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� <br /> �. . �� <br /> �^ � <br />�3.. f `� <br /> +' � <br /> 77« OU4991 <br /> �r�R�r�TY rr�.t3 � <br /> � <br /> ROGER BRUCE BRITT�N, a singlie person, ( <br /> herein called the Grantor , tor and in consideration o£ the sum of i . '. <br /> Nine FIundred Thirty Two and 4?/100 Dollars ($932.47) " " <br /> received from Grantee, dcaes, grant, bargain, 'sell', convey and confirm <br /> untc� Fi�LShT CUNNELL, `the following d�scribed real estate situated <br /> i:n Ha11 County, Nebraska: <br /> Eas t.�rly '.C'wo-thircls o:E I.,oL- Six (6) �nd th� <br /> Westci-ly o.f- Lot S^ven (%) in Block <br /> Siaty-six (G6) , in t.he Origina..l `.Co�an, no�.r <br /> ' City of Grand Island, DTebrzs}:a; <br /> : � ' A pa.rt of Lots Seven (7) and Eight tf3} , in <br /> F31oek 5ixty-£cive (65} , in the Origi.nai i'acan, <br /> ° " naw City of C;rand Ssland, T7ebraska, described <br /> as follows: Commencinc� at the Northeast , <br /> corner of such Lot EigkYt ($) , runrzing thence <br /> Southerly along the Easterly line of such 1ot, <br /> a cli;stance of Fi.sty-fi�re feet (55') ; thencE <br /> Westerly at a r.ight angle a distance of DTinE:ty- <br /> ' feet (99' ) nara1.1�1 t_o the South lin� o.f: <br /> such blcc}c; thc�nce DTorLherll� at a r.:ic�ht ancrle <br /> ; a cli.:;t.ance of T .i.t:l.}� i..ive'� rer��_ (�i' 1 1'� <br /> �,r:i�h the Eaesl.c�r:1_1 of such J�.l.c�cic t.o t�.hc <br /> P1or.therly line of sucn La� Seven ("J) ; t.h�nce <br /> Easterly along the Narther_ly line ot such Lots <br /> Seven (7) and F,ight (8) , a dis�ance of Pdinetv- <br /> ` nine feet (99' ) to the place of b�ginn:iny, <br /> � ° �vith a frontage of Ei£ty-;ive f�et C55' ) on <br /> �; I.ocust Streek in such city and a depth of <br /> Ninety-nine feet (99') ; <br /> TheWesterly One-thixd of Lot Three (3) , anc3 <br /> the �'asterly One-third o.E Lot Four (4} in <br /> F3].oc}: Ts'igh'ty (8�:� i.n t:.l-�c� To:an, now <br /> Gity of Gr.and :Csland, Aiei�ras?:a, together �vith <br /> '' ; all of tl�e �:-�i.crhl-, #- ii-1e ��nc3 inter�sr o£ i�ha <br /> Graritors anct their precleacess;ors in the staii:- <br /> z < .•� way bet4reen thc� bui].dinq located on the property <br /> herF�in d��i and thc� building ta tlze �desL <br /> � the.reo:f, accor.ctinq to the, acrreement appc:ar:inq <br /> of record in 3iook C: on Pa�je 244, oF. F��cards in <br /> , i the Off9_r_e af i.hE� R�qi.,str.r oE De�ds in Flall_ , <br /> County. P.,r_1?raska; <br /> A11 0£ Tot F :in Gilberi 's Su�_?.Lvi_>ion aL tt�e _ <br /> Dlarthcrly Tt��o-thi_rcls of S..o�s Three (3J ancl Faur` <br /> (A) in Bloc}� S�venty-riinE� (79) in the bri5in�il <br /> To��m, now Cit:y o£ Cr<znd Island, Nebraska, as <br /> >ui,-veycd, platted, �nd z:ccordecl, and cahich Lot A <br /> ' comprises a t.ract oi qr.ound h�ving a �7ortherly <br /> f.r�ntage of '�'c•;er�ty-t�vo fe,et (22') on Secon�i <br /> S�.z-c�et and a depth o£ Si.;•1-y-si.x feE:t CE£' ) <br /> tagether wiCh c�sem��nts arid :riytit:s-of-c�Ta�> <br /> belonqincl to tYic: Grantc�rs anci th�.ir pr.er3ec�ssors <br /> c��cr th� L'a�t.crl�. ric;nt .`'e��t {8') aP Lots D, E <br /> , <br /> and P, in such Gilbcar.t's Subdivision 4nd in <br /> the� n.+ �^r!r.rt rn .`_rtz��l_ �-; ..r r�?e�3 ir. I3oob. �?, at <br /> Paqe 227, c>f= 1 �r,�or.clsz i.i: tt.�_ C.> :f�<:�e:� of ti�te <br /> ?-:t�qi: t:e.�r. e�i= ��c�,:cir> oi Hu i 1 �;ounts�, ?le�b.ras?:a. _ i �, <br /> , .. . ... . � . . . . .. � . . . . � � . . . 4 <br /> k . � .. . . . . . . � �� <br /> 1VEBRASKA DUCUI'J�ENTRR'Y '� k� . <br /> � ` S7A�UP 9"AX pM � �., <br />� �i f(: :�1 �.`�'�+'7 ��`r <br /> ; -- •`.£ �./C�. __-_,gy� _ . � , <br /> �_ �. <br /> �zt�wt�ra� �-�sct+��, <br /> � <br />" � <br />' . � <br />� <br />� � <br />