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<br /> r:�„�r,:�r: MORTGAGE
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<br />��tx,Y1.�J � htORTGAGG LOAN N0.�.,845
<br /> r.^r.�."".
<br />��v��.� iCh01VALLA1CNFiYTHIiSGPRESI:NTS:Tiut GJay�@ A. 4�Otf12P5�0011 alld Ch2Py� l�. WOtf12PSp0011 , 2aCh � �
<br /> �,, ,
<br /> in M s and her own right and as spouse of each other
<br /> Mortgagor,whothcr one or more,in wnsideration oC the sum o(
<br />, : Forty Six Thousand Four Hundred and No/1C0--------------------------------------- ppctatu
<br /> loaned to said mortgngor by Thc Equitable IiuilLing and Loan Association o(Grand Island,Nebrailca,i�turtgsgee,upon 464 sharcs of stock of
<br /> said ASSOCtAT10N,Certificate Nu.L 22,845 ,do hcrcby grant,convey and mortgege unto the said ASSOCIATION the(ollowing
<br /> .desrrihed r�al n�i�a,�u.�o�a.i:�tt_ii�.�n^•y,"!eb:^��»' � � .. . .
<br /> LOT TWENTY-FIVE (25), BLOCK THREE (3) -
<br /> i I.UU(V I T� IVtt5KHJ1CH.
<br /> i
<br /> n ,
<br /> togtther with a11 the tencments,hueditaments and appurtrnances thcreunto belonging,including ailached floor rnverings,all window screens,
<br /> ' � window shades,blinJs,xtorm a�indows,awnings,heating,air cunditioning,and plumbing and waterayuipment and accesmriex ihsrsto,pum,s,s!oves,
<br /> S reftigrrolors,and o�her lixwres and equipment now or herea(ter attachcd to or usad in conncctiun with said real estata '
<br /> ,� � ' � � And whrreas ihe saitl mortgagor�has agrecA anA doe:hercby agrcc Ihat lhe mort�agor shall ana wui pay�aii wxes and asxnmrnis ie�ied or � � - -����� `-`��-' '`-"�
<br /> ' asusxd upon said premises and upon this mortgege and the bond sccurrd thcreby before the same shall bewme delinquent;to fumish appruved �
<br /> ` inswance upon t6c buildings on said premiscs situa�ed in thc sum o!S Q( QOO.QQ payable to said ASSOC[ATION and to deliver to:aid
<br /> ! ASSDC[ATION the policies(or said insurance;and not to commil or permi�any weste on or about said premises; � . ���� � � � �.�m
<br /> In eax o(Jefautt in ihe performancr of any of the urms and conditions of this mortgase or the bond ucured hereby,the mortgagee shall,
<br /> on demand,be entitled to immcdiate posmssion of the mortgaged premius and Ihe mortgage� hercby auigns, uansfcrs and sets over to the
<br /> mortg,acee all the rents,re�tnues and income to be derived frum thc morlKageS prcmises during such time as the mvrtgage indebtedness shall remain
<br /> unpaid;and the mo�tgagac shall have the pa��cr to appoint any agent or agcnts it may de:ire for tLe purpose ol repairint said premises and renting
<br /> � tha same and collccting the rrnts,rcvcnues and income,and it may pay out of said income all exprnses of repairing said prcmiscs and neces�ry -
<br /> - wmr.iissions and cxpcnus incurred in renting and managing die same and oC wllecting�entals thcrcfcom;thc balancc remaining,if any,to ba� '
<br /> �� applitd toward the diuha�Ee o(said mortgagc indebtednets;these riphls of the mortgagee may be exercixd at any timc during the exismncc of such
<br /> dtfautt,irrcsocclivc of any icmy�rary u�aivct of thc same. . �
<br /> � Thcu Preunt:,hoH�evcr,are u�wn the Cundition,That if thc�id Afortgago:shaU repay said loan on or be(orc the maturity of said shams by �
<br /> . payment;p�y monlhly to said ASSOCIATION of the sum specified in the Bond sacured hereby as intemst and principal on said loan,on m beforc �
<br /> �, tho Twen�ie�h day uf each and every month,until said loan is fully paid;pay all taxes and assessments levied agyinst said premises and on this 11ortg�ge � �
<br /> � � - and Ihc Bond ucured theuby,before delinquency;fumish approved insurance upon ihe buildings thereon in the sum o(S 4(�4�Q.�� payable
<br />��: to said ASSOI'IATIOV:rep�y to said ASSUCIA770N upon demand all money by it paid for such taxet,asseuments and insurance with interest nt �
<br /> tht maximum legal ra�e thereon from datc o(pxymcnt all of which Dtnrtp�gor heraby a�ces to pay;permit no waste on said premises;keep and comply
<br /> k'ith all�he agrecm�nts and conditiuns of lhe Dnnd for S 46 r400•��this day given by tho said�tortgagor to said ASSOCIATION,and mmply
<br /> with all the reyaircmcnts o(the Constitution and DyLaws of said ASSOCIATIOti;then these prexnts shall become null and eoid,otheru•iu they
<br />� �� t , shaq rem�in in ful�force and may be forecloscd at the opiiun o(tl�e said ASSOCIATION a(tcr failure for throe munths to make any uf said
<br /> �..�_,�; {uymentF or be�hrce months in arrca�s in making said monthiy payments,or to keep nnd comply with thc zgreements and conditions of said I3ond;
<br />��� ' and t.fortgagor ag¢cs to havc a tcceircr appeinted forth�cith in sucfi forcdosurc procccdings. � �� - �- -� - -� -
<br /> Jf there is any chanea in owncrship of the rcal estate morigagcd herein,hy sale or otherwix,then the entirc rcmaining indabiednesr hereby �
<br /> sccurcd shall,at the op�ion of The fqwtabie Duilding and Loan Association of Crand Island,Nebrask�,become immediatdy due�nd p�yable without
<br /> � , iunner�rwti�ro,anu iiic amuuni rcmaining uue undrr saiti oond,anu any uina oonu ior any additionai a�i}ances mado incrrunucr,snaii,irom tne -
<br /> datc of cxerciu of said option,bcar inlercat at the maximum legal ratc,and this murtgagc may then be foreclosed ro sati:fy the amount due on said
<br /> bond,anJ any othcr bond fnr aJdiiional advanas,rogcthcr with all sums paid by said The Lquitablc Building and I,oan Aswciation af Grand Island,
<br /> Nobraska for insuranre,taxes and asussments,�nd abstracting extension charget,a�ith inte�est thercon,from d�te of payment at the maximum
<br /> legalrate.
<br /> ' As provided in the Dund secured hcreby,whilo this mo�igage remains in effat the murtgagec may hercafter adtanu additional sums to the -
<br /> makors n!said Bond,duir assignr or suceessors in intcrrst,which sums sh�ll be within the ucurity o(this mortgage the same as the funds uriginally �
<br /> . secuted th:rcby,Ihe total amounl of ptincipal debt not to excaed at any time tLe ori�inal amounl of this tnortgase. .
<br /> Datedthis � .�� dayof ��'V 1977 A.D.,19
<br /> _ �� �. W�
<br /> lL ��
<br /> ' Cheryl , otherspoon
<br /> STAi'E OF NGBRASKA, ss. On this 13th day of October �g�� ,before me, +`'' �"` '
<br /> COUNTY 0�HALL� �
<br /> N
<br /> lhe undettigned,a Notary Public in and fo�satd County,personally came �
<br /> �"� � Wayne A. Wotherspoon and Cheryl A. Wothers000n each 9n and heµ,1own right an�d���Yk�oo��e �{ ,,
<br /> ,,� of each other are P .�
<br /> '*'i+• - me to be lhe identical erwn �rhose name affixed to tha abo •insttument as oc a or and �erall� � �
<br /> ���� r s s are ��s s ih � > �
<br /> �'�y�� ncknowledged tl�e s�id instrum:nt lo be thei r voluntary act and deed. � �
<br /> -�`�.. ,
<br /> „�g f� r __,___.- 1ViT?JESS�t(�fliznd and Notarial Stal lhe date aforesaid. � �/ , / � .. .
<br /> @��•y��� X� f�(g ( u.,r :."p�rc, \ .�
<br /> BLS 'yS . � 7 . . �� �� — .
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