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<br /> 77- U06U82 MORTGAGE
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<br /> :� TT-TiC M(1RT(:A(:F. morin�n�l nvnrnln`1 lhic __1� tjav of . October ........._....A.D..
<br /> ___.._---_•----,•_---------- -- - .
<br /> ""��'a ri, � 19.......?'�between the hlort aqor,..Gary J. Dreesen nnd Karen Dreesen� husband,.and._wife,.
<br /> �ointly and each in t�eir ocun right, � �
<br />� '; r .............._................................---........................................_............................................................................................
<br /> - � of.........Doniphan Hall ,State of...i`(ebraska ,hereinafter referred
<br /> .......................County of................. .
<br /> to us the Borrower, and the biortgngee, FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br /> LINCOLN, 123u "N"Slreet,Lincoln, Nebrnsku 68501�1�9 SIICCC'SS075 AA(I SISSISIIS�hereinafter re[ernd to
<br /> as Lender.
<br /> �� L - t �IT.TIIAtTV Y/1ItD TIl/1I1CAAlT ..�
<br /> . WITNF.SSETH: T}lAt f}1C SAIt�RO[LUW�i tor and in cutis;�ie�ation of 411C ea„-,a.....,�..u,............._................ . - . - . -� �
<br /> ' THREE HUNDRED AND._NO(100---------------c-.-.----r.--c-:�oL'ars (US g......24.,.3UD.D.Q...............J
<br /> ................................ .......................... ...
<br /> pnid by snid Lender,does hereby mortguge,grant und convey to I,ender, its successors nnd assigns; the
<br /> following described pmperty locnted in the Count.y of................Ha]-.1...................,,Stnte ot NeUraeka:
<br /> Lot Four (4), Bartelt Second Suhdivision of part of Lots Seven (7),
<br /> Fourteen (14), Fifteen (15), Sixteen (16), and Eighteen (18), of
<br /> the County Subdivision of Part of the South lialf (S2) of Section 5,
<br /> Township 9 North, Range 9 West of the 6th P.M., in the Village of
<br /> - Boniphan, Y.all County, r:ebracka.
<br /> Tcx:erttee with all the improvements now or herea[tcr erected on t.hc property, and all easements,
<br /> rights, appurtenunces, rents, royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and pro&t�g, water, water right,�, and
<br /> water etock,nnd ull fixtures no��or hereafter attnched to the property, all of which, inclucling repince-
<br /> ments and additions thereto,shnll be deemed to be an�i remnin a part oi the property cocered by this
<br /> Mortgage; nnd all of ihe foregoing, Logether with said propert,y (or the leasehold estate in the event this
<br /> Mortgage is on a leasehold) are herein referred to as the "Property".
<br /> Borrower covenants that 3orrower is lnwfully scised of the estat.e hereby com�eyed and hns the right
<br /> to mortgage,grunt and convey the Property, that the Property is unencumbercd,and that Bonower�cill
<br /> ; wnnant and defend generally the title to the Property ngains all claims and demands, suLject to any
<br /> easements and restrictions listed in a schedule ot exceptions to covernge in nny title insumnce policy in-
<br /> suring Lender's interest in the Property,or (2) atto*�,•v's opinion o[ title from AUSfM.Cf o[ title certified
<br /> by bonded abstrncter.
<br /> Paovtueu A�wn��s, and these presents are ezecutecl and delivered upon thr,folloti�•ing conditions,ngree-
<br /> - ments ancl obligations o[ the Borrocver, tq-«•it:
<br /> The�3orrow•cr agrecs to pay to fhe Lendcr,or order,the principal�um of..T[�'$NTY...EDUR..THOUSANII-
<br /> � .Tfl�£..H.UI'1.AI�P..A;iA..NQ/.19.0-------------.---r..--.~r..--r.-.--�ollars (US�...24,30�.OD._....._...........)
<br /> paynble as pmvided in n note executed nnd delivered,concurrentiv here«�ith,the final payment o�principal,
<br /> i` if not saaner paid,on the............lst.........d�v o[..........Decer�b�r..........._.....,��5..200`+
<br /> Ux��ron�i CovLxnxrs.Borrotiser and Lender covennnt nnd ngree as follo�es:
<br /> I. Payment of Principal and InteresL Borm�cer shnll p:omptly pay when due the principal of nnd in-
<br /> terest,on the indebtedness evidenced by the Note,prepayment ❑nd late chnrges �s procided in the Notr,
<br /> and the principnl uf nnd intemst on nny Fulure Advances�ecured by this A1ort�age.
<br /> 2. Funds for Taxes¢nd Insurance. Subject to Lencler's option under phra�rapiis 4 and 5 hereoi,I3or-
<br /> ro�scr shall pay to Lendcr on the d�y monthly instnllmenfs of principal and intecest are paynble under the
<br /> Nute,until lhc 1'ote is paid in full,n sum (herein "Funds") eyual t� onc-h:�elfth of the }•carh� taxes and
<br /> essessments�shich may altnin priority over this ATortigagc, nnd �ro�nd rent4 on thu Prn�icrt.y, it an}� plus
<br /> � onc-t�n•elfth of ycarl� premium installmen�5 for huzflrd insunncc, plus one-t���cltfh of ycarly prrmium in-
<br /> ? sfnllments fm mort�age insurnnce,ii any, ail as reasonubly eatimnted initialh• nnd tmm time to tirne bv
<br /> Irndcr on the Unsis of aFsesnmenLs and bills�nd reasonzble estimatcs thereof,Lender�hall appl�•the I�uncis
<br /> .� � to pay�said taxes,asse�;ments,insurttnce premiums and ground rents. Len�cr ahall make no rhar�c for so
<br /> , „ holding and npplying the FundS or verifying nnd compiling said assessments and bills.The I,ender shall
<br /> �ive to lhe Borrowvr,t�•ithout chnrge,an nnnual nccounting of the Funds showing credits nnd debits to the
<br /> ,�� Funds and ihe purpose for whicii each debit to the Funds«�as made. The Fvnds nre pledged as ndditional �( .'„..
<br /> Fecurity tor the hums secured Uy this 14ortgag��.Tf�e Aorro�ti•er agrees that the Funds mny be held by the
<br /> x�,+ �� Lender and commingled n•ith other funds nnd thc Lendcr's otivn funds and thc Lrnder mny pay such items cv��..
<br /> from its own funds und the Lender shall not be liahle for inlemst or dividends on such Funds. .-.�'
<br /> '��'� l If the amount of the FundF held by Lender,togelher with the future monthly installments of Funds �
<br /> '-�����` payable prior to the due dates of tuxes,assessments, insurunce premiums and ground renGs, shall exceed r..
<br /> :;� thc nmount requimd to pa�said tazes,assessments,insurnncc remiums and
<br />'�� p ground rents a.s they fall due. �'
<br /> uya,�� such excesv shnll be,nt Borro�cer's a�tion,either pmenptly repnid to Borro,�•cr or credited to Borrower on
<br />�*��,:�:�: montniy instnlimenfs of runds. If the nmount ot the Funds held Up Lcnder shnil not be�u�cient to pap -
<br /> �..,�� taxes, u�.ses�menks, insurance premiums and grounc3 rents ns they fall due,I3ormu�er shall pey to i.ender
<br />�z�� an}•amount neceswlry tm m�he up the cleficiene�•witl�in tliirty dntc alter notice Irom Lencier to tsornnaer
<br /> � �; requesting payment thereuf,or I3orrotiver ehall,�by an inctease in monlhh�installmcnis of Funds required,
<br /> r�', _� repay the deficiency within the Fund nccoimtir.g period.
<br /> ;$ lipc�n payment in tull of nll sums secured hy this A4ortgnge,Lender shall apph•Punds heh:as a credit. I
<br /> ,,, � ng;iin�t�11�umh due. _�
<br /> - �
<br /> -:_ �
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<br />