br /> < from thc d:�tc thc noticc i� nmilcd t�i J3urru�rer. Irc uhich sai•h hrvarli uiu�t Lc cinrd : :ind I �I ) that iailurc tu cttrc
<br /> such hrench on or before the datc specificd in Uic notice nu;y rceu!t in acccicratiun of tlic �uui. �ecttmd by this
<br /> �Tortgugc und sule of the Yropertti�, lf the brcu�ch is not cured or or be(orc tlic dat �� specified in tlic noticc, Lcndcr
<br /> at Lender's option map declaro sll nt t !w �um� �ccnrc�i 6�• thi� \lort�;uge tc� he immcdinlcl}• duc snd pacnLle
<br /> a�ithouL furt6er demund and mu}� ioreclo�e thi= \lort �;;i�;r b�� judi�•i:�l ��ro�•ccding. Lcnder �hall be entitled to collcct
<br /> j in �uch procceding nll exprnsc; of toreclo=urc. in��lu� lin�;, h�d nut limited tu. ,�o<t. of docmucntan� c��idencc,
<br /> abstructs und title rcport�.
<br /> : � 19. Borrowor's Righl to Roinstale. \c�h� itLstan�liu�; Lrudci'� :ieccicn�tinn of ihe sum� �ecured b�' thi�
<br /> Siodgnge, Borro�ser ehall hn�•e thc ri�ht to hn�•c any prnccrdin�;= heg�!n h}• Lrn�icr ro ��n(orce this \1ort {;n�e di�-
<br /> eontinued at any time prior to entr}• oi .� judgment enfcrrcin� t6i> \tort�.�nge if : I :u f3orru«•cr pucs Lender all
<br /> sums tishich kould be then duc under this �IOfIhB�'P, fI1L` � OtP :IILI notes �ecnrin� Future Ad�•iuicc<, if am�, hnd no
<br /> necelerntion occurred ; ( �>l I3urrox•er cure� all brcachc� of ;,u�• nther co��rnnnt � or :,;;rcemcnt� of Borro«•rr con-
<br /> tained in this 1Sortgnge ; (c ) I3orron•er pn}•e all r�•a�on:�ble espen�c. incurre�i bc Lender in enforcin�; the co��enant:;
<br /> nnd ngreements of Borro«•er contained in tl�i� \ lort �n�;e :md iu cuforcin�; l.rn� lcr'� remedic� a� proridcd in pnrn-
<br /> gruph 18 hereot, including, but not limited tu, rea�onnhle ;utorne}•'c fces : aml � ril 13orroticer tal;es ,uch action ns
<br /> ' ` , Lender mny rcaEonnbly require to assure that thc licn of thi� \ fortga�;c. Lender's ir.tcrent in the Yroperly aud
<br /> ' Borro�eer's obligntion ta pay the eums secured h}� t !ii� \lurt�:i�;�� rh;tll continuc� uni�np:iircd . L'pun r,ucL p�}•menl � � , r,'' : "�
<br /> ' : und cure by I3orroa�cr, this \fortgage nud the obligidion.� �ccured hen•bJ• �luill rcmain in full farc nnd c(fcct ns if �
<br /> ' � , no nccelerntion had occurrcd. _ N `
<br /> � I � 20. Assignmoat o[ Renis; Appov�tment of Receiver; Lender in Possession. As additiem:�l �ccuritt• here- � �
<br /> �«�,,,. �� l, under, Borroti�•er hereby nesigns to I.euder t6e rent,� of t6e Pm��ert}•, prorided th;rt liorro�cer �hall , prior to accelerv c'
<br /> ��� ation under purueranh ]8 hereof nr nhnndortne��t of the Pro�icrt}•, hacc� the ri�irt io collert and retain suci renT� '''
<br /> * 4t_ i�[ �
<br /> ,,� ,�,_g� us they become due nnd pnyable.
<br /> t y'� iTnnn n wni.^,.^^..uivu tiin� -- - - - �
<br /> ,-.... .- �� . � ��� ngiupii io nereoi or :ti�audonwenl of :lic Yropern•. Lcnder. in per�on. b}• ngent �
<br /> �" �yi� or by judiciully appointcd reccivet Fhnll be i�ntitled to enter upon, take po«c��ion uf and mann �;c the Property
<br /> a �� und to collect the rent5 of the Properiy, inclu�in� tho;:r pa�t fue. :111 rent � �•oliected b}� i,endrr or t6e recrirer
<br /> � ,....?.:.a k��nll }��. nnnli�vi �f�.;� 1� .. � t �t. _ -
<br /> � : . _ r.�,.._.. . �...�iDii�r v� ur' CVrI`f UI wanc�cmcnt o7 tiic Property amf CO��CCt10I1 U( fC11L<. li�t•�Ui� lfl�. f1U� �
<br />� G� . � IIOt. �Iflllf(Yj �O. fPPPIt'P(F �nnc nrv_�ni��rn� n • •��' :)Ou(:d 1 _ it
<br /> � :�:::': '. , iiid� ii-s���L:w�i' :tii.i�111L• P �n �I•PF . 'Allil illl'll � 11 I �1F �lltllc
<br />� "�,:f EeCllted b+. � t:i� ;t�a,.,. � �,_ , - .w
<br /> ., F..Ce j.�:ru�_i uiw uu mcrn�rr r:i:nii i�� ii ��i�i� � n � �,�p���.i .,..1.. i�. ,i.,.,�� . .,�, ,,..��_.:u.. . ..a a
<br />�^�- -g .. . .. . ......:.. I �
<br /> Wft . .__ ,.a.. ��-i� , - . , . _ .. . . . �. . . . . .
<br />�y.";..�� ' .
<br /> :: .�
<br /> �� �
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<br />