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� y <br /> SECUNDI�� ���,? � � � <br /> ; , ; <br /> il- t1(�fiO%'(1 ': -;: . � , <br />� �'� Tl�isIndenture,nt,�d�by«r��t����i«•n-a 5����'�t� FNCKItJG (.U1IPANY a I'debraska Corporation> d/b/a_. '' <br /> k : . . .. .. ... . ._._.. _ .. .. . . . _ � <br /> tw r.'�..r . ..� ..._.. ...."_"' _ _ �. <br /> "z :-` .I h.11tU 1.1 Yu•t+UI.kJy1.k MkH I$ . _.. ..... . •,�hetlmr nnr or mnrc hereinaftcr rcferral to ns morty;ngor . i <br />���K,��; ,,»a TH� oVERLANU NATIOt�AI. DANK OF GRAND ISLAND, Grand Island, t�ebraska, hereinafter <br /> K��,��}�,#f referred to as Bank <br />��#��,a� � T7ictdort�:aqorfurcmdmmns�dcrationof($ 4P+z�6 24 J . — — _ -- '.-- -'_--------- 1 <br /> r��� i <br /> FORTY-TVJO THOUSAND TWO HUNORED FORTY-SIX AND 24/100- - <br /> t�; .. . .. ._. ... .. _. _ . .. . ... -- iS naid th .uik <br /> _..T)OI.I.A} , by eb• , <br /> �'. the receipt wherea[ ie herehy ucknowledgcd, hna Frnnted, barguin�xl, fiold anJ conveyid, and by the presente, dcee grunt, <br /> 4 f bn nin,5ell und conve unto said bank,d�e followin descrituKl renl ro x rty situr+le3 in the Count ot._.._..Nal l <br /> . � Y� !; P f' Y , ......................_............. � <br /> and State ot Nebruskn,to-wit: ' <br /> ; ' Lot Two (2), Block Thirty-Eiqht (38). Oriainal ToWn No:�: ; � ��,-a *_,_.. , <br /> , Ci t� o� �u��� a„a„u, ivebraska. <br /> ; � <br /> f Logether with nll the tenrmenls,}�ereditnmenls nnd appurtennnces to the same belongin;;, r,nd all the estaYe, title,clafms nnd - . � <br /> demands whatsocver of the mortga�or of,in or to said premisca or uny part,thr.rcof; and snid mort�;a�;or doce hereby cov- � �� <br /> enant,that the mort�agor is lawfuily scized of said premises,thnt snid premisrs are free f:om incumbrunce and mortgngor <br /> � will warrant and dc[end ihc tit)c to said premises against thcclnims nnd demunde of ull persons whomsoever. . <br /> PROVIDF;D ALWAYS, and thcee p:•esenls arc upon tF.ese conditions: � � <br /> �� � NHEREAS, the m��rt�;agor hns caecuted nnd delivered fn the Bnnk..._a..C21'.tdl ll_... .,, p�miasory note � <br /> ' dated October 18, 1977, for the principal amount of 542,246.24 at 10% interest, to mature <br /> on December 19, 1977 <br /> and has agrced to main4�in fire, tsindstorm and rxtrnd.•d � _�,_ ,_ � cn -. : p;cr�isc�, in umounis required and in <br /> companies approxecl Uy th� L¢nk and wi!!:e.tar.dard mr,�t�;u�;ccltmses �chich�policies,shall be delivered to the bank, nnd has ." <br /> ugrecJ to puy nl)lnxes and assc=5ments Icvicd ngainst said prcmisc;befnrc thc Rame becomc dclinquent nnd to maintuin xaid � <br /> premises. <br /> t Now, therefon, if tlie mortgagor shall comply uith all of the pro��isionE of said note and the provisions heteof, then <br /> � theec presenta shnll be nuii and eoid. <br /> liowever, if the nboce note nnd interest tf�ercon or.ny pa3'ments cnlled for lhereon nre not paid x•hen due or if any <br /> � �� ot the covenants af this instrument ssre not complicd w�ith,the bm�k, or [ho hulden c�reof, at it, option may declare thc re- <br /> . mnining b:dnncc of said indeLtcdni�sx duc and papablc rmd mny mninL•iin^n nefimi at!cv:or in eqL•ity to:eco�c::.t;a,-auueiia ' . .. .. <br /> due end enforce the pravisiun=!:c�c•ui. in the cvcnt ot the f:�ilure of mort�;agor to mnintnin the premises, or to mAintxin � - � � <br /> insurance as is above provided tor, or to Pay taxes or assecsments,the lmlder hercot may advnnce Che sum or sums necessary <br /> � fo obtuin compliance rmd surh :m�ounts shall Le aJded to the amounl dve on the aUoce rnentioned note and bear intemst at <br /> �'> � the hi�hcat leguf rnle � � <br /> , .. . IT TC RI1RTf7F11 Al:T7F.F.fI �i�i. ..�.,.�........ .i...�� ......_.:�...,, __.:__ �.,"_� .4_. •t:� �_..�K�F. . r. ♦ <br /> . ... ._ _.'.• .._"_ ..."."^..n- .....�.. �....�......� .�v�•.•. ..�.�.�•.� .•...� �.�•o ���v�. �; �n ea;iu���� aV1 i1�u V���� . ...... <br /> • the amount ndw�nced concurrenUy w�ith the cii�cution herenf but all futurr ad�•ances�ehich tnay be made at the option of the <br /> pnrtics or thcir assi�ns up Ln thc toLzl nmount strded in thi;morl�;i��;c,to the siune r:xtcnt as adrnnces ori�;in¢lly rnnde here- <br /> undcr.Further notice is hereby gicen thut the tenor of cach Siort�;agc `oti� inrluding the in[crest rutc, pnpment, maturity, <br /> penaltics, and other terms shnll cnncurrently upon execation Lecome ii part of this mortguge. <br /> � IT IS FURTIfEH ACRFiEU,that th�ynid Jimt�;a�;or thall:md will pay all taaes!e�'icd upon this mortt;u�e or the debt <br /> � secured thcrcby,tngethcr tvith nny uthcr t��xes or s=_ees�m�mts�vhich may be levicd under thc IaK�s of ticUrnska,arainst thc <br /> said hiortgagen or the Ic�;nl holdct of the suid prinripal nolc(s)un accnime of thiy indeLtedne=s. <br /> � IT IS FURTIIF.R AGitBEll,it.�+ ��••+:•�^ •��`� e;1,�,,,urijra�;e is m c7:ect and the nute for which this mortgage is � <br /> - gi.�,i�e��ecuriiy,vr uny pnri thereof, remains.unnnid,•+};r cr;?;,-ci�_,;e; ',jort{;a�;orr srjj, con�•eV oT conlract to sel! the renl <br /> ' eetatc hercin described,or nny pnrt thereof,or the 1lorqcngors do nnt ha�•c nr cense to hn�•�� title to said renl estate or any <br /> part thereof,then and in any such events,the �Surt�n�;ee may,at it=_option,derinr� the unpuid principat Lal+�nce,and interest, <br /> a:the r.c'.c eecured F.r:eb}•i^::nedia:ely dur and pa�aF;le.;n ihe ecen[th:d tLese premises are not now,or snould hereaiter,not -� <br /> bc occupicd by mort�;ngor thcn thix instrumcnt shnll cvr.etitutc an u;si�-nment uf rcntails nnd�craicc o[n copy thcrenf upon the <br /> occvpnnt shell be aulficient to requirr all payment lor rentnl nr use of the premives after Jate of such Service ta made tn <br /> . mort�a�ce. <br /> .,. . SiBned thia...............�.$t� ot_....._O.ctob.e.r.................................., 12_..�C.............. � . <br /> " �= In presence oI S�NYDER PACKING pMPpNy d N b1' k <br /> � orporatiort; d/�/a 7HIRD�GI�#Y���iO�fSA{:E�•MEATS <br /> _......................__............ .. .. .. __ _ .... <br /> ............ . .......... ........ .. <br /> ���� f �,/ . ......... <br /> ; ..............._._.. ._...................... By'�l��'�/ �( �YUC�/�<C� President <br /> 4 STATE OF...................................._..........__._....� Cuuntg of_.. _..... . <br /> _ . __............................ <br /> Ee:ore me,a notarp public qunlifi��d for snid cuuntp,personally <br /> � �p,.: known to me to Le the identical p;�r.un or prrsnns ti�hu siFned t};e fore{�oinr inctrutnent und:ickno���lyd�ed tlle execution there- <br /> �_, <br /> : of to be his,her or t}�eir eoluntary nct and deed. � <br /> ' , t <br /> � -� .�' � �Vitneee ml'hand nnd r.olarial senl on._..__... _... ._..................................._............................,14...._....... . <br /> '" � ' �f}• commission expirce:,... <br /> . . ...__ ........, 1g._.__ .. . ..........F..... <br /> � . ..... .......... .. ti tx � . <br /> . ; .. .... . ....o ry YubLc. ' <br /> ��� N . <br /> STATE OF_...... ..._... ... .. . <br /> ---�� ��-���� .ntered nn numerical index nnd filed for record <br /> y��. 1 sa. >'' <br /> �.�`Y � County ............. . .. ..... .... . . ....... ......._ ( in t};c Rc,istr I C <br /> �yy� P .r of Deeds OtAce of c���Counly thc J . � � <br /> fin.�+�'•ic � .. ..._. at _.._.... .... .....o clnck and. _ _..._ ...minutcs ._ ...1T., � . <br /> � . of . .. . . _... I� . . _.. _... p � . <br /> r_ .. p�6c. . . ... ........ ........._. . ... �'? . <br /> twt� and recorded in Hook..... .._... . ..._._... nf __....... ...... . .. , � <br /> � [T <br /> I�r�Cw+" Y�� . ... <br /> - : . .......... . ... ....... ........ ... A... ..f T :� <br /> nd.a� ' - .. ._ . ...�.... aic�ue � <br /> 'a t�> _... _.. n�pucy <br /> _. __.._ _._ <br /> Y' -:� � . . . .... <br /> � �_� <br />