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<br /> " {�,'j� �"'� This is L-o certiiy tlu:t .� decrec ly:s been entered in Lhe �ounty
<br />��s���,��.�;
<br /> , Court of Y.r.11 County , t•]eUr�slc�. in � proceecin� encitlecl :
<br /> 'r !
<br /> . �� T��� mm..n rtn Ttlo L+CTAmD l�T? iPiv.iT.T A T TT T IIV �
<br /> .LL! IQG 1•1K11L' !l Vl llau �+Jl� ��L+ �a �.unt�� v • �.i ...�... a , i�eceased �
<br /> - , i
<br /> ; I.To � 6254 �oc . 24 !�'�,�E 239
<br /> '� ` ? 1� ich is c. proceedin� invoivin�
<br /> Prob�^Ce o _ t ?ill , !_dninistr�:tion of
<br /> �st�te , �e �erminaCion oi IIeirs , �eterninction oi Inl�erit�nce Tc:�; ,
<br /> � Gu�rdi�nsllip , or Conservr.torship) :
<br /> in �•�liich proceedin� tlie folio�•tin� described real est- eL- e is involved ,
<br /> to -t��it :
<br /> running thence North , along the West line of said L�t , 182 . 2 fe� t , to �
<br /> the place of beginning ; containing 2 . 17 acres , more or less , it being
<br /> • noted t?�.at the ariginal total acreage of I.ot 1 ( Island ) is recorded
<br /> ' as 2 . 12 acres .
<br /> All of I.ots One (1 ) and Ttao ( 2 ) , the East 9 . 40 acres of ". Lot Three ( 3 )
<br /> s and all of Lot Four (4 ) in the Esst Half (Ez ) of Section Eleven ( 11 ) , f
<br /> Township Nine ( 9j North , Range Ttaelve ( 12 ) , [Jest of the 6th P .N. , Hal1
<br /> County , Nebraska , containing 114 . 15 acres . .
<br /> ' �' � �� L / nl.ftriL � G n / .
<br /> . l�lf: EBSL f1811 OL �tic t� Gi. i.� iw25t QllFiii.ti \ L" )�� W'Z� / vL oection Eleven � l. l ?
<br /> Township Nine ( 9 ) , Narth, Range ltaelve ( 12 ) , West of the 6th P . M . ,
<br /> Iiall County , Nebraslca .
<br /> '� � The Ncrthwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NW',NW'� ) of Section (
<br /> Thirteen ( 13 ) , Township Nine ( 9 ) North , Range Z�.�elve (12 ) , I�Iest of the
<br /> * ; 6th. P . M. , Hall County , Nebras {ca .
<br /> An undivided One -half interest in the Southwest Quarter of the North-
<br /> ' � west quarter ( SW`�NW'E ) �nd the Northwest �uarter of the Southwest Quurter
<br /> ' (NW-'�SW� ) and Lots Three ( 3 ) and Four (4 ) in the Southwest Quarter ( SWti•)
<br /> lying nor�n oi �ne ii��a �stute Higt��wr:y , in Szc � i�n Thirteen ( i3 ) , fown=
<br /> ship Nine ( 9 ) North , Range 'haelve ( 12 ) Tdest of the 6th P .M . Ha11 County
<br /> Nebraska , containing 90 . 86 acres , more or less .
<br /> An undivided one -half interest in a part of the Northeast Quarter l,t?� ;
<br /> of Section Fourteen ( 14 ) , Township Nine ( 9 ) , North , Rnnge Ttaelve ( 12 ) ,
<br /> : � - �. Wesz o� the 6th P . M. , Hmll County , Nebraska , descri.L� d as follaws ;
<br /> Cn . �encinS e [ the Northeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of rhe �
<br /> N,, ;teast Qunrter (NE1.;NG `� ) of said Section Fourteen ( 14 ) � thence west
<br /> alor►g the north line of said Section 22 rods� , thence south 18 1 / 6th
<br /> x T � rods , thence east 22 rods to a point on tne section line along �ae
<br /> �"" east side of said section 18 1 / 6th rods south of the point of beginning ;
<br /> t�. � .� , thence north to the place of beginni.ng , containing 2 . 50 acres . „ � - � ., y � . �.
<br /> Z+�? F �; �� Cy� ; : '
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