<br /> � �:
<br />_ r-- ---� :�.
<br /> j: ;
<br /> ' I
<br />, ,
<br /> ;:::-_ �_= ;;:: .
<br /> r .�x ; not extend m � �octpmic the due date oi tlic mnuthh in<uillmeni > refer:ed to iu �r,iragra�ihs 1 :uid '1 hereoi or
<br /> ;z ...., .�,•,,, chauge tl�r, umoun4 of such instal6nents.
<br /> .��;��r�c
<br />#�,��r;,•' lU. Bnrrower Not Roleased. l�xlensia� oi thc fime (or � rn•mcnt or mo�lilication oi :unortir.ation of the smus
<br /> """"—"� �ecured Uy this \f �rtgag� �r:urtcil bp 1 �nder !o :uq• <urr.c�sw� in �utu•r=t of I3otro�crr �hall uot operate to relense,
<br /> > � in nny mnnner, Uie liabihty uf t �;,: origmal 13orro�eer nnd ]3�n�o�tiu '.� �uceessore in iuterest. I.ender sLall not be
<br /> required to commcuce procecdiugs against such succeesor m• n(use fo exicnd time (or pnyment or otherwise modify
<br /> � � ,� nn�ortizntion of the sums secured by tLis Ua•tg:iqc by rensou oi :im� dcmanri mude by Uic nriginal I3orrower and ;
<br /> ° � Bortower's successors in interest.
<br /> �' � il. Forbearance by Londcr Nat a Waiver. �1uy forhemancc 6y Lender in eacrcising uoy right or remedy
<br /> � hercunder, or othcrwise afforded by applicaUle In«�, sh:ill no� !�e n �rni�cr of or precludc the exercise ot any right
<br /> or remedy liereundcr. 'I'6c procureroent of insurn��cc oi• thc pa}•rnent ot titxes or othcr licns m• charges by Lender
<br /> `' shall not be n �cni��er of I,ender's righi to accelerate the maturity of Uic indeh(ednrss secured by this Dfortgage.
<br /> ""� 12. Ramedies Cumulative. All remedies proeided in thin \fortgagc urc dislinct und cumulati�•c to uny other
<br /> � rie66 or remedv under tliis �IOf�L'ALC lll' ,ifl'orded b}• la�c ��r ��r�uity, :uld may be exerci=ed coucw•renfly, independ-
<br /> � �\ entiy orsuccessivcly.
<br /> r la. $ucceesors m�d Assigns Eound; Joint and Several Liabi;;ty; Captions. 'I'I�e covenz�nts and aqreements ,
<br /> hetein confnined shnq bind, :ind tl�e righis Lercundcr �6all inure to, thc rc�pec( ive succc�sore :ind n�signs of Lender
<br /> "" ` and 13orro�,ver, subject io thc pro��isious of puraRraph 17 hcrcoi. _111 co��enant,: :�nd agrecmcnts o( I3o:rowcr shnll
<br /> i• i bc joint uud ecceral. The captions und hcadings of tlic �iarugrtph� o( tliis \ lort �;a�e are for ron�'cnicncc onl,y and
<br /> ; nre not to be used to inlerpret or deFi��c the pro�•i�ions hcreoL �
<br /> 14. Notice. Any noticc to I3orro�cer prorided for in thi., llortgagc =hall be gi��en b�• mailiug such untice b�'
<br /> certified �u;iii addre�.sed to I3oiro�cer :�t the Propert �• Addre�. ,uited belair , except for :any notiee required under
<br /> pnragraph 18 hereot to be gt��en to B�i.ra«•cr iu the manner prc:cribed bp np�ilicablc la�s. :1ny notice pro�•ided
<br /> for in this �Iortgagc shall bc dcemed to hn��c bccn gi��cn to 13orro«•cr a•hen �i��cu in the munncr designided lierein.
<br /> I5. Uniform Mortgage; Govoming Law: Severabilily. '1'hi� form of mortg:�ge cumbines unifonn covennnts
<br /> for national usc and non-uniforni coven�nts ���itl: ;;mited ��ariationa by jurisdiction to ccnsti?utc a uniform secu-
<br /> riCy instrument covering rcal property. '1'his \Iortg�qc shnll be goeerned by tlie Intiv oi tlic juriFdiction in which
<br /> r: ' the Yroperty is locnted. ln the ecent Uia6 any ��rovision or clause of Uiis \fortgage or tl�c Note con(licts with
<br /> , upplicable luµ•, such conftict shall not :�ITect other provision� ot this \lorfgage or tl�c Notc �chich can t�c given
<br /> effect �vithout the con0icting procision , and tc tLis end tlie proeisions o( the \fortguge and the Note nre declnred
<br /> to be severaUlc.
<br /> ; 16. Borrowei s Copy. Borro���er shall bc furniel�cd a con (ormed copp of fhis \tortg:sgc at tlie timc of execu-
<br /> tion or after recordntion liereof.
<br /> 17. Transter of the Properly; Assumption. Ii all or uny part ot thc I'roperl�• or an interest therein is sald
<br /> or transtcrred by Borrower witLout Lender's prior �crittcn consent , excluding (a) thc crcation of a licn or encum-
<br /> brunce suUordinnte to this \lortgage, ( b ) the cmation of u purdiasc monc�� security intcrest for household appli-
<br /> � :inces, (cj n transfer by devise, de.cent or by operation of l;��e upon thc dcath of a joint tenant or (d ) thc grant ot '
<br /> nny leasehold interest of tl�rec ycars m• lesa not cmitainin�: an option lo purchuse, Lender m�y, al Lender's option,
<br /> �' declnre nll tl�e swns secured by this \iortgnge to be iuuucdiulch• duc :md pay:�ble. I.ender �hall Lace n�ai�•ed sucli
<br /> � uption to acceleratc if, prior to thc s:ilc or trnnsfcr, I.endei• :ind t6e per:on to �chom thc Yroperty is fo bc eold or
<br /> ' trnns[erred reacl� agreemeni in �eriting that the credit of eucli peron is s;itisfactor�• to I.ender :u�d thait the interesl
<br /> -` ' payuble on fhe sums secumd by ihis \Iortgagc shall bc at, sucl� ratc as Lendcr sLa11 requcsL If I.ender has waived
<br /> the option to nccelerate provided in tliie pariigrn�ih 1 i and if 13urrotecr'� auccc_sor in intcrest, has cxecuted a �crit-
<br /> ; ten assumption agrcement accepted in �criting b}• i.euder, Lcuder �lmlf rcicase Borro�cer from all obligntions under
<br /> thie Mortgage nnd thc iVotc.
<br /> If Lender �xercises suc�� option to :iccelerate, I,ender shall mnil Borrower notice oi accclerntion in accordance
<br /> �citf� paragraph 14 Lereoi. Sucl� notice sh;ill procide ;i period uf not Ie:, 1L:in 30 dsti•s Irom tl�c dnte tl�e notice is
<br /> mniled n•itl�in �rhich I�orroaer ma;: p�}• the num� dcclnred due li Borroa•cr fails to pay nucL sums prior to the
<br /> } , expir:stion ot such period , Lender ma}•. �cithout fui�tirer notice or demand m� ]3brro«�er, in�•oke au}• remedies per-
<br /> +� + mitted by paragrnph 18 hereoL �
<br /> �o�-ii�;tFm+:�t Co��r:::rsTs. I3oi•ro�cer ;md Lender f'iu•ti�er eo�•etiant, aud agree uti follo�cv :
<br /> 18. Aecoleration; Remedies. I:xcept ,i� procidcd in �cu;�gr.ydi 17 herrof, upun ]3nrro«•cr'� hresch of any
<br /> covennnt or agreenicnt o( 13orrower in thi� \Imi �:i{;c, in�4n� liu� ilic co��euant . ,o p:�y tic6en duc an}• �ums �ecumd
<br /> r hy this \lortgage, I.endcr prior to acrcleratimi >6nil m:iil noticc to Borrou�cr a� piro�•idcd in p:u�ngrapli 11 hercof
<br /> specifqing: fll the brench ; 1 `ll the ai�timi rcquircd to curc �uoh brcarl� ; � 31 a d:ite , not Icss th;�n thirt�• r1u�•s
<br /> from thc datc tl�c noticc is w:�iled tu 13orro�rcr, b}• uliicli .�uch brrurh iuust bc rurcd ; and I �11 tliat failm•� i �� curc
<br /> ��cl� breach on or before the dute �per,ficd in thc nuti��c ni:it� result in accclerntiun oi t6c sum. secured hy this
<br /> 4 \lortgugc nnd �ule ot the I'ropertp. If tlic brc:ich is not cured on or be(orc thc Jatc �pceificd in tLc noticc, I.cnder
<br /> nt l.enrler's option m�y dccL•�rc nll of tLe ;unu .c�curcd b.� thi, \lort�ngc tu bc inunedintelc due nnd payublc
<br /> ,rithout further de�imnd and may forcelosc tLi� \ lort �;n�c by judicial proccedin�;. Lendi�r �hall be entiticd to collcrt
<br /> in surh proccedin{; ;�II c•xpcuse� oi foreclo=ure. inrlu�liug, bnt not limited to, co�t � of ducmnrnt:try eaidencc,
<br /> abstrncts and titic report�.
<br /> 19. Borrowoie Righ! lo Reinstate. lotu•it6�tandin�; I.endtr .� ucceleration ot the .uni� secured Lv this
<br /> Alortguge, Borrow�er El�sll hu�•c t6e right to ha�•e any proceedin�;s begw� bv Lendcr to en(orc�c thi� \iort�;nge dis-
<br /> continucd at any timc prior to en�n• of n judt;ment enioTcin� thi� \tort �;uge if : I :u Borroticcr pn��s I,ender ull
<br /> ; sums ti��hich tivould bc 'tb �n duc undcr thi� \[on �;a�c. thc \otc nnd notc� �rcurin�; Fnturc :1d�•�incc� , if nnt•, had no
<br /> • accelerntion occurred ; ( b ) I3orrotiver ciac, �II bren��Le� of an}• oth��r co�•cn;mt � or a�;memcnt� o( J;orrok•er con-
<br /> tainal in thic �fortgnge : fej Borro�ser pn}•s all reasonaLle ex�,en�e� iucurrcd h�• Lcnder in cnforein�; tLe co�•ennnls
<br /> nnd ngrcements of Borrou•cr contuineri in thi� \lort�;n�;e and in eniorcin�, I.cndcr'� �r•mcrlie, as ��ro�•idcd in para-
<br /> gmph IS hemof, including, but not limited to, renwnable attorne}�'� irc� : nn� i � dI Aorrolccr t :�ki�s .uch action a,
<br /> � Lender muy reaEonably req:�ire to ussure that thc licn o( tLis \] ort �a�;c. Lcndcr'� intere�t in Ihe Property �nd
<br /> . I3orrower'x obligntion to �,.sy the �ums sccured hy' tfii� \Iort {;:ic;c �hall i•ontiuue unim>>nired. i:pon such p:i}•ment "' � - =�,�` .�,.
<br /> `' ` � nnd cure by Sorroa•er, this \fottgnge and the obli�ntion� =ecumd hereb}• �hnll rcmnin in fidl forec :tnd effcct as if - �
<br /> � , � �.
<br /> no ncce(erntion had oceurred. . �
<br /> 2Q. P..^.._=�3TY"�(isu! ot Roata; App:.intmeni of Receiver: Lender in P�ssession. :1s additionnl �ecurity herc- �
<br /> ^�! � under, I3nrron•cr he:chy ns=igns to I,ender the rcnts o{ the Yrapert�•, prm•idcd thnt I3orrmcer shali , prior to acccler- �` '
<br /> ution under parngrnph IS heteof or abandonmen� of Nic Propert}• , b;��•�r thc ri{;Lt to collect und retziin �uch rents � `
<br />� as Lhe}• hecome due nnd paynble. `tii
<br /> � �� _-. Linnr Ar�rlvrntinn vnrinr pnrn�r�;�h 1R lu�mo{ r��� :ih;i»r]r,nmcnt of the Yropc: tr. l.cndcr. ir pra�son . b}- n�ent
<br /> ��;,;, or by judicinlly z�.pointed receiver �hnll be entiticd to cntcr upon , take pos=r>,iou of nnrl mnnaFe thc Yropertv
<br /> , _ A _fl ��� L .. �; a4 _ T___ '�_" "_ "I.. J :_ .. . �
<br /> .� ouu �u Cvui �o iue T'cGi'a v u�c a � v�.v �� � u�� �uwu�, wi�<c jiasi tiUC. ilil rcrt� coiierted i ��� i.end�m ur the reccicer
<br /> '�' shall �e npplied Erst to paptnenf af tl:c cnsts oi :nann�cmcnt o( tLc Ympertt• and rollc�r, iuu uf mnt �. inrt���lin�, hut
<br /> �,;._,;
<br /> + „� � not limited te, receicer'e fec�, premiunr., on recci��cr'c bond� and ren�onable ;rttornet•': fee= , and then ro the =mns
<br /> '� �ecurr3 by thi; \tortgn�e. I.ender and klic recci�•cr �hall h�� linh)c tn ;�c�•ount onic tor tho=e rent� nrtuall}• recei�•ed. t
<br /> �'��4.... . . . J
<br /> � �
<br /> �
<br />