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<br /> F� ->. - 1 :
<br />�"" � ,� ' -- ' =—
<br /> ;�.� ;., . _._.----------- -_._. _..__ ._fLOLiAGE AND-STORAGE_ERSEMENT -_.._._
<br />� I %l- liOE���� � ' `' �
<br /> >% �i �
<br /> - , � �' - -
<br /> �; � For and in considera�:ion of One Do11ar E No Cents «� n�l ' �
<br /> � � i i and other good an� valuable considerat on, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowiedgedj , �
<br /> _ � i T F , Grartors; do herebY � : �
<br /> _ �; � grant, convey and release unto the Coun v of Na�1. N 6raska _ i �' �
<br /> : „ ----� '
<br /> �i ! Grantee. its successors and assigns, a NC�N��u�� �asement in, over and upon the fol- i :
<br /> � ;i ( lowfng described land sttuatad i� the County of Hall , State o` Nek��aska; � j _
<br /> i! � to wlt: A portion of the Southeast (luarYer {SF�j nr SPrrinn Snvnntnrn ft�l ��_�i„�� � �
<br /> : l of the Northeast QUarter of the North-�a_at���.�{ F�NF�-) nf 5arrinn T4,��r�� Mn��i„� { ;:
<br /> - ; I Townshlp Eleve�i(il) P�orth RanaP Tiyeive [12] We�r �f r�,P hrt, P_M mncictin9��ryr�Y; f i: �
<br /> �; � mateTy three��and�'two-tenths �j,Lf acres Wft�Cft �fcs Gfi Gi uciD, : Ct� ni iiin.y -
<br /> � �� `:�.�nn i .
<br /> ;� ,id':5'. o w ci approximate y two and eight-tenths (2,R) arr[+S will be.permanent waX�r �
<br /> `' p � an •�e on o� e ow an e evation of 2013 0 M 5 L �'
<br /> �' � �
<br /> { � 1 ,�
<br /> � or the purpose o storege, detention and flowage of any waters and sedimeni wnicn , ,;
<br /> � � !' � are impounded or detained, and for maintenance and inspection of areas which may be � �
<br /> �! ! flooded due to, or causeu Uy, Wa�BI�S11C�i stractures, ccnstructed a�d �+esi;neted as � �;
<br /> '! I the HU�me CtUnty Ro:+d Flood f.ontrnl wnd F�neinr fnntrnt c«�,,,. _ i �
<br /> .�..., , �
<br /> ' ;� i The rights and privileges herein granted shall be subJect to the foilow- , ,
<br /> % �; ing terrns and conditions: � ;
<br /> r , __
<br /> j � 1. The consideration reclted herein shatl constitute payment in full for �'
<br /> all damages sustained or to be sustained by the Grantors and their successors by ' �
<br /> , � reasnn of tlie storagc, detention, flowage and maintenance of•the works of improve- , ;;
<br /> �� � n�ent descrtbed above. E ii
<br /> ; { 2. The Grantors shall prnv(de the Grantee with ingress and egress as j '�
<br /> ; s required to carry out the provisions of this easement as part of the considcratien � _ _�
<br /> r � t rectted herein. � � � �
<br /> ,, i G
<br /> ` q 'i I 3, There is reserved to the Grantors, their heirs and assigns, the right � �
<br /> f!' � and privilege to use the above described land of the Grantors at any time, in any
<br /> manner and for any purpose not inconsistent with the full use and enjoyment by the �
<br /> ;i i Grantee, it: sutcesso.'_ p:.d assigns, of the rights and privileges herein granted.
<br /> i
<br /> a -,y� ;t.-F` ", ��`�. .,�_r rh� Spciimrnt or other- ,
<br /> i �i. lhe Grantee is yrar��e� � �y . `
<br /> � � wise maintain as it sees fit such easement area.
<br /> ':�
<br /> 5. This easement shall not pass, nor shall the same be construed to pass,
<br /> ii to the Grantee any fee simple interest or tltie to the above described ia�ds. ' ,
<br /> � '
<br /> 10'MAVt hNu iu Hui.0 the aToresaid easement, in, over and upon ii,e absve : �
<br /> , i �`��.rti�a ��.;.+ :f rFo r.�a.,r.,rc wirh ail rhe riohts. urlvileaes and appurtenances
<br /> - � thereto belonging or in any wise appurtaining, unto the Grantee, its successors and �
<br /> , � assigns, forever. >
<br /> �,
<br /> iii iJilNtsS HHtKt�JY L110 Graniors f7aVe execiiicu' iiii5 �i��iiiiiT�Biii iiii L�2 �
<br /> /�jr� day of j�/�Y' , 1977 .
<br /> ±
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<br /> � =���E�
<br /> �/ . ��u� �
<br /> � � � /�/3,(�. COUNTY 'S
<br /> � a �
<br /> , � On this, th'e�f�day of /��/�5' , A.D„ 19'I7 , before me `
<br /> ' i the undLrsigr+ed iya,vns �• k�»n>a.�l , a Notary Public, � ;', �.�;�.,�
<br /> ���4; ' � duty cortmissioned and qualified for 2nd residing i� said county, personally came � :
<br /> '�°��`� ; � Trc,rns C� /�a/ii�� e-,.�? ��,tn ,f'. N4/.nG to me known
<br /> $�� L ' + to be the identical person 5 who>e name`affixed to the foregoing instrument and � • •
<br /> �,"�,� i acknowledqed the same to be9�r•�voluntary act and deed. 111tness m/ hand and Notarlal � A"
<br /> ��%�,� ;i i Seat e da�„�nd�.ar last above written. �p
<br /> -� ; r-' � u+
<br /> M� iFCF6At GUTAiT•etxa a YuDra�u ` .
<br /> ' �.� c� � �
<br /> �i�'� ' � THAFAhS�A.EIAERTOh � ,�rC.�� _ . .1.�/% w �. ..
<br /> ��<� �� �:a- t�y�m;,..za.Me7 i5,iseU NOTARY P BL I C
<br /> ,
<br /> , My cortmission expires thc � day of 7nn 5� �, 19 SC� ,
<br /> _ :.: : - _ , _ ,_- , , _ _ _ , I
<br /> - _ 1
<br />�,_- _-� —
<br />� -�^ .
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