i _ . � �
<br />: �.,,, , ,,,, .... �
<br />: ���.\7'I. OP .vr,I31ile5n.�a, Cutuiiy oi �
<br />} ......................................................
<br />� l iled for reeoi.d nnd entcred i+`t Nuruericul lndes on
<br /> � ................ u'r.l�ck ................ .li,
<br />�,�� und recorded iu Dfortgage Record ........................ Pnge ...,....................
<br />�:.���
<br />^"� "�s€ ....... I3y
<br /> .._................................................. ....................................,..............,........
<br /> ���� ('- County Olerk or lleputy Couuty Clerk or
<br /> �` � Register of Deeds Deputy Register of Decde
<br /> � : 77�. �0 E r��3 �AL PROPERTY MORT�AGE
<br /> Mie�ael L, Hartman� a ,inP]e man , herein called tl�e tuortgagor n�hether one or more, �
<br /> i
<br /> in coneiderntion oi T�-,iTty Thqtasarid anci no/100 �lUllai s (�i,j0�vG0.�1�=�j _
<br /> received from ruortgngee, does mort�age tothe 5tate Bank of L:ll: Creek� i:l� Creek, IdL,�
<br /> the followina de^crihed yremises to vit: Referrin[� to a point on the Sout� linF
<br /> of I:ot 10 in County Siihd'iv�sion in the Southea�t �t;�rter (SI�g) o:' Section
<br /> , Nineteen �19)� To��mshi�, Ten (10) Northi Ranve �.leven (77.) l�lest o£ thP �,th P.td.l '
<br /> in Hall County, Pdebraska said yoint beir.t; T+�enty (20.0) feet east of t�e
<br /> ' center o; the Southeast �izarter of .^,aid Section, from this re;'erence point
<br /> �,roceedinr_ on a ]ine 9.n a nor!:he?�1p di.rection i,arallel to and one Hundl•ed
<br /> � Thirty-Five ooint Three Feet �13k.�) distar.t from t?�e east 11.r.e cf said Lot
<br /> 10 a distance of Five Hundred Ninety (k90.0) Fe�t tc a point tilhich yoint is the `
<br />� actual :;oinc.o? be�inr.in� for the i:escriNtion of th�s troct, Cot�r�enci.ns� at " '
<br /> this point of heeinninP tnence conti•nuinn Ir'ortherl.y on the same 1 ire �r,t,ended a dis-;
<br /> `. tencc of rour Hundred Sen,�tr�; Three yoint siX feet (473,6} to a 1,oint on the
<br /> ' rieht of ��ray lir.e of t�E3"L on Pacific-� Railroad� thence in a Pdo?thea�tr.•r)y �jir-
<br /> � ect:on at �n anP'e of Six.i:v Li�ht �?eerees Thirty-rive t!inutes (<�°35') to t;he
<br /> ri?ht alon? and u�nn the rai]road right o!' t�av ',ine a dis+.an.ce nf Fotir 'tiundre�?
<br /> i Forty -One °oint Six (1+41,F..) feet� tnence Souther].y at an an�.le of One Iiunrred
<br /> Lle•ren DeFrees T;;enty-Five �`inutes (177' 2K') to the ri�ht a di�tance of Sir. Nundrec�
<br /> Thirtv-27ine �,o9nt Seven (���9 7)fe� �hence l�ler,i;eri�� at an �r.^].e cr 1?inety Der.rees :
<br /> 1r�✓�,t ihirty �:ia,nt t4irn te, Z��o;?�) to the rieht a r7i^trnce of rour Ili�nrired
<br /> t�n :,oint T•r��a f1�7.� ,?) p-�+ �� the f;oint rf heFir.nirg said tract containir.� rive '
<br /> point ��aer:tv Five (r.2r) Acres more or Iess vnic}i inciudes one ha7f oi' J;he roa�9 on '
<br /> � � the ;,'est Side of Said Tract. /
<br /> � /Z�G'/" "'�
<br /> . t!�e A�ilure fr� �ni�iiilnin insunwcc as licrcin prucided. mort��igi�c ma}� at thc optimi of mort;;ag��e, �t•ith. .
<br /> � out notice, at a:��• iimr durin�; tli�• continunuce of sucl�de5iult or lireach,drelarr the 1��liole deLt secured �
<br /> b}• thia mnrt�ii�r to be iminrdi��tel}• du� unri p;i}•ti6lr nud map foreclose tlii5 mnrtgn�u,
<br /> Jn the ��cent of defnnit in fiie pr�rformiinrc of nn}� of the• terms nnd con�litions of thi5 tnort{�a{;e or
<br /> thc uotc•securi�d by it. lhr morl�;aK���tih;�ll bc e�itiU��d to imu�edi;itr pussrssion of thc prnperh� abo�•c dc-
<br /> scribed and all the rents. re��etmr, ❑nd incon�e dericrd tlicrrfrum during tiuch time as the mortgage in-
<br /> dnLt��dnrvs remain4 unptiid slinl! 6c ap�ilicd bp the ❑iortgagce to the pxpment of tLe uotu arid ali othcr
<br /> sums hecured hereb}� nftcr deduetion of nny nccessurp cosls oC collectiou.
<br /> � ° Dnicd Octoher l�i 79 �']
<br /> ` � ............................................................................................ .,. . %" �.��'��.��1......�.... .......
<br /> .�
<br /> , ' s�r.�rF: ol�, :�rr,�t.�ss��. co�„�<<� �,r ......��hn.��.'?......
<br /> Before me, ri notary public qunlified for said count}-, persnunllp came I
<br /> ?iichael I,, ?iartman
<br /> � kno���n ta me to bc thc identical prrsan or persons n•ho siqned tl�r. �.-.�':`''
<br /> foregoing instrutncvt und ucknnicled�ed thc execution tLereof to Le liis, ti�``
<br /> hr,r or tLcir coluntary act and dced. I � '
<br /> � I
<br /> �h� `
<br /> �,����,�� ZPitness tnp licind �nd notnrinl seal on ,�Ctohar ]? 197'7 �' '
<br /> .,�� E QSHEL � z...................................
<br /> '9(! ✓,_� .
<br /> ..............
<br /> '��;h`��" 6EHERAI MOTARY . /�"`�'�-S(? � � �
<br /> ....................... ....... .. ..............._..................... AT '
<br /> '= 9'tA'�E OF hfDe +;q ' otary PuLl�c
<br /> -� " _Y�mhS1C�Exo )> _ ��= 3fy cocniui�csion eil�ires GE;:��'"}.cr L•� �0�70
<br /> .......
<br /> .......
<br /> ......
<br /> ,... ............
<br />� �`� 7�.�.�.� q9 :�n��r�c�rt lit \ 1��,�.�4, tt•�f�. F;nr ,1csr�ri:ition F�k ttto!tR�..I.imr,In.Nebr.' l9 ............
<br />� � ----- -�- . - - _I �
<br /> ,�
<br /> , :�
<br /> `�
<br />