_ 1
<br /> � f:
<br /> �
<br /> i '
<br /> �
<br /> ' i : � i �. �� i . i � li � �� : � � i � !� � :� . � i I � , i . � n;n� � ,- rsi �i � - I �; ud '> iu� rcof or �
<br /> � �i �•. u,. r �, � � in � , � �. u - u t . � . � ili � _ , i , .
<br />- 10. ➢ouower Nol Relea[;ed. I :xt �- r.•iuu ��f � u�• tiuir T�n' � �:+ ^u���ut ur � no� lilicatiuu n� amurti�.:�tiou oi the stnn� �
<br /> . . . � r�C�7U1i'�rt I 1' II1IS \l � �: t �;,.�� �,��,ilrt � i : �' i �.i �� if � �u � � , . ,� .;. . . . : ,G �t . � i iii �ini nnrrni �� rn [���c:lhe. �
<br /> � iu aoy u.inncr, th�• Labiht � ut ti;e uui in.� l 13ouo�< < r :ind �Ii,n�ruu � i � -ucce-m � � u iut�rc�c. L�•n�lcr �hall not bc �
<br /> � reynirad to cmumence pruc��ding; :ig:un�t �ucl� �w � i _�or oi i � iu�c tu � �tend Ume inr p�� iuent ur othurtivise medily
<br /> :uuurtizatiou of the �ums �ecw�e�; I... thi� Alort {;.t�c li}� icn�un oi .im, den�:imi uiadc b}� tl�e oriqinnl Am•mwc: and
<br /> 13orro�rcr's successors in intcrc�t .
<br /> a . 11 . Forboarance by Lander Noi a Vr'aivor. :1np iorbe:uance b�� ].euder in exercising any right or remedy
<br /> G �;��fF;'� hereundcr, or otherwise affo:ded by applicnblc lan' , =hnll not br, n �rai�er oi or preclude the exercisc of any right
<br />� ���, or remedy hcreunder. Thc procurement oi insurancc or ti�e �uiyment ot tases or otLcr liens or charges by Lender
<br /> � shall not he a �vaiver ot I.ender'.s rig!�6 to uccclerate thc maturi6y ot tlie indebtedness secured b}• this h3ortgnge.
<br /> �„� 12. Romedies Cumutative. Alt mmedie� pro��ide�l in tl�i; .liorigagc arr. dis�inct ::nd cumiil�tive to nny other �
<br /> O ���iv nr �urrres.si�c�lder thic \iortgngc or nffordai l�y la«• rir cr�uit�•, an�: iu:sy be exerci�ed co�icurr�ntiy, independ- �
<br /> , + 13. Successors and Assigns Bound; Toln! and Snvcral Liability: C:aptions. Tiir, cucenunis xmi iigiecn;c;� �
<br /> � herein contnined sliall Uin�, iind ihc righfs hcrcunder �lu�ll iuurc to, the respectivr, succes�ors and assigns ot I:�ader
<br /> � :ind Borro«•cr, subject to thc provisions of paragrnpli I i liereof. :111 co�•enants und agreements o[ Borro��•er shnll �
<br /> ^ be joint :�^d severnl. The captimis nnd hcadings of thc parx�;ra�ihs of this \Iurtgngc arc for conecnicnc� only and
<br /> , are not to be used to interpret or definc t6c prot�isions hci�cof.
<br /> � ;: ; lA. Notiee. .Any no( ice to I3orro«•er �voeided for in thi< \lurt �;nge �Lall he gicen bv mailing such notice b}'
<br /> a certified mail uddressed to I3urro«�er at dic I'ro��crty Address stated hclan•, ezcept tm• ;uq� not�icc required under
<br /> ` paragrapL 18 hereo[ to be gi��en to 13orru�rer iu the manner prc:cribed b�' npplicublc lu�r. Any nutice provided �
<br /> � ! for in tt?i= \rort�,agc :hnil be dcemed to hn�•c beeu {�iven to Borro�ccr n�i�eu gi�'en iu thc uiar.r.cr designated hrtrein.
<br /> ; 15. Uniform Mortaaae: Govnming Law; Sevorability. 'Chi� torm of mortgage combine; unifonn cocenants
<br /> � fOI' D6t10P16� USC f10d I10i1-U11110TR7 COVCO:lIlLS ��'It{I llfiiiti,i C3iaIIiiGP� �), jL':'".(�.SC:�:OI7 LO CQ^Stif�iln y� ��R![0[nt EC!'�1- � . , ' �
<br /> 5 rity instrument covering real property. 1'Lis '�Iortguge shal! bc go�•erned b}• the !n«� of t.he jurisdiction in which
<br /> tho Property is locatcd. In the eveiit lhat III1V �1! 0\'1510I1 Ol' CI6U£C OI fI113 Afortgagc or thc No�e confl:cla with
<br /> applicable I��s, suc6 con(lict ehail not aficct otl�er provisia�s oi this \Sortgage or fhe Note �chich cnn be given
<br /> effect without tlie conflicting pro�•ision, and to this end thc proeisions ot thc \Iortgnge und the Note are declured
<br /> i to be sevetable.
<br /> ; 16. Borrower's Copy. I3orrotiver Ehnli be furnished a cunformed copa o[ this \tortgage at the time of execu-
<br /> ' tion or e:ter recordution hereot.
<br /> 17. Transler of the Praperiy; Assumption. If all or an}• part o[ thc Property or an intcrest therein is Sold
<br /> or trnneterred by Borrower without Lender's prior written coneent , excluding (a) the creation of n lien or encum-
<br /> brance subordinate to this �iorigagc, (b) thc r.rcation of a purcliusc moncy �ecurity interest for household appli-
<br /> ances, (c) n trnnstcr by devi=e, descent or bp operation of la«• upon tlic dcatli of a joint tenant or (d ) thr, grunt of
<br /> ' nny leasahold int.erest of tLree }•ears or Ie:s not contuit�iug ;�n option to purchuse, Lender may, at Lender's option,
<br /> : declare n11 the aums Fecured Uy this \Sortgagc ro bc imuiedistcl�� duc and p:iyable. Lender shall lia�•e �rnived such
<br /> option to accelerate if, prior to t(�c sale or transfcr, Lendcr :ind t6c person to �chor.� tl�c Properi}• is te be sold or
<br /> ' truns[erred rench ngreemeni in ��•ritiug Uiut tt�e crr•dit of �ucli peroo;, is satis:scta•� to Lender and that the interest
<br /> � � payable on the sums secumd by this �Sortgage slinll bc at. such ratc a� I.ender shall request. If Lender has wni�•ed �
<br /> the option to uceelernte provided in this parngraph 17 and if 73orro��•er s succcs�or in interest l�as cxecuted a writ-
<br /> tan ag��imnt.inn nv_.rnement accepted in �critin� b}• I,endcr, Lcnder ahnll rclea:e I3orroa•cr ftom ull obligations under
<br /> this �4ortgage nnd thc Notc. i
<br /> If Lender exercises such option to acccler�te, Lender shall �nuil Borrower notice ot ncceleration in nccordanee �
<br /> ' o�itL paragraph 14 hereof. Such notice sliall pro�•ide a period of not Icss tluin 30 dacs frmu the date the notice is
<br /> mailed ivithin �r•hich Burro�cer may pay the sums declared due. If 13orron�cr faits to p;�ti• such sums prior to the �
<br /> uoirution at euch veriod, Lcudcr tua}' , ��'ilhot�t furthcr noticc m• demaud an Borro�+•cr, im�okc :my remedics per-
<br /> mitted by pnragraph 18 hercof. °
<br /> � \'ns-I'�: �r•on�c Co��e�esT�. Bor..o�cer :md T.cuder fin•tLer ,o�•e:iant aud a�;rec as follo�cs : �
<br /> ;
<br /> , �. . -- -e u .....,...,..�� i::ca��. „r .,,,.,
<br /> ! 0. HCCBIC[Qi10II: riDIT10GIC5. L7iCC�l[ fIF UI'U\' I� ICtt 111 � 4u':t�l :t� iu i i uc� cv� . iij.vl: u... . .. .. .. — .
<br /> covennnt or ugrcemetif of I3orroticer in thi� \fortFn�;c, inc•luding the co�•enani � to pa�• +rhen riur an}• �ums �ecured
<br /> by titis \tortgage, Lender ��rior to acccleration �hull muil nutice to 13orro�cer a� pru��idcd in parn�raph I •1 hercof �
<br /> specifying: ( 1 ) tLc breuch ; 12 ) lhc action rcyuind to curc �u�•h brcach ; i3 ) a datc, not Icss t!ian thirtc days
<br /> 1LOIT1 2hC (14LC (i1C il0i1CC 151110.IIC(I l0 IlOfI'OtCCI'. U\• 9'illCll F7tCii i�l'c(ICiI Iuu.l. iic cli�Cni � unii iii : il.".: :87�:::� : C CL:" . . .
<br /> �uch breach or, or bciore ilie dutc �pccified in the notice may result in nccelention o( tl�c smns �ecurcd bp this
<br /> Slortguge nnd sule oi the Yroperty. If the Lreach is not cured on or I�eforc tlie �Iatc specificd in iLc noticc, Lcnder
<br /> . nt I.endere option wny declare all of the sums recumd by this \fortgage io bu imuiedintch• due and pa}•nble
<br /> withnut furlLer demnnd and map ioreclosc t6is \lort �;a�;c by ju�licial proceedir�;. Lender �hnll hc cntiUed lo coilect
<br /> in such proceeding all eapenses ot (orcclaure, incla�liu�;, hul not limiled to, co�ts of documentarc ecidenee,
<br /> aUstructs nnd titic reports.
<br /> ! 19. Borrowoz's Ri9ht to Reinstatv. tiob��ithstanding Lender:� ucccl^rntion of t !ic �wus eccured by this
<br /> ltortgnge, Uorro�ver �hall I;a�•e the right to hn��e airv proceedin�;.� begun by Lcuder tu cn(orce t6i= \lortFnge dis-
<br /> continued nt nny time prio: to entr�� of n judgtnent enioTcin�; thi� \(ortFage iL• lal Borrox�cr pa}•� Lendcr ull
<br /> sums n�hich would be then due under this \lort�;s�;e, thc \'ote :md note� =ecuring F�ihire :1d�•;mcc�, if :n�•, hnd no
<br /> neeelera!ion oceurmd ; ( b) Borrow�er curer :;Il hrenc6e. of anc other cocennnt = or ngreements af Aorro�ser con-
<br /> � J tained in ihis A4ortguge ; ( c ) IIorron•cr pnys :ill rrs�on;i6le ez��ca�cs i�icutted b�• Lender in cnforcin�; tl�c ro��tnunts
<br /> nnd agreements of BorroK•cr contnined in this \(ort �a�;c ;md in eniorciu{; Lendcr's rcmedics a� pro�•ided in para-
<br /> grnph 18 hemot, including, but not limited to, rci�nn:�blr :�ttornc}•'= fee- ; ;md Idl I3orroticer inke� such action us
<br /> ; � I.endcr mny rensonably require to a<sure tliat thc lie� of thi5 \fartgn�;c. Lcnder's interc,t in tlie Yro�xrty sad
<br /> Borrowere obligation to pny ttie eums secured by thi� �Iort �;a�c =hali contiuur unr,np:iired. i?pon �uch pn��ment r-,; I�• �, ; ;,
<br /> � r - ,� and cure bp IIorro�eeq this :�fortgage und the obligntions accumd herebc �hnll rcmain in fi�ll force nnd ef(ect ns it S�j:, -
<br /> ` `�;� ' no nccelernticn hnd occurred.
<br /> �' - 3? 20. Asagnmant of Ronts; Appoitstmenl oi Roceiver: Lender ua Possession. As �dditional Fecuritc here- ��
<br /> S %P��,w � under, Borron•er hereby assigns to Lender tLe rcnt= of ihe Yropert}•. pro�•ided that I3orrm��cr sfiall , prior to acceler- �
<br /> ,, � ation under parugraph ] 8 hemof ur aUnndonment of the Yropertc, hace the right to c�>Ilect nnd retain such rents ��'^� `
<br /> '�a"�.�: � as they becamc due nnd p2yabl�. � �
<br /> u:
<br /> �'�;� Upon nccelerntion under p�ragraph lb hcrcof ur nl,andonment ef thc Yropert �• . I,endcr. in per�on , In• agent '
<br /> ;�a;,.
<br /> , :tit��� or by judicinlly nppointt;�1 recei��er Fhall he cntitkd to enter upon , take pos�es=iot� of nnrj msnn�c the Propn �;
<br /> �•°"?'�'�' und :o collett thc rcnts of the Pro�;crty, includin� tho��� past due. :111 rent, collerted by I,cnder or the mcricer
<br /> ''''� ' "�'x _�,otl hA n,,.,G���l 6rtr. t�� nacment of the coats of mnnaecment of the Yro��crly nvd collection of rcnls, includin�, but
<br />��-n-•-�-��-�-�r -� �- -
<br /> 0� � t � � . — � �� . ::..:i : !,.a ': 'h.e :_:::r�
<br /> �OZ 11InilCd LO lCCCICC�'S tees, premiums on rrc�•i .�cr'� i�un�i� :�uu icnruu;iv�c ni � ..� ,�� .
<br />�,., n ,`� _ secumd by ih�s \iottguge. Lc•nder nnd tfie recei:'�r �hnll hc liahlc to account only (or tho _c i�•nts nchi�lly rcrrired. ' �
<br /> a��._�a �
<br />� -T'� _ _ _ _ i
<br /> ^
<br /> _ . �
<br />�i " d .A
<br />