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<br /> ' '' WAi2ItANTY DE�D
<br /> WI�,A�AM WAR�2EAi BRT�m�� „ n� n r m� ' ti,� �
<br /> a._c.-� . x_T_�., rus..�nd zr,d crri�2,
<br /> � herein 'cal7.ed th�' Grantors , for and in consideration of the snm of
<br /> Nine Hundred Thirty Two and 46/100 Dollars ($932.46)
<br /> � received from Grantee; do grant, bargain,' sell, convey and confirm
<br /> � ,
<br /> unto HELEN CONNELL, the following descrihed real ,estate situated
<br /> '' ' in Ha11 County, Nebzaska:
<br /> k.ast:erly Two-t}�ir-cls oE Lot. Six (E) and the
<br /> , . Westcrly One-thi.rcl oF Tot Seven (7) in I3loc}:
<br /> Siat��-six (5E) , in the Or.iyinal fio��n, noti•� -
<br /> f ` Ca ty of Gr�ncl Isl.and, ATebras}ca;
<br /> � parE �f. I.�c�ts Scven (7) ancl L',iyht (8) , in
<br /> ? Biock Sixt�y--f'ive (65) ; in the Origi.ne31 Town,
<br /> now Ci�ty of Grand Isl<�na, r•Tebraska, described
<br /> ' as follv��s; Commencing at. the Northeas t
<br /> '' corner. of suc:h Lot Eiglrt (S) , running thence
<br /> Southerly alonc� the Easterly line c�f such lot,
<br /> i a clistance of_ Fifty-five feet (55' ) ; thence
<br /> tiVesterly at a right angle a distance o£ A7inety-
<br /> n:izie feet (99 ' ) par.a].].e1 t:o the South linc af
<br /> , � such block; thence DJort.herly at a ric�ht anc�le
<br /> a dist�ncc; of i :i.:Cty-fivc� .f.ec��t (55' ) paral.l.el
<br /> uritll thc L•'astc:rly line c'�f such block to �:iir-_
<br /> ; No�-therly 1i.ne af such Lot Scuen (7) ; thenr�
<br /> : Easter.ly along the Norther.ly line of such Lc�ts
<br /> ; Sevc:n (7) and F.ight (8) , a distance of Pdinety-
<br /> nine feet {99' ) to t1�E place of begir_ninq, •
<br /> � with a frontage of F�.fty-f_ive feet (55' ) on
<br /> ? ` - Locust Street in such city and a depth of •
<br /> Ninety-ninc feet (99 ') ;
<br /> �
<br /> TheWesterly One-thir.d af Lot Three (3) , and
<br /> tPie �:asierly One-third oi Lot Four (4} in
<br /> � ' F;1.ock E_igltt_y t�f)1 in tT•�c Oi-icrinal. Town, no�r
<br /> City of Gr.and Isiar�a, DTebraska, togethez with
<br /> k " a?.7. o£ �.L•e rig2it, ti.F;le �:nd ini.rs�-est of_ tlle
<br /> ; ` Grar_tors and tl�ieir pre<ie�c�ssors in tl-ie stair-
<br /> ' t wa�� betc»en the buildinq ].oca�ed on tlie pr.�perty
<br /> herein desc.ribed znd the i�uil�l:ing to th� tic�st
<br /> therc.oE, accorcl.i.ng to the: aqr_eement appeariner
<br /> + of record in Book G on Page 244, oE Recorc:s S.n
<br /> ; € t:he Off3ce of the Fec�isL-er o£ D�eds in FIa11
<br /> ; ' County, Nek�raslca;
<br /> ? All of i,ot A in Gilbert`s E3iibdivisio�z o� t1i��
<br /> ^ ", ; Nor.therly Tc.�o-thirds of I ots Three (3) anct �'o�ir
<br /> 4 (4) in F31ocr Sevei�ty-nine (79) in the oric;inal
<br /> y To�•m, now C�,t.y c�f Grand Island, Nebraska, as
<br /> su�:v�yed, platLed, arid re�orde>.d, and Urliich Lot 7�
<br /> " compr.ises a tr.zct of qround havinq a TTortherly
<br /> 3 f'rontag� of 'I'�•;c�riLy-two `cet (7..2' ) on Scscand
<br /> Street and a-c3e�ith c�f S,i.:�:ty-six feE�t (f6' )
<br /> ' toyethcr wi�2x' case�ments and r.ig)rts-of--�,�ay
<br /> � bPlonqing ta the Grantc�rs and thei_r. ��redece.ssor.s
<br /> � over. th� Easterly P.i_qiit feet_ (R' ) of r,�ts D, F,
<br /> _ and F, im sucli Gi3bert's Subciivision znd in
<br /> '' t3zc, f.�:r.,c�mcr!: con.�:�aCL rc..� ,-de•3 i.n Rook T-�, �-:t
<br /> y ':
<br /> ` :' P�qr� ?. .?.7, c,t F.�•c:c�*'ds -i n tt:n O i Fi c'.e of t3�C
<br /> ;
<br /> . �Zr�c;ask.r c�t' �i,'� �cirs of itu; 1 Cc�ttiii:y, r.I�hra�;':a. �
<br /> � - �r
<br /> ---____,_ ` . ., ` "d��
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<br /> 5TAf�9['TAX :.�
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