sd �.. �t +� z � " .,� <.; ,, . .,
<br />��' a eue.rtuz�L..m•uwa.a `�+".�;rm �c,:,li,,..,,..,Ve,uw�:�:i�w.c�n„..x1.u<,,, .. s .. �.. ._ µ.. ,_ .., .. .,. u.. . .._. ,. ,. . .. .., ..,.... ... . .. , . _..,, . ... . _� . .. . _ ., ,.,- ,n . ,.. . .. ,�� _ ,..d..n ,.., ,_ .. ,..., .. . ,, ..., � .., y ';
<br /> ,..,.wu�. � .9
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<br /> i.
<br /> r � �
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<br />�y{� i � . . .. .. � .
<br /> uot e�tend ur � �ontponi: tliE due date oi the inonth (�• inst ;illi�ieut; rr�Pcrred to iu paragraph� �7 and 2 hereof or � � � �
<br /> clir�nge the tunuuriC of such insi:aliment� . �
<br /> 10, Borrower Not 2?eleased Lxtcnsioi: of tl�e tiit!e for ��ayrnent o�• mndification oi :unortization of the sums �
<br /> . . . � SCC11tQ(1 t)y [�115 ��Ul'���il�+,l. (�I �tli"CCu u� i..C:77tj11 tV Ctii} , ". U� �ta ' u� � u . iiliLicS1� vi �ia O � � i;; �11; i IlOt G� ;�C tC :C�CwSP� � �
<br /> in nny mani�er, fhc lia.'r>ilit � oi cne origii,.il 13or�o �< <,. �::.i B�. � c:rc. , succe�sor; ..i ,t *ere�+ . I_�n .i�,• sii�ll not be �
<br /> required to commence proceedings against ,ucl� sacccssor ot miuse to extend time for payinent or other�vise modify
<br /> r :�moriization of the sums securc:d by Clii:, \Iorlgagc I �y reaso�� of un,y demand �narle hv the originai Borrower and
<br /> Borrowes's successors in interesE.
<br /> � ; lY. Forbearance by Lendez Not a Waiver. Any forbear;�nce b� Lencier in exercising any right or remedy
<br /> .. � . . .. . �.t' -�.5...2 1J . �..1 'n ,l_ �a .lo . . � � � c
<br /> liereuiiuer, UI' iJ411c.1"AtoL- wuGivc�. y uf ��_: . . . ..{S � C�7¢� � ] PO� �l� �i \4Al'✓(EP ll� n�� i>i•gn i (jC �1�70 PX$T�f l&B OA `d231' Tl�.h�
<br /> orren:edy hereunder. The �n�ocurement of insura�ice or the payment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender �
<br /> shall noi be i� �v� iver o£ Iaendei•'s riglit to accelcrnte ti�e �nnturity of the indebied�7ess secured by this 1�lortgage.
<br /> �' 12, Remedies CumvlaGve. � 11 rers�edies provided in this \Iartgage �ai•e distinet ind eumulflt:ive to any other �
<br /> � right nr re�xiedy under tf�is �Ior6gage or :ifFm�dcri by la��• or < yuit.}� , anci m:3,y bc ci:erci�ed coricut•rently, independ--
<br /> � enth� or successively.
<br /> C� � 13. Successors and Assigas Bound; Joint and Sevezal I.iability; Captions. Thc co�-eaants t�nd agreetnents
<br /> Q lierein contained shall Linil,:ind tlie i•igl�ts Iiereundei• �hali i ��u . <. ie , clic respectiv�r' suceessocs uud � ssig�is of I,ender �
<br /> � � C7 aud Bora•ower, iubject i�o ilie � provisioias of parsg�ra���h 17 h?reof. � ll covensnts anci �agrec�i�ents af f3orrower skiall � �
<br /> � be joint and several . The cs��tio7�, and I �c �din�,, oi the � �aragra��I�. of tlii� \ lortgxge src for convenience only and
<br /> � are not to be user] to interp2•ei or define tlac p�ovision. j�ei•eof.
<br /> � P� 19. Notica. Any xioticc to Ei�n•rower pro��ided foi• in tIi�. \ lorigage ,linll I�e qi ��en hy mai]ing sucl� notice by
<br /> � certified mail addresseGi io Boi•ro�eei• ;tt tl�c Yropert �� �ldclrc�s sttxtetl beto�� , cxrept tor ��ny- notice� required under
<br /> � �>sr�grs}�h � 1 $ �liereof to bc given to Iim•rotice�r in the uiannu lucscr�bed lay al:�plicablc ]a��-. :�n� notice ��>rovided �
<br />� � � forin th'ss _llort�gage shall he t��c� „uil to l�ia�-c bcen �i�•en to I3orro�v �r �cl�cn given in the mannei d�vi�n�tted herein. � �
<br /> IS. Uniform Mortgage: Governing; Savezability. l lii� :"oriii c�f mo:tgagc combines uniform co�-en�tni.s ,
<br /> tor national use and non -uniform cuvenants �vitl� limited ��ariutions by ;jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu-
<br /> rityinstrumeiit covering real �iro��erty. T'his \fartgagc shall be govcuud i.�y the law of the jurisdiction in which �
<br /> the Property is located . In the e��ent that �iny nro��isiov or clnuse oi th±� 3iort���;c or ihe ATote cm�flirts with
<br /> applicable ]aw; such conflict shall not affect oti�er provision� of 21�is \lortgsge m• t]ic I`Tote which can 6e given
<br /> effect without the confiicting prorisic�n, snd co 'this end tl�e iirovisions of tdic \lortgagc and the Noie are declared
<br /> to be severabie.
<br /> � � � � 16.� Bonower's Copy. T3orro�cer ,hsll be furnishecl a ronfoitincd copy of this �Zortgage at the time of execu-
<br /> tion or after recoidation hereof.
<br /> 17. Transfer of the Progerty; Assu�ption. If all or auy ir,Lrt of ihe Property or an interesf, therein is sold
<br /> or transferred by 13orrower without Lender's prior written consent , excluding (a) the creation of a lien or encum-
<br /> brance subordinate to this .Sortgagc, �, b } tlie creatioti aS a purcl�ase tnone�- security interest for liousehold appli- �
<br /> ances; � (c) n iransfer by devise, descent. or fiy operation ot l:z��� upoii t�he de:�th of a joint tenant or (dl � the, grunt of �
<br /> �any leasehold interest of three years or le_s noi oontainiu�; ai� option co ptirchasc, I,ende7• nrap, at Lender's option,
<br /> declare all the sums secured by t,his �4ortgagc to Ue iuimedi:�tel5� due anci payablc. I.ender shull hss��e �vaived such
<br /> option to acceler�ts if; }irior Lo tl�e sale or tran;fer, Lender sud tl� e peison to �vhom the Yropertl� i, to be sold or
<br /> Gransterred reach agreement in �vriting that tlie credit, oi sucii ��erson is satisfactoiy to Lender auid tliat the interest
<br /> payable on the sums secured by ihis \iorigage shall be at sucti rate as Lender skiall reyuest_ If Lender hus waived
<br /> Ehe option to accelerate provided in tliis paragi•apli 1 i unci if Borrocver's suc.cessor in interest has executed a writ-
<br /> i ten assuinption agreemeni, accepted in ��•riting by Lender, I.ender shall releasc Borro��cr irorn all obli�ations under
<br /> i this Mortgage and the Note.
<br /> If Lender exercises sucli option t:o sccelerate , I.endei• shall �nail ]3oi•rower notice of ucceleration in accordnnce
<br /> � �vith paragraph 14 hereof. Such notice slia; ll proride a period of not Icse t}, an 30 dxys frona tl�c date t6e n�tice i�
<br /> mailed within cti•hieli I3orrox�er rnay ��a1� tLe ,wu, declat•ecl duc. li Borr�n�er fail, to pa�• �ucl� sutns prior to the
<br /> ; expiration of such period, Lender may. �c•9iliout furiher notice or � emand on }3'orro«•er, iuvok"e ,•xny remedies per-
<br /> mitted by Naragraph 18 Iiereof.
<br /> i �� � iQor-Z� xiFva��T Gov�xnxzs. Iio�•i•o��-ec a »d Lender � fw•iixai• coc-���n��int aiid a��3-ee as follo «�s : � �
<br /> 18. Aeeeleration: Remedies. lixceFit a� pro��ided in � r.u•:i�;ra� �6 17 I3ercof, upon F3orro�eer'� bre�ch of any
<br /> � � cocenairt or agreernel�t of Borro�+-er in t6i � AIort�:igc , incluttiug tlic co��cuants io ��ay ���l�cn duu anp sums 4e�c�fred � �
<br /> by this �'Iortgage, Lendei• �>riur to .tccclez•:ition .lu� ll �n.iil irotice ta I3orro�� er cis �� ro�•ici�•d ii� paragrnph 14 liereof
<br /> � � speoifying : ( ] ) tl�e breac6 ; t2 ) the tzction requirrd� zo cure sueL breach ; t3 ) et cjatc , not. le:�s tiu�n thirt,S• ��ays � �� �
<br /> from the dttto t3'ie notice is mailed to Borro��•cr, h}° �cl �ich such brexcli uiu�t i�c cured : :�nd ( � ) th;at failura to cure �� � � �
<br /> such breach or. or before tLe date sl,iecifiecl in the notic<: n�zq� resu7t in � vecclerr�iion of t.hc swn� secured �bv t.his � � � �
<br /> � '�[qrtga�ge nnd sale of the ProPerty , If tLe h,rc�i�aeh is not cureci on or bciore� t he dst ,r. specified in tl�e notic.e , Lender � � �
<br /> ut Lender's option inay declare all nf the suin, seciu•ed b}� this \IorCgagc to be i�mnediafcly due and paynble
<br /> without furtherdemand and may forectose tl�is �1ort �,a �e by judici3l proceeditig. Lender sliall be entitled [o collect
<br /> in such proceeding all es7tense� ot foreclosure . iucrlu�lin�;, biit not liiiiited to , costs �t docurneniai•v evidence,
<br /> abstraots and title irports .
<br /> I9. Borrower's Right to Reinstata. Non��ithetandin�; I.ende�'ti accelern[ion uS the .mnc secured by this
<br /> Mortgage, $orrower shall hnve the right t.o haee any proceeding� hegun by Lender co enforcc this hiort.gage dis-
<br /> continued at any time prior to entry of a juci�;ment enforcin� this 9lortga�e if : isl Borra�rer pay, I.ender all
<br /> sums which would be then due under thic �11ori�;�gcr , the lote and 7iotes securin• Future .�ds�ances , if any-, had no
<br /> acceleration occurred ; (1� 1 Borrower cure� �ili brcuclics of an}• other coven.tnts or .i �rcemcnta of f3orrou�cr con-
<br /> tained imthis ?Viongage ; le) Borrower F��ys eill reasonable expenses i�ieurred hp l:<•ncler in enforcing ilie co��c;nants
<br /> and agreen�ents of Borr¢wer conisined in rl�is :�Iortgsge snrl iu en#orcin�; I,ender's remecliea as �>rovided in para-
<br /> graph 18 hereof, including, but not limited to, rea,of�:Ll�le .Lttm•neti� '= tee� : and id ) Borrotiver takes such axciion as +
<br /> Lender msy reasonably require to assure t6at t1�e tic:n of ttn� _llartgu�e, Lender's interest in the Propercr aind
<br /> Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by thi� �1ort�,l�;e sl�all rantinue unirnpaircv3 . Upon such pa�ment. ---- ;. a� , � "�
<br /> and cure by Borrower, this \3ortgage and #l�e obligatioiis secured lieri�b�� �lua il re�u;�iri in fuli force aud effcct as if `" +iM ` :�.. Y
<br /> no acceleration had occurred. �� "" �
<br /> � 20: Aasi p \ m
<br /> gnment ot l�ents; A pointm,ent of Receiver; Lender in Fossession. :�s additional security hem- ='^,fi� '
<br /> • under,'Borrower hereby assigns to Lender the rents of tfie Yrapert�� . E >i•ooide�9 thut I3orro��-er shall , prior to acceter- ' r�"��
<br /> ation under paragraph 18 hereof or abandonment of ti�e Pro��e;ty, have Uie right to collect and reiain such rents '` " '^'
<br /> , �,.
<br /> , ' as Cbey become due and pavable.
<br /> �. _ ;., - ,
<br />� T]poR accelerzttion 'under para�rapt� SS herevf br alrandonment uf th�> Prol,rrt .� . i ,��n�9e.•, in ��Pr�on, ii�� sgent ' �e 4
<br /> or by judicially appointed receiver shall 13c entitled to c:nter upon , t.ake ��osse�sion of and inanai�e the Yropert.y
<br /> and to collect the rents of the Praperty , includin� those �iasi due. Alt i•enr.s collected }i�� Lender or the receiver �
<br /> shsll be epplied first to payment of the costs of mana6en�ent of the Pro��ertV and collection oi rent,, inchiding , but
<br /> no6limil,e�7 Lq, reeeiver's iees, premiums an receiver's bond� and rrasonabie atrorne.�• 'v fces. and then to the �ums
<br /> � ' secured by this Mortgage. Lender and the receiver shn11 l�e liabie to accouni only for thoce mnt, actusily received . I
<br /> ! _�
<br /> �
<br />�
<br />� �
<br />