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<br /> '`�,� r-- ,�`� t1f1E;�1�2 Dii.�t4.3G vi' i"v�VFCiC�laV� : �
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<br /> � ,;.�<� � �
<br /> � � In con;idcration of hdl payment ;md complinncc�vith thc conditions o(;� mortgagc
<br /> made by Harlan H. Nelsan and B�mia l^.. P�elson, each in his and her o•+m ri�ht
<br /> ar�d as s�uae of each other, ;
<br /> ' to iiii; :sgU!T4Lii.r I3U1LP!*::: A;..^� LOniS ifJJOl.lAllGiV uF i:RANll 15LANll, NEb1ta3An, on ti�e ' '
<br /> tollu�+lr�g .a.�c:fiL�1 mm�edv. to•wir. ��+. S.� fb) In Elock F'ourteen (1!{) Ir.
<br /> t ; Arnold And Abbott's Addiiion iu i;ic Ci��
<br /> Of Grand Island, Ha1.1 Cour;ty, ;tebraska.
<br /> 7
<br /> i�� -' . � .� . . . .
<br /> e i
<br /> 0 ..;. .. . � �
<br /> �ti�}:ich said mortgagc bcars d:ilc Yklrch lst 19�/� , and
<br /> is recrorcicd in �saok 16G of mortg.�h.s un Paqc 311
<br /> of the mcords of Hall County,I�eUraska,said Associntion hcreby acknu�rl�dges full satistactie,t ol and relerxs thc
<br /> samc.
<br />�-.a. �'
<br /> ': .' In K�itness wherco[ lhe said TIiE EQUITAllLC 1)UII.DIKC AND LOAN ASSOC[ATI01 OP
<br /> ., t _ _. - -�
<br /> CRAt�D ISLAND, AEIi1tASKA, 1�as caused lhis instrntnent to bc signed Uy its President and alteslcd by its
<br /> Asst. Seczetary dus ll�h d��of C�tober A.D., 19�7 .
<br /> 7he Equitable Building and Lo�Association of Grand Island, Nebraska �
<br /> ,.+(„� `
<br /> , !' ` +'1� i ' '.�� I3y�._ .. .._ . --�'Prc - - - -----
<br /> ' . �sident I
<br /> �,, - �l.7i!elt�. � .
<br /> �' �- :.+ y.«. '� . .
<br /> ; ; ::� .��,r � Al st _. • ...�._� _. ..... _._ ..__. .
<br /> �
<br /> --- Asst. sccrctary,
<br /> �, ,'.�;. _
<br /> ; STA7'E OP KEURAS}:A�
<br /> 55.
<br />,m,,,,.�: : coor� or• itnr.L � �
<br />� On ths llth �2)'�E CCtOb�P A.D., 1�J �'], bcfore mc, n I�utary PuLlic
<br /> duly crommissioned und qualificd for and residing in said count�', prrwnall�� came Irving D. Augustine
<br /> and Jarnes �4. Olson
<br /> asst,
<br /> to me kno���n to be die identical persons �chose names are,i(fixed to ILe abo�e mleaer as President and Secretary
<br /> of clid Association and xckno�sleclgcd thr �;�id instn�ment to be lhcir��oluntary act and dced :mJ the �•olunlary
<br /> e ,
<br /> :.ct nnd deed of the axid THfi EQUITAllLE IIU1LD11'G AND LUAN ASSOCIATIO:� OF GItAND ISLAND,
<br /> ' hEUMS}:A.
<br /> \Vitness m�hand and notaria]scal tl�e da� aiid ear last nUor�c t�Titten. 4'
<br /> 3 3 >' , i"��
<br /> �' G . � �.��...,.
<br /> � � . � v.' 1- �n'Ct�`� ��U:�e1ifL'SC�'�T/_ ��:J__�ei��-'i=i"T�� � �� .
<br /> �q�'��� �.'�v`......,3(�':92 :�otlry Yablic i�,,
<br /> 'e NUil,i�Y � "
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<br /> + ` :�' '•,�,, ,n r� /J[� '�fy commission cspires L�...����o���r�� -
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