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<br />`�`�� MORTG1iGE�avinga omd Ioan Form--�Di�eci Credit Pkva) 255-2 tSpedaA
<br /> � g`� o�nnni r�v p _
<br /> � 4 1.S C''�.13 < �����7K'�E
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<br /> �� j .� � . � � � Lomi xo_ . 1 . � � � . . .
<br /> F � �
<br /> I_ith 2� �. October 2s77 t,y cma be:weea
<br /> �� IInS�YNDENiiIHE,ma3e -•:•:• . _._ .. .. .
<br /> JAMES A. BELTZEP, AND CAROLYN A. BELTZER, husband and wife, each in his and her own right �� �
<br /> ��� +ti
<br /> 's` drid as spouse �� o,,.er
<br /> �,.�o[ �. �8 I � [` �ntg.Nebcatka.�mnrtgnqor 5 amd Heme Federal Sa�iage m3 Loan Aseociation ot Gr�d 7s1�d.� � � �
<br /> . ..# � a mrporatioa wg�ired�d eas6nq undei eLe lawe ot Xebraata w�ith its priadpal effiw�d p3ace ot businem at Gr�3 Ll�d,Nehiaak.v. .
<br /> � �scz:qa5aa. ___ __^__ ____ . . � . . .
<br /> VVtTNESSE7H_ Tha� said mortgagar 5 Soz �d in ccmaideration of the eum o!__
<br /> r� TH I RTY F I VE THOUSAND AND NO!I 00-t------------------___ � ,,,,u� �� 35,000.00 �
<br /> ��� ..���fhe recsip!�ot srhich ia�hazeby ackaow}edqed. do__ by theee presents martgaga �d svmraa! unb a�d mosfgages,ib suooeaeors tmd� � . � ..�
<br /> � a�eigna, tozever.all tLe fdlowinq dencribed zeal eatate. �tuated in the county of--.----�H a� �------,. _� � . ..
<br /> : :�d State�of Nebxmka,to-w3t � . . . � . . . .
<br /> � �
<br /> , �}
<br /> 3
<br /> �
<br /> Subject to a prior mortgage in the original amount of $70250.00, in fa�ar of Home
<br /> Federal Savings & Loan Associatien of Grand Island recorded in Book 166, Page 165,
<br /> of the Mortgage Records of Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> S I
<br /> � $. rogetLer with�all Leating, lightiag. �d p7umbia4 e9tigmant aad tisiuzea. inGudin�i xtakens an3 bucnezs.acreeas, awnings,statm window�
<br /> >� � cmd.dooia,and window ahades or bliads,used oa or in a3aaaectioa mith smd property,whethet the e�e�e awr lacaled on aaid propeztp
<br /> o�huxeatter P2aced tLezcroa.
<br /> TO HAVE AND 70 HO:.D 7HE SARSE, together with dl aad ainqul�the teaemenb,heredit�ents amd appuxtenmces tbereunto 1�e7nng-� �� .
<br /> ioq.�or�in anywise appe[tainin4.lorevez.�d wars�t 4he title b 1Le same. Said mnrtqsgor_S_ herebp wven;m�mi2h a;�d a.exigcgee . �
<br /> ..tbnt .t hoY a re m the deliverY hereoF. the lawful owae�__d the premiaes above conveqed aad d�ibied.�d a t'2 � -. �.
<br /> � f seized of a good aad indeieaaible eatate of inLerit�ee theraia fiee and de�of all encumbranoes.and that }�+.�_+rSll wacr�t�d � �
<br /> � defoad the title thereto torever against the ciaims md demande oE ail pernona whomaoever.
<br /> � � PROV7DED hLWAYS, �d Wis imizumeat is ers�t�ted and delivered to eeeure thn pnymant d the sum o .
<br /> TH 1 RTY F I VE THOUSAND AND NO/I 00----------------------- "'�t��a �E 35� • t
<br /> avith,intereM lLereom, Dogether writh such chargea amd adv�ces as may be due �d pvpable to emd mortqagee undaz the lerms �d �
<br /> conditione oi the pzomiaeory note of even date.Lereavith and secured herebp,ezecaated by amd moitgaqo�Eo rmd mortgagee.papoble� . �
<br /> ���.� as ezpreesed in emd note.aod to aeeure Wo pedorm�ce o1 all the terms and oonditioas ooat�ned t6exain. The tetma of emd nate �e .
<br /> a ma
<br /> �LerebY i�I�omted�herein. by thfs refeiencx. � . � � .
<br /> � � It in the intention and agreement d t6e pcuties hereto tLat this mo:igage s4all also aecure �y tuture adv�cea mada to emd .
<br /> .. .morlqa9ai�s.bp said mortgaqee. �d any �d all indeb�edneea in additicm to the a�oune above dated wh6ch eaid�moxt4a9�e.�a cmp � .
<br /> � of them, map owe to eaid mortgaqee, however evidenced, whether bp note. book account or ot6envise. Shis morn3uqo ahall.cema[n ia fvll S �
<br /> ��� 4cvice cmd'ef[ecf batween the Pm'fles bareW �d thciz L,.^i.�..P�nr�! xc;��:.'-.�s�..a=��= -._'- ;��. za=:: :11 :—.wun� sc��a�3 -� -
<br /> Lereunder.incfuding futu.re advancen.are Pmd in!ull with interee� � � � � .
<br /> � !he moriqagnr S .�raby ami4b�— ��to anid ewstqagee all reata �d income �iainq at �7 �d aR limes from amd propactp.mnd �
<br /> . � Lerebp authorize amd moRgagea oz ios ageat at �Us optiow upon�defmalt,to take�harge a:+�a p�o�and eollect all rcnts md income � �
<br /> � thereirom and applp the s�e to the�papmen[oi interemt.paindpaL inaurance P�+��s. t�es.muesements, :epasss or improvomenb aeoee- � � . � ..
<br /> ..anry lo keep eaid P+opert7 in teaantable m�nditinn.or to other chmqea or pnpmenb provided ior Lareia os fa the noFe Larebp seeured. YLis � . � .
<br /> ��ren[msignment�cLall cwtinve in larce un1i1 tLe unpmd bal�oe a[ aaid aote is fullp paid She talrinq ot poasesmon hnrounder shall in no . �
<br /> �. mcnner�pre�ent or ret�d,aaid mongagee in tLe aorieetion d eaid auma by fa:ecloauro or otLezw"sea. .
<br /> ? � 7'he imlura d the mortqagee ro macrt aaY ot its rights hereund�at any time aLaii mt be rnnetrued as a�vcdver of its tigLt to mmer� �.
<br /> � .i tlx,a a�e cR'tap7 k7ter.��timer��ci b ineost upon m�d eaforce atrSct ec+mpliance witL alE the terma mid proaiaions o[ svid note �d of th5n � ..
<br /> ,. t rycy.��Qrx.,.� � . �. . � � �
<br /> �
<br /> � �� It sa� �a� _�sLal!�:cause ta be Pmd M said maxl4aqea fLa entire amoant due it her+eunder.�d mdez tba totms md pmvieiams .
<br /> ,.., -.,,.:... .
<br /> of:eaid note'�are"'�'p secure�:srielu:mog tuture ad�ameea.aad�p esianuans �nenewala Wemof in �d�ne wfth tLe m� �d p�v�isiooa . . . . : . �.��.
<br /> Wereol.aud��.i[wld�m�tqaga�...�ahall rnmplp with all ths�prm3�6aaa ot sdd nob�d�thia mwrtqaga.tLea We�s Pm+eah�Lalt bo said: � . . ...
<br /> S o;herwiae b remala la tull foaw�d.attec4.aad arsid mnrt4a9ae abaII be aatitled to!Le pamsda�ot a!1 of aaid propertp.�d may.at 3L � . •.:. ;a e,. .:
<br /> 3 ophan,decl�e the w6ale d said aoto and a71 indebtedcess reP�eamted t6errDp to�bs tmmediatelT due amd papabie.�amd may'lo�eclose.liK� _.",,�,�� , rG„
<br /> sa
<br /> �oc tdm �Y..W6rr tegal a�m ro Pmmct�iri =+4�t..�d�#rom tSoe eiate o[ wch default all:ltema d indebeednea� �ecvrad harebT . .� � -.Zr
<br /> ehaD d[aw�iulezest at 896 per�aum. Apprmaomsnt walved. � . . �� . . . . � . „.t
<br /> � �. �� �u �9o9a �I� �9 ��m.d �LaL�aurs to�tLs��b�mflt�d tLs h�dn,azecueon. �ntnfdnaMu.:woos�aore �d.miqnr d. � ?'k"'�,
<br /> the:e�pecti�e,pmtir�Letew. . � � � . . . . . . . .�. ��
<br /> +�f,
<br /> �.r
<br /> ,. _ '. ... IN wirl7ES4 VVE�BEOF .md Maxtyuyoa�s ]yn Ve s..rw.ua .we_ the i r � w�.�th.ac�y awt ye�:ine�abo.e . .. . . ; .
<br /> �!,pC.' � �'x,."^+, . . .. . . . _ .. . . .. . . . . . . � . .
<br />� � � a—� � `�/���y/fy�� /\ /�l R `
<br /> __��ilJ✓( �L W//���P,l� . . . .
<br /> . .. . . . . . . T:�';.'� . . ����
<br />� . � � � . . .. . . _ ... .. .. . . . . . . . . . . � .
<br />� ,;,::..,,,� .. .. . . .. . . . ... � . . . . . , . . . ..
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