<br /> i
<br /> I
<br /> � „�,� j� �, i�r� � �'�, L L f/ � ti
<br /> I F::�,: i i-�,���:,-, niizi �i i i,xis: n,.�� Allan G. Satterlv and Jran 'L Sat���rl;, e�r,li in iiis
<br /> �;s
<br /> and her ��,n ri yiit and as s pouse of ea c h o t h e r, �?�,
<br />��,Yys;{' tdortgagor,whetiter one or more,in con:ideratiun of the sum ot
<br />.�zr xt .;, . .
<br /> xt���. Forty Three ihousand h�ine Hundred and No/100------------------:--------------- uot.t.ntts
<br /> ��'���,.� loaned;o said mortgagor by Tlie Equitable Duitding snd Luan Association of Grand Isim�d,Nebraska,t�tortgagce,upon 439 :harcs of stock oC
<br /> ���.i ecenr�eTinU r..rr���. N., � �� R47 ,+�,i;�;�5�a�n� i;;�neey and mortgage unto the said ASSOClAT10N the(ollowing
<br /> described real estate,situaied in Hall Counry,Nebras}:a:
<br /> LOT ONE (1) IN BLOCY. TWO (2) IN TNE
<br /> ;
<br /> mm��" C;TY v` GP�^,P:� .5:..^w":C �;A�� �0:lNTV
<br /> � .,
<br /> NEBRASKA.
<br /> togelhcr with all the tencmcnts,hereditsmcnts and appurtenances ihereunto belonging,induding nttached qoor a�verings,all window scrtua,
<br /> window shaJes,oiinds,storm wiodows,awnings,heating,air conditioning,and plumbing and waterequipment and acuswries thereto,pumps,�toeaa,
<br /> «frigerators,and other fir.tures and equipment now or heroafter nttached to or uud in coneection wilh said real estata
<br /> w And wherens the said mortgagor has agrced and docs heroby agree that the mortgagor s}�all and will pay all taxes and asxssmenu levi:d�n
<br /> asusxd upon said premises and upon this mort�eage and thc bond saurcd thcreby beforc the same shall become delinquent;to furnish epproveA
<br /> �rsurar�e upr,r ihe Uuild'u�gson saidpremiszssitunieJin tlic;uniof;43,900.�� p�ya�:= " =a;� ;���:r7:0": atid tc=:L`:-::--:id
<br /> i A�S.,��nTCN d�.pul;cies fer s�id inw�ance;and rot to comrdt or rir��.,�a;��•a�;.c on c:�cct:.:id p::^u_^s; �
<br /> In case of default in the performance of any of the te�ms and wnditions of this mortgage er ehe bond secured hereby the mortgsgr.shall,
<br /> ^ on demand,bc entitled to immediate possc:sion nf lhe mor�gagcd premises and the mono,agor hereby au�gns transfers and uts over to the
<br /> �,! I71Uf16"J$CC LII 111C ItlllS�ICY[f1LLc>ill�III�VIIIC Il)UC UCf1YCU IfUill lI1C IItU(1�y1��ll P1C1111XS 4UIII1�)t1t;111ifii�al�li�[l���tyub-. ••� ��'---'� ' ..
<br /> u�ul�ui�v u..w.�.�...... . ..� ..:.. .. ..
<br /> unpaid;and thc mortgagee shail have the poxer to appoint any agent or agcnts it may desire fur the purpose of�epairing said premises and rcr,ting
<br /> : the ume and collecting the rents,revenucs and incrome,and it may pay out of said income ali cxpenses of repsiring said premius and n�cessary
<br /> commissions and expenses incmred in renting and managing the same;+nd of collecting rentals therc(rom:the balance¢maining,i(xny,to be
<br /> applicd toward�he Aixhame of said mor�p.age indebtcdnrss;tfiesc rights of the mortga�ec may be exerci�sd at any timc durEng tha existcnce of such
<br /> defauh,i�rcspectivc of any tcmpomry waiver of the nme.
<br /> � Theu Preser,:s,hou�ever,are u�wn thc Condition,7hat if the said Alortgagor sltall repa}•said loan on or boCo::Ilte maturily of s�id sha[es by
<br /> �� payment;gay mor.thly�o aid ASSOCIATION of th:<.::n spe:iu':d in d±e Lund s^cured hrreby as intemst and principal on said loan,on or befom .
<br />� ,` . the Ta•cntielh day of each and every momh,until said loan is fully paid;pay xll taxes and as;cssmcnts letiicd against said premisc,and on this Tlortgage
<br /> � � � and the Rond xcured thereby,before delinquency;furnish approved insurance upon the buildings thercon in the sum eC 5 43�900.�(� payabla �
<br />�`' to:'„a.A5SL`L'lAT:C`::;c�,:�:o a:id,".�SCCI,".TION u�a.^,d,mand all mnr.�y by it paid(or su.h tases,asussmrnts=r.d isu�ar.ce�:.th entettst zt . —
<br /> thc maximum legal ralr therton from da�e of payment all o(which�lortgagor hereby agrees to pay:permit no waste on said�temiscs;keep and rntnply
<br /> uith all the agreemcnts and conditions o(tha Dond for S 4B�9�Q.QQ this day gi�en by the s:iid 9fortgagor to said ASSOCIATfOV,und comply
<br /> :�'ith ail the requirements of the fonstitution arG Gy-Laws ot;aid ASSCCIATION•then•`c;,:p:r.c:,;:s::a:;becc;rw,^,u:;W.d:�id c�h:r.:::e t.".e,
<br /> } :hall remain in full force and rnay bt furecloscd at the option of the said ASSOCIATIOh after failure Cor three months to ma4:c any of sa:d �
<br /> Hiciiis o u iiiu�iiiii'r "';• - ---..._....__a y._..:.:-' `�'�w..�e.
<br /> . " _`"'�__'ii��li�ii ii�'_"'""_"�.�_"_' ""_" ""i��'
<br />�- ��, Fwy �uc����cc e.�.-a�a u����nn�ii�aai yay��i<�ii5,v� ..iiE.oi��wTii.��F�. � "'p...�.�..�........ . _ - . _ . ..
<br /> ...... .............�.:�. ' .
<br /> nnd Morigagrn agrces io havc a raervcr appeiatcd ferthwith in sxh(o�eclosu!r ptnteeAin�'. �
<br /> If Ihcrc is any changc in ownrrship o(lhe ren1 catate mortgaged heroin,by sale or otheru•im,then the entirc remaining indebtcdness hereby
<br /> ucurcd stull.at U�c ontion o(7he fauitahle Uuildin¢and l.oan Associauon of GrunJ Is]and,Nebraska,become immodiately due and payable w•ithout
<br /> furthrr noticc,and the amount rcmairing duc undcr s�id bond,und any ot]er bond for any additionat advanas made ttrereundcr,shaii,irom cne
<br /> date of exe�ciu of saiJ option,ocar intcrest at Ihe maximum legal rate,and this mortgnge m�y then be forzdozed to satisfy tL•e zmount due on said
<br /> bonJ,and any other bond for addition�l adtianas,tugcther wilh all sums paid by mid The Gquitable Duilding and L.om Association olGrand Island,
<br /> Nebra.ka for insurance,taxes and asxumrnts,and abstrecting extension charges,w�th inteuat thereon,from date of payment at the mixim�m
<br /> le�al rata
<br /> As providad in the Bond ucured hereby,while this mortgagc remains in ef(ecl ihe mortgagee may hereafter advance additiorul tums tu the
<br /> • � nmkers of soid$ond,tbeir assigm or succcssors in interest,which sums sl�ali be within qie ucurity of this mortgage the same as the funds origina:]y
<br /> � securcd U�creby,U�e total amount of principal debt nut to exacd at any timc the original amount of this mcrigage. �
<br /> Dated�his th a or October �.n•.�y77
<br /> , } ', ��� � `� -
<br /> , Allan G. Satte ly an �. 5atterly
<br /> cTnTF nF N FgRn�K e, �I :a.:
<br /> se. On ttus 1tSLfl day ot �CLU�ei` IY�7 ,Ltfore mt, � r
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL� �'
<br /> lhe undersigned,a Notary Public in nnd Co[said County,personally qme � � �'.
<br /> ` f Allan G. 5atterly and Jean M. Satterly, each in his and her �xvn right and as spouse of
<br /> L each other, N'h� dre pecmnallyknownto �j.
<br /> �,�.'gr��4`�$ �. � me to be the idrntical person 5 whose nameS are affixod to the abovt instcumentas mortgagur S and they uvrrally � , ��
<br /> ' .�„�'�,"�:'� . � tt7
<br /> ���� � ackno•h9edged the said instrument to be thei r volunl3ry acl and dted. � � � �Y� �;'^� �
<br /> �-T'� «7TNGSS my tund and Notariai Seal the date�(oresiid. � '� � �
<br /> �r 61 Commi�siun ex�iree �/ 1
<br />�_v_.y.i i y""'t k / C`—s t'r:`� ../li_,�'�'�,. �
<br />�- 3 � I l� v.� . . � ' /j�VF_ / i>> i��. � � - - - Notary�P�b�i�1
<br />� , , �, . . :- , r ;=� _�
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