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<br />�'�z:�:;' STATL OP N�;BttA�lf,�1, Couuty of .................
<br />�-x.,..�, ...................................:
<br />'�-r�� 1�ilr,d for record on ..............................., 19........nt..........................., o'clock ...........,............ bi.
<br />� and recorded in the Deed Itecord
<br /> r: .... ..................... Psge ,............................
<br /> • �� ........: ............................................................... By .....................,.,............g....................................................
<br /> Register of lleeds Deputv Re ister of Leeda
<br /> . �;�:�1 U b U b U e�TR�ITV�JR.���u� ;��R�'C.4.�I!�J ��+�.'+�
<br /> ;
<br /> �
<br /> ` e:w7cic r. iu+Y,La2aiiS, a sing2e poraon ,6erein called the grantor whet6er one or more,
<br /> in considere�tion of FIM'Y LIGFiT THOUSANA AND NO/100TIIS DOLLARS (558,000.00�
<br /> reccived from grantces, does grnnt, bargaiv, eell convey and confirm unto WAYNE A, t�OTHE13SP00N
<br /> and CricK"sZ A. WCrIFI�FtSYUUN, liusband and W3fo
<br /> i -
<br />� : ,
<br /> us joint tenanta with right of survivorsUip, nnd not as tennnts in common, the £�llo3Yiilg..(lescribea real____� '`
<br /> ' NE6RA5fCti DOrt:'r,9EP;T'^,�+Y j '
<br /> ; � property in ................�.i&11.................................... County,IQeLrnska: STAtriP TAX
<br /> O C T 1� 1917
<br /> � ; �3.�v ��{��
<br /> Lot T�aonty I'ivc� (25�, Bl�ck Thrae (3�, Lako
<br /> Davis Acros Subdiviaion, Ha11 County, h*ebrasl�:a,
<br /> ' . .r�1T :\iii.vC�Gfl' �. . . .. '_c_ __'_
<br /> . S'��{IYSI;v� . . �
<br /> % To hnfe and to bold the aLo��c descrited premines together with all tenements, hcreditnments
<br /> aud nppurtennnces ihereto belon6ring unto the grnntecs und to their nssigns, or to the hcirs nnd ussigna
<br /> of tho sur�•ivor of them fo�e�•er.
<br /> dnd grantor docs hcrehy co��enant witn the grnntces and with their nesigna nnd with the heirs
<br /> und arvigns of the aun•i�•or oY tLem that grantor is la�cfullp seised of said premises;t6at they nre frce:rom
<br /> ` encembrnnce except for eosements and rostrictions of rocord
<br /> �
<br /> fhnt.gr:mio^]r�n�;:�d right and la�vful nuthoritp to con�•ey the same; and that grnntor �cnrrants and wiII
<br /> defend the tiUe to tiaid premises nqainst the ln�cful elaims of nll persons �cl�omsoe��er.
<br /> It is the iut�ntion of all parties hcreto tLnt in the event of thc dcath of cither of the gmntees,
<br />� ; tiic cntire iee tiiie io ti�is reai proprrt}� chaij cest in the surcicing grantee. - _. -.�
<br /> " Dnted Octobor 18 1s77 J �� I ('��
<br /> �. �. .(r�,\ i t
<br /> �', : _ ���:.1y:1�:�........J��'ti+.:.��.S..�.-:--"":`.......... _
<br /> ; ................................................................................... �,..:.....
<br /> nitor p..Hallstoin
<br /> ; .................................................................................... ....................................................................................
<br /> ` ' fiTATE Oi ............NEDRASKA Cuunt� oL .............�all.....................,...._.......:
<br /> ....................................... 5
<br /> ; I3efore me,n notnry public qualified for enid couuty, peraoaally cume
<br /> WALTER P. HALLSTEIN, a singlo porson
<br /> � r
<br /> i �� � -.�..� t.;�
<br /> known to me to be the identicnl ��erson or pereona�clio signed the foregoing iostrnment nnd neknowledqed * N,� ` '
<br /> L the r.xecutinn thercof to be his,hcr or tiieir voluntr.ry act and dced. � � '_
<br /> - 5t
<br /> ,(� ...... rr' . .
<br /> ��' �Vitness my hnnd and notarial aenl on..............�4�:C�h:�:.:4::��1l.....fY.............., 19...l...1 �
<br /> �s���
<br /> r� �;� � � '' l �"
<br /> _' �:Q-'1.:3`-t �-$.,:� C.^� '��:�.,. .�y�.. N�tnr Public
<br /> w -^� - t'9t'�o►s.mq:,w,a,��av .......... .... ........... .................... Y .�.,
<br />.'�"�"=- .: � � uIYA.�nn•�n�u�uoo
<br /> _ '_"'.. �........... (/
<br /> ,:�,:r`: �Mp��nt.�erioriirdlale � �fy comrnission eapires....:�-.4r......... .�SSf.....,19.d:.�........
<br /> � �I`�.:..
<br />�F Fnrui 4? To be nu��ro�•cd b�� \rbr;�vl;a Statc 13ar.lssncintion F•�a�&�•ott a,..una�o.x<�r.
<br />�'���� I �
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