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<br />.A�1: �p,j � t .
<br /> S; and as spouse of the orher
<br /> �. a� Ha I I r,��ry,Nebraakw ai mortgagoi�..�d ifoms Fednral Saring�fmd Taan Aaw�lattan o!Craad Lland, � � �
<br /> a ooryoration otg�twd and e:istiag unde� tLe law�o!Nebraalca aith tb prindpal olliw and ploea ol budneu ot Grrmd Idrsad,Nobraeka, . . �
<br /> � " ' . �m mo�njc7ee: . . . �
<br /> ' '� WITNE.SSETfi: That�afd ma�tgagots lor and la 000sidetatton ol the eum ol � ------... .. � .����_
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<br /> ����...�tna rernipt oi wnien ts berebY odnowledyed,do_by tLeee pzaseab mortqaq�aad�wmranf ucW w!d mwUqu9ao. iu auccea+on�d � � � �
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<br /> Sf �d door�.and rSnda�ahadea e 6linds.umd m nr Im m�mctlan vlth�a3d prapany.xheWec Ibe�a�a m�lotmed an imd propert� t � . _ _ ...�
<br /> �, 1 �,Mrwnitar rinewd IL,rwru�. t . .
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<br /> `� � y 70 HAVE 7SND 70 SIOLD Tf�uA2�fE.�ogether with all and alnqular Iho lenemonts.Le�edil�cal�and cppu.-teo�cca lLn[cunto hclong-
<br /> � � fay.or in�yivlac appertainlag,loreve�.�d wmzant tLe litle b tho same. Said moriqa9or S Larcbp wvenaat—w[tL sv[d moAqogea � � .
<br /> t�_�Q�_ are ��doii�ery hcreof,tha lawlul owncr 5 of tho premLes abo+e ma�epod a¢d deaeribed,and are
<br /> � .3�. acized d c�oxl m��l indelro.iblo..tnte ol intwrstm�ee Itiwrofn.!r!�s and dwrr ol all�ncvmbivncee.aad thut�wLl irar.csl�d . .
<br /> � �t delend the titlo tLeroto loce�cr ogaimt iha daims and demanda ol all pereone whomsxvor- _^___ t
<br /> • PAOVIDID ALWAYS. and Ih4 Watmmeat Ia ocectited and dnlivu�cd to.m�w i1u pnomant oR tho sum nl___. �
<br /> ,� FIFTY OtJE THGUSN�`Ju i�NU NO/100----- - „�t� �s 51,uUU.UO ,
<br /> { wilh inleioal t6oroon,4�yother wlth�uth charges and odvances aa may bo duo and payable to wSd mortqageo undor IAe tarm� ¢ad
<br /> F y
<br /> f condit(ona of tho promfaaory note ol eren dato Lerewith �d secured herebp,ezee�ted b�s�3 morlqaqor 5 to wld mcrlgaqoo,paTable
<br /> # as orprcaaod in�ald mW,and W aecv+e tLo pcAormance o(all the formi and wnditloei co¢ained Lherain. The tsrma ot said not• are �
<br /> • i � '�. t hereby lnrnrporatod Letcin bT i}ils ralereaco. �
<br /> . -I} :�i.we inieviivu arivv.ry�aev�cni vi ine poriiea ue�eiv imi'�u:s -mvi:yGy2 '..`k:: -..::'v :e�u.. u,.� :�ime av�cze mam io�etsc . .... . . �...�
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<br /> �� mortqagor 5 by a�d mortgaqec.�d anp aad all lndebtednem in addlNon to Ihe amouat above stoted whtch w[d mmtgagor0.oc�y
<br /> - v o!thrm.mav ove In�ald mor�omao.hmre�o[ovidenrnd whe�Lot by note.Gook aomunl or olhmwtee. Th1�mnA;+�:��1r�s•��_!:11
<br /> � lorco and elfM hetveea Na parties hereto aad thetr heln,persoml �eprecentatlrea. �ucceeson aad aWqna, ualil all amounts eecurod �
<br /> � hereuader,lududing(utur¢ad��rn.�a pald{n!ull wilh Inte:M.
<br /> � Sho moriqagor_�hntetry a+afqn_lo eald monqaqco all mnb�d Wc�xo�lstnq at any and dI Umw lrom wld prope�ry and �
<br /> Leteb�wtLmize wid mnriqeqoo w lu agca4 al!ts optloa�pon dclault,to t�ke chmqe of wid pcopertT and mlloct all rrab�d lnmma �
<br /> �Lcre:tom and opply Ihe eamo to�he payment d intereat,prladpnl (nnuan�premtum�,tazei,a�seasmenta,repatn or lmprovemenb neoes It "
<br /> ;; eary to keep wid proporty in tenao�ablo wadlUoa,or ta othm charyes or perymenta pro.ided lor kardn or Sa ttu noeo heznby wcured. 7hL F 1
<br /> �� # rent auiqnment aball caalinus In lwee until the unpald bal�ce o!�aid note la lull�paid Th�taHnq ol posaessbn horounder ahall[n ao �� I .
<br /> s $ maaaer preroat oi reln�d edd mnriqagee[a the colleetioe o!eald wmu br to�eclwurs or olhenrSs�. �
<br /> t 3,
<br /> �S ino i¢uun oi ino mor�gagw ro wecri��oi iin riq¢u rt-�euadm ai an�iime imil nol ue maitn�od al a wmtM oI tb r1gAI to m�ert {
<br /> , � tAr�umq�'tYpgp�"IetSr�Wes�a�d.la,loua2.upon�d vdorce�Uic1 oompllance wilh ail ths larmi and yxo�idom o! wid noto and ol tl�la 3F I
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<br /> ' . � ll�qid c1�_y.�afihII��Ltia�e.� paid lo�afd mortqagoe tLe en�e�ount due tt!ursunder,and mdor the terms and yzo�laioe�
<br /> . d eald nr��e "ie'S'y seeured ibe7Cdt+ig tuttav��trdvancaa,�d an�enenelun►m ronowaL thereo(!n accordanee alth Ihe taema�d proritlona _�_-_._
<br /> ihereoL�d It uaid mortqaqor�_ahall aampl�wltb aIl ths ytovLion�ol�ald nota�d o[thti aortqvqo.then�Ecse prereeb�hnll be�Wd: {
<br /> � ofY.erwise io remaln In lull lmce and alfocL�d eaid mortgagsn aLaU be satltled W th�poe�errloa d aIl ol sald propsrt�,and ma}�,at W ^^�:!
<br /> � 3 oyllon,dxlare ths wLr�is ot wid note and all ffidablodacn repreualed thareb7 ro!»SmmodiatolT duo�d payabls.and mcrl lmccloee Ihfa ' � ':�'��^����
<br /> mc
<br /> ; L< �I9a9a or tak�mr othor leqal action to protoa f4 tlaSt.and Itom Lhe dab o[ruch delault all t4ms d [adobtedoeas ��cwed hvse6� INn -
<br /> .� �� � ��lwtl dtav Intorea!at)j%per�num. ApprsWmenl wul�ed. � .
<br /> T73L moHqag� ihall 1»�lndinq upon aad aLall nurs b Ils�bon►fl!d t!u h+irti�zacut��,admlalaLaton,eusn+on�auSgai ut
<br /> �-� lhr rP�rw�ie�FMiTj�r�MwNn.
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<br /> t�t�'�: # arltta � .. � /�'� � .
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