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<br /> ��sr:�0\� INDIVIUUAL ..T �
<br />�==-t��� Dl1E OP! SALE
<br /> � @`BIDf/�T� �OT�v►'^` �V 1 VRG HUVANC.tS
<br /> � `` �6��,� , SAVINGS FUND
<br /> � � ���� FORM N0.7T0 �
<br />� �' � Loa� Number__34901___-__188_-___1.
<br /> , . � . . . � . Trae a..ocn .
<br /> 1
<br /> �
<br /> 77- (�06f?�3 M O R T G ; � �
<br /> : _ _ _ . .
<br /> : THI9 MORTGAG�,mnde and executed this ......�1� ........dny of......��'-.......... __ A.n; `!
<br /> ......
<br /> "' iy..:7•'1.-.,Deiween the Mortgugor,...Arnold..S...Placke,..a..single.�ersnn---.-----.-----,----.-.----.--
<br /> ; ..........................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> ` of..Gzan.d..xal.and.............County o{.............Hall.................,State of..Neb.raska........,hereinntter referred
<br /> to ns the Borrower, und the Mortbngee, L'IRST FED�RAL SAVING5 AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br /> LINCOLN, 1235 "N"Street, Lincoln, Nebraaka 68501,its succe�.sors nnd ussigns,hereinafter referred to
<br /> as Lender.
<br /> W�TNc�acTy: mti�r �ti..w:�� D�—�,„;ci i�r xnu in consideration of the sum oE..1riInii vnc:iri�uSntiD �
<br /> � ! TWO HUNDP�HD�AND NO/�1�0-------11--------------------
<br /> s ...... .....................................................................................................Dollnrs (US S....31,200 00..... .........) "
<br /> paid by said Lender,does hereby mortgage,grant and convey to Irnder, its successurs nnd nsgigns; the
<br /> ` ' following described pmperty located in the�ounty of........Nall ,Stute ot Nebraeka: %
<br /> ; Lot rour (�+), in Valley View Third Subdivision tothe City of
<br /> � Grand Island, Hall County, Ilebraska.
<br /> 4
<br /> 4 �� . . .. ... . .
<br /> ToceTtiee with all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, nnd all ensements,
<br /> rights, appurtenances, rents, royalties, mineral, oil and gus rights and profits, wnter, wnter rights, nnd
<br /> wuter etock,and nll fixtures now or hereu[ter uttached to the property, all of which, including repluce-
<br /> ments and additions thereto,shull be deemed to be und remuin u pnrt oi the properf,y covered by this
<br /> Mortgage; nnd ull of fhe foregoing, together with said property (or the lensehold eatate in the event this
<br /> ' ' Mortgnge is on A leusehold) are herein reierred to as ine '�rrv(iei�"y'�.
<br /> ; Borrower covenants that Borrower is]nwfully seised of the estAte hereUy conveyed and has the right
<br /> to mortgage,grant anc'convey the Property, that the Property is unencumUered,and thnt Borrow•er n�ll
<br /> wurrant and de(end genernlly the Utle to the Property agninst all clnims and demands, subject to nny
<br /> easements and restrictions listed in u schedule oi exceptions to coverage in any title insurance policy in-
<br /> , suring Lender's interest in the Property,or (2) attorney's opinion of titic from nbstmct of title cerii6ed
<br /> by bonded abstracter.
<br /> , PROVIDED ALWAY.4� and these presents ure er.ecuted and deliverecl upon the follou•ing conditions,agree- .
<br /> ments and obligations of the Rarrocser, to-xit:
<br /> ��5 � THI.
<br /> The Borrurver ngrecs to pay to the Lendcr,or order,the principal Fum of._....RT1..�N£...THSIU.S,ANA..._
<br /> �c' 1W9..HIJPIAA£[?..AS1.A..N.41.100-.---------.--------r.-.----.------Dollnrs (tTS S....3.�.�.24(?..9.Q..................)
<br /> pnynble ns provided in a nofe executed and delivemd,concurrently hern��•ifh,the finul pnyment of principnl,
<br /> •'� ; if not sooner paid,on thc.---...._lct............day of...........2:nrch........... . ..... l�.2007
<br /> , UNIFORnt COVF:NANTS.BOI'IOwer nnd Lender covenant nnd ngrce ns follo«�s:
<br /> 1. Payment of Principal and Interest. Borrow�er Shall promptly pay when due the principal of nnd in-
<br /> ' terest on the indebtedness evidenced by the Note,prepa}�ment and late chnrges as provided in the Note,
<br /> nnd the principa(of and intcrest on nny Fuf.ure Advances secured by this D1ortgaqe.
<br /> 2. Funds!or Taxes and Insur�ce. Subject to Lender's option under pnragnphs 4 nnd 5 hereof,Bor-
<br /> rower�hall pay to Lender on the day monthly instnllmenfs of p;inripal nnd interest nre payable undcr thc
<br /> Note,until the Note is paid in full,a sum (herein"Fundr>") equal to one-t�celtth of the}•eurly tazes and
<br /> _ - nssessments which may nttnin priority over this hfortguge, and ground rents on ihe Property, if any plus
<br /> �� one-twelith of ycarly premium installments tor hnznrd insurance, plcs one-t�vcltth of ycarly premium in-
<br /> kFlallmentF for mortgnge insurance, if nny, nll ns reasonably estimated initialh� and from time to time by
<br /> , Lender on the bnsis of ussessments nnd bills and reasonnble estimntes thereof,Lender shall epply the I�unds
<br /> = to pay azid tnxes,ussessments,insurance premiums and ground rents.Lender shal(mnke no charge for so
<br /> "�'- holding nnd applying the Funds or verifying und compiling snid assecsments nnd bills.The Lender shall
<br /> � � give to the BorroK•er,without charge,an nnnual accounting of the Funds sho�cing crnditg and debitR to the
<br /> � , , Funds nnd the purpose for R•hich each debit to the Funds a•as mnde. The Funds are pledged as additional 4
<br /> security for the sums secured by this Mortgnge.The Borrower ngrces that the Funds may be held by the „ j�.`.
<br /> ��'- Lender and commingled with other[unds and the Lender's own funds and the I,cnder may pay such items iy',
<br /> ��� from iF�ots•n funde nnd the Lender shnll not be linble tor intemst or dividends on such Funda.
<br /> ���� If the nmount of the Funds held by Lender,together with the future monthly instnllmenLs o{ Funds �
<br /> ,,s k-{ L pnyuble prior to the due datss of taxes,assessments, insurance remiums and round rents, �hall exceed '�
<br /> ��� the umount required to pay[wid tnxes,nesessmenf�5,insurance remiums und � r`
<br /> ��st`� p ground rents�.s they fall duc,
<br /> such cacess shnll be,at Borrower's option,eithcs�pmmptly repaid to F3orrci�cer or credited to Rorrower on � �
<br /> 3�`z.. mnnfhly ,�eoil.,,o_,i_�.t r��ao r. ;��_y�vuu4�� i���rur�u5 ncici iry•iender snaii nul i�e sufficicnt to pay � �
<br />�� tnxes, nssrssments,insurnn�� . ' grvunu renis as they fall due,fiorrow•er s6all pay tn 1.I��rinr
<br /> II17ti'FiIIIOUItt Il�c�acqrv tn_ L . �1. .� c
<br /> ""' re ue;;tin ' ''""'"�"'�,-,cy wiinin ihitty days nfteynotice from Lender[o uorroa�er
<br />�., .��# 4 �pnyment thercof, or Bormwer shall, by [�n incrnase in montht mstallmenls of I'unds rec uired,
<br /> mpay the deficiency�vithin the Fund accounting ixriod.
<br />� � �
<br />� � Upon pa�ment in full O{t1I���SfOS FCCllIC(I I)V tI]IF iv`1vi�.SvS��:,�sd�r�!:�tt n�.,ty T'��nd.held ns n ctedit ; �
<br /> "� `# against all sum�;due. '' �
<br /> -� ---�
<br /> _-';,�
<br /> ^_�
<br />