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<br />� ,�, ,� �.�< i, `MOi'TGFii,F N:—Smia�7,�a aad l,�s Fo:m—�lract C�ed1t Plml 25SY (:�edaU �
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<br /> o'ce
<br />�,�F � ���t10 6 0 4 3 �ORTCAt�E '. _ �
<br /> 'r: �xo �
<br /> � ` 17th October 77 � �
<br /> . stus rNueHsvttE.maae u� �,;�c� ls_bj ana b.iweoa . . . . : .
<br /> WIL�!AF4 C. FJSCH[R AIJD SNIRLEY l. FISCHER, husband and wife, each in hIs and her own
<br /> ; r(gfit'and as spouse of the other'
<br /> . � . a� . �: {'�cl l I � '�� � r�,.t.,Ncbtmka.m��morigagor 5�d itome Faderd Sadcq�ond Lo�AaeodaLLoa at Gmad Iv�d. . .
<br /> o corporation organtsod and a=isitaq uadcr tLo law's ol Nebraaka wi�h lu pi[ndpat olllce and plece e!N+*i�at Gimd[el�d Nebraska.
<br /> �{' a�mor19c9oe: . . . _ � � ' : � . � . �� . � .
<br /> ;�� , t �� � ::7TN'�M.b'Tfi: T�.�t�:d ewrtqa�_5.. 1c:aed ln wnddetation ol the Ntm o! � � .;. . f� . . .:�
<br /> ' ; $ FORTY THOUSAND FNE HUNQRED AND P!0/100---------=--------------- --,„,� �s dn Knn nn , "
<br /> -•---•- .
<br /> ` �� �
<br /> : ���"(bo��reeelpl�o! which b Lefobp�aelmowledqed.do�bp�Loee prese¢u mmtgago and warraat un'a��atd mortqage� f:s ruccasson�md
<br /> . i mmigne,lrnmer.all ihe ldlowlnq deecribed[ea1 eatato.atuatad 1n the wuntr ol . . . . .. ..
<br /> riai i tj
<br /> S.` ��.�-.�d nmie�.vi�;:o'v.a:.`a,ra... .-. .. .. . .. . . , .. � . . . �- � . . . �� �F
<br /> �S �
<br /> R^vCITiOir' iv T�iE CIT`i ^vf GRni�D ISLAND� HALL COUNTY� iVEBRA$KA, �
<br /> �
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<br /> ? i 7oqother with dl beating. liqhttng, end plumbing oqulpment aad ll:tum,ir.duding atoken and 6urncn.�creens,awdnqe,e�orm wiadow� . �
<br /> t and door..md.�S�1ns ahnde�or blinda.uec3 on oc In canaectinn wilh�aid proparty,wLether tiw wmo�s nvw loarled on sdd propetty . . ..
<br /> �� or harcalter placod theroon. ' .
<br /> �` 2
<br /> � TO HAVE AND TO HOLD TfIE SAAiE,togetber with all and sinqular ihe Icnamaah,haraditmnoata and appuAan�a�lhurnualo bcianq-
<br /> � �5 ing,m 3n anpwlnc appertaining,farcver,and war:ml Q�e litle to tho aama. Said mortqagocS—hnrebp covcnant_aith+a�d mortgaqes I �� - '
<br /> } S
<br /> �ya�__I'}�Q,� are_,��y��uvcry 6erool,the lanSul owncr�ol tho prcmises abo�e convepal aad desaibed,�d_S7.rP
<br /> �. 3�. eeSzad ol a anod and Sndetcasibla eetate ot InLorit�ce thorota.lreo aod dear ot al!eacumbrancee,aad tsat t}a_'�mSU>¢r.mt� .
<br /> j detoad tho litla theroto fore�er aq�nnt tho claims and demands ol all puraoae�vbomsoe�ac s .
<br /> � PAOY[Dm ALWAYS, and Ihi� lnatmment L executed aed dolivered to aecure We pa�mont ot We�ua oL � ��
<br /> � FORTY THOUSAP�D FIVE HUNDRED A!JD tJ0/100--------------------------,,,,lt� cs 40,500.00 ,
<br /> t wilh fatercat thcrmn.IogoWer wiih such chmqoa and ad�ancee aa may be duo and porable to ea3d mortqaqco under thc term �d {}
<br /> - fSSS �wd:�lon� of the prorNaaory nnta of even do�e Lerev�ith and �ecured Lcrcb�,e:ecvted bT wid matgaqor=io eaid mortgagoc,paYable j'
<br /> ;- �3 as o:pr�aed fo aaid nao,aad lo secure the pe�lormance ot all ihe Wrma and coaditlon� coatoinod lhosoia. Taa tarms of wtd noto are S �
<br /> i
<br /> hcreby fnwrporated hcrcin bq�LL ielerenu. �: �
<br />�� � tt i[n tca ietentton�d amoemem ot me par�ltre uernto tna�thin moAgage ehall also sacura anp }uture ad�¢ncea made to �ald �# �
<br /> � { martqagor S bp eaid moriqvgee, m�d anp md ail iudebtodnem tn addltion to lho amouni abo�e etoted w1Jch w(d mortgaqar�.or aay
<br /> { o!tbem.mv�owe lo eald mortqaqee,howe�er ovidenced.wtet2ior by no(e,book accouat or othervLo. 7lils moztgago a6ei1 rom�a fn ivll
<br /> j lo�to tmd o1iM between lhe pariiea hemto and thotr luira perwxLal iopros:ataUr..a, ccocr�on and msfqns, untll dl �wau wcwed
<br /> . . hcrcunMr,including(utmo advm+cca�e paid In iull wlth Inroreat.
<br /> � The moriqaqor:z_heroby aaatg¢__b euld moAqagee afl renb and lamme mfeio7 at ml aad all limm from aald pzopaRp�d �
<br /> hateby wtlwr4e wid martgaqx oz Ih eqoa4 at Ih optlon, upon dolault to Iaka chmqe d�atd prv{wrtp m�d mllocl all rmb aad lncoma f
<br /> Ihcrelrom and apply the s�e tv IM payment of Intacat ptindpal,iaaurance piemiuxu,ta�ca,asaeeamoatn.tepdrs ot improrecacnb nocos .
<br /> u[Y to kec0�nid PloOcrri!C tenRotable COnditlaa.ot fo oWer charg... .....�a_.t... - ...:"' -�„i w, �f 1
<br /> � rent aeaignme¢t aLa11 caotinui ta[occe caui t6e unpatd bal�rn o!wid note Is lvllT pafd. Th�lakinq d poaaaisioa Mreunder�hall la no
<br /> mamer provont or tot�d said mw�qoqee in ihe cdloctloa ol wld suau by loreclonue or otLerwiso.
<br /> i S The lail�e ol ihe mottqoqea to.¢eutt an�of lu dqhti hereuedat crt any Ume aLall uot be ooushuad m a adsor ol Ib riqht b aasert
<br /> jr tha wme at anp tatcr timc,aad lo lnatst upoa and anl:rtco etrkf comptianw wlth dl thu femu �d pro�Satom ol iald mto aad ot thla
<br /> �, j� mortqaqd.
<br /> . b � L �aid mortgvqoc�_aLnll aiuso lo be pdd to�a1d martqaqee tl�s ontlre aa�wnt due it hereunder,�d undoz 16n lerms nad pro�falon�
<br /> of said note hereby oecu:ed,fnctuding lutnro ad�micoe,and�7 e�femion�oc romwab Wmeol 1n oc�rrd�ce with lhs terms and pro.trioaa
<br /> ' ; ( �,
<br /> f theiool.�d it wid moqqagor 5, ahall complf with all 1}u pro►GSoa�ol e¢Id note and o!Ihl�mortqaqe.�bon�hcs�pTrerau shaU be void:
<br /> " L oWer�ilae b remala!n tull lores and eNect,�d afid mo:tgaqes ahnll be aattlkd te Uu peraoadon ol all cl�dd ptopact7.and may.at W ,.,��� •�A_q-.;.
<br /> �'� t opt(ca.deelare tbs whole ei�d noto end all fadebtedaeu represenlad�Le�eb�N be fnvedlatell due and palvbis.and mar tmeclooe�1ilc r;,�
<br /> - �� ' morlqaqe w�laks�r�oiLei laqa!alloaf�b protoct 1b righl,mid from tae dan d�uch dsicule all iiems oi Innubtedae�seevled'nerebT ... ��..•..
<br /> � tlftrll dtV�1(pIMQES QS WL P!i QMilm. Appsniromeat cral��d. ��
<br /> �. � ThL.morlqaqe t]mll be biadtng vpon en�J rLap oawe w Uis!»nsdt d tLa h�ln;asecuton,admfafarmmn.■ua�o+son cmd msiqn�d
<br /> '� thr rwpeniss yartlos'haeto. � I � �;`}.'�' �
<br /> ��"� �. IN WI7t1F:i9 VlE�2tEOP sdd Marfqaqars �rt v� hmw+w ..�, the i r �S tb� and � .
<br /> �, �T Ts�+Ar�!abors �
<br /> ��� , � �`t'T�� �i, � 4 � ' ��� ��
<br /> �-�� � �:•—�- - L�p�� �, „�_.y ' � � � � �.
<br /> �o-sn� --v�- c �F � /� � ��.�,_.c_.k.C-L�
<br /> u,,.,��� �iam C. Fischer Sh ri..y Fischer
<br /> � �•,.� r/
<br /> ...::x -- —
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