� raoiirr,.�ci�:
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<br /> --- - ° =--_ --:,__. _ . _: __
<br />� ��otii�,nce t.r�,�v�r�._L 22&42 — -- �,
<br /> i , � �;now»_��tentsvTtiesi:tai.sr.n�rs Ti��� I4elvin K, Patterson and Doreen P. Patterson, each in his �, '
<br /> F c S. �,.' . F K�.
<br /> ��� t;" .,..,, �;ynt ��a �� �;,o��� of ���r o�n" ��
<br /> � � �,.,� �� �
<br />����� Mongagor,whether mte or more,in consideratiun uf die sum of
<br /> sixiy Two Ihousana Five Hundred and No/100----------------------------------------i���A�
<br /> tu�ntd tu�;d mu�lgagor uy Tl�z Cquitubk uuitd'u�g and l.oan Associat(on of Grand lsland,I:ebraska,Alurtgzgae,upon 625 sliares of stock oC
<br /> sa(d ASSO('IATlON,Cutificate No.L ZZ$QZ ,do hereby grant,com•oy and mortguge unro the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br /> des:ribrd real estate,situried in}ia!1 County,hebra�:a:
<br /> �:
<br /> � . A1� IN R�r1�V TW� `9� �N I`�C ���:T:�N T(1 W`�T `ALi�i� n�': nvviTivn�Tv . � . � .
<br /> , . �
<br /> - `_ :
<br /> ANU _.
<br />�
<br /> � NFRRA.SK.A.
<br /> i
<br />��
<br /> �ogether wi�h all lhe tenements,hercditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging,includiny attached Oour wverings,xll window scrzens,
<br /> . window shades,blinds,sto�m winduws,awnings,heating,air mnditioning,and plumbing and waterequipment and acttssoris therzt�,pumps,stoves, .
<br /> ref�igerators,and odicr fix�ures and equipment now or hercaRer attached to nr umd in conn:ction wilh zaiA real estate.
<br /> � And whcrcas the said mortgagor has agecd and does hereby agrcc that the mortgaga shall and will poy all taxts ar.d asxstments Ic�ded or �
<br /> asscsud u�wn said prcmiscs and upun Ihis mortgage and the bond secured therchy bcfore Nr.same s}ull become delinque�t;[o fumish approved
<br /> insurance upcm the huildings on said premises situatcd in tlic sum of S 6Z�5��.U� payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deli�2r to said
<br /> ASSOCIATION thc pulicics for said insurance;and not to commit or oermit am waste on ur about said premixs:
<br /> ` `-----_��_� �
<br /> - - "�a iLe periormancc uCany ui ti�e terms ana wndi�ions ot tiiis mortgage m tha bond xcured hcmby,[he mortgaget iliatl, ��
<br /> , on demand,bc entitled lo immediale possession of thc mortgaged ptemiscs and Ihe mortgagor hereby assigns, transfcrs and uts u�er to the
<br /> mortgagee all the ren�s,rerenues and income to bo de�i�•ed(rom the morlgaged premises during such tir.ie as the mortgage indebtedness shall rcrtuJn � �
<br /> unnaid:and the mortcuece:hall havc die oower to anpoint any aaent nr aeentx it mav desire fnr�ha nurnose of reoairin¢uid nremiset and rmtina
<br /> the same and collecting the rents,revenues and income,and it tnay pay out of said incume all expensei o!upairing said premises and necesary
<br /> ' eomminions and expanses inwrred in renting and managing the same and of collecting rentals therefrom;the balanu remaining,if anp,to be
<br /> � applied toward the disc6�rge of said mongage indebtedness;these rights of the mortgagec may be exercised at any time during tht existence of suclt
<br /> de(aull,irrespective o(any lomporary x�aiver of ihe same.
<br /> 7hese Prescnts,howaver,are upon tho Condition,lliat i(ihe said Dtortgagor shall�cpay said loan on ur befort the ma.urity oC said ihares by
<br /> ' paymen�;pay monthly to said pSSOC1AT10N o(the sum specifitd in the Uond ucured hareby at interul and principal on said loan,on or before
<br /> � a the Tµ�entieth day of each and e�•en�month,until said loan is fully paid;pay all taxes and a:scssmrNs Ievied acainst said premises anA on this hlnrtg��� �
<br /> � and the Uond secureJ thareby,befure delinquency;furnish approved insurance upon the buildings thereon in the sum of S 6Z�5��.Q� p�yable
<br /> ; to said ASSOCIATION;repay to said ASSOCIATION upon dcmand all money by it paid for such taxes,asscuments and insuranca with inteust at
<br /> e.��� the masimum legai rate�hereon from dato of payment all of which hlorlga¢or hercby aqrees to pay;permit no wasto on said prcmisn;kecp end comp!y �
<br /> ' with all the agrcements and conditions of ihe Dond for S 6Z�5��,OO lhis day�iven by the said f�tor�gagor W said ASSOCIATION,and comply
<br /> widi all tha rrquircments of thc Cunstitution and$y-�awz o(said ASSOCIATION;then thox prasents shall become null and void,otheruiu they
<br /> �� ��� ��+; shall remain in full force and may be fortclosed at the option o(the said ASSOCIATION af�er (ailum for three munihs to make any of said
<br /> � , payments or be three months in a«aars in making said monthly payments,ur ro kcep and compl}�with the agraments and conditions of said 6ond;
<br /> .
<br /> and hlon�gor��ees to hace a rec^.irer apP�inted forlhwith in such forcclosum oroceedinns.
<br />��. .. � I(1{....:.....,..I.nnn.:n..�unwrel.�n..Cl!:f:C1:.;:.:�^C::..�,.�A1....:.. 1.....I.......L......:.. �4��.•1.�....:.�...... :.. :..Q:.�`.::4.:.::::Gi:.�.' . .....__-. -. �
<br /> . .......�.....y e..�..e.........._.....'.... tut�u.��������u� w��.v� �.....�...�..�. . ���...�.....�.�iL..y..• y .
<br /> .. ucured shall,al the oplion of The[iqui[able puilding and Loan puociatioa of G�and Island,Nebraska,become immediutely dut and payable without
<br /> (urthor notice,and the amount remaining duc under said bond,nnd any other bond for any additional ad�ances made thercunder,shall,from the
<br /> •'-te�C^::ciw c!;�I� yii���,uca�inicre>i ai iim mazimum irgai ra�c,ann tnis mortgage may[hen br ioreclosea to s�tisly the amount due on said
<br /> bond,and any uther bond for aJditional adtiances,togcihcr with all�ums paid by said The Equitable Building and Loan Aswciation of Gcand Island,
<br /> Nebraska(or insurance,taxes and assessments,and a6stra:ting extension charges,witl�interest th�ieon, from date of payment at the maximum
<br /> Icgal rate.
<br /> . As pror.ded in the[iond socured hemby,whilr this mortgage remains in effect the mor[gagee may horea(ter advance additional sumt to the �
<br /> . makers of said IIond,thcir auigns or suac:wrs in inte�est,which sums shall be widiin the ucuriry of this mortgage:he sam^xs the lunds ori�inally
<br /> sewred lherchy,tha to�al amount of principal debt not�o exreed at any lime the original amount of this morigage.
<br /> Dated this 13th. .���y or October n.n.,iv 77
<br /> /"�� i' . / .1.. _
<br /> --��,�=���{�� ;l�[��>�:��v
<br /> e v n a erson
<br /> . <:�_'�_Gv�4; ,'� '�)h;����'n,ti
<br /> Doreen P. Patterson
<br /> r STATE OF NEBRASKA,� �
<br /> a COL:JTYOFIIALL S� Onthis �3th. dayof October 19�� ,beforeme,
<br /> 1�:...;: . .
<br /> ,K.c''�£ ' lhe u de sign c(,a T�ota ublic in and fo s id Coun v,perwnally wms � �
<br /> Melvin K. Patterson and Doreen P. Patterson, eac�i �n �iis anc��er ovm r�q�t an�d as s�ouse
<br /> _+��� �, of each other "'�10 are p«sonallyknownto ���
<br /> v��'� me to bc the identica!porJ �;� I���qy i:S a re affixed to the above instrument as mortgagor5 and theV u��ora:;y �
<br /> ,�t�� . acknowlcdged ihe said' SI�r���i��C�S.,��� �r vo!;:atuq•act end deed. � 'it-� .
<br /> ,,,�,�q� : WI t>�fiy'hand nn '�cttat� al thc dalc aforesaid. �
<br /> � ,� � � NOTa:y,,n' � y�7,��F�U t �� �
<br /> �, bfy`om�is�qSteKP.,`��C ��1 i y� � / s
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<br /> '�""'�c sa.xa�x� i �'.'<� ; Notary Publi:
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