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<br /> ��-- UU4y�C� :
<br /> wa�r�N�Y n��a
<br /> � LESLIE EI,LEN ORMOND, a single person,
<br /> herein caZled the Grantor , for and in consideration of the sum of
<br /> Nine Hundred Thirty Two and 46/100 Aollars ($932.46)
<br /> received fram Grantee, does grant; bargain, sell, convey and con£irrn
<br /> ; unta HEi,EN CqNNELL, the following described xeal estate situated
<br /> in Ha11 Coanty, Nc�hraska:
<br /> L;a�Lerly mwa-thirc:s of T,c�t Six' (f) arid th�
<br /> ` � Westerly Onc�-thi.r.d of Lot S�ve>n (7) i.n Block
<br /> , Sixt six 66
<br /> , Y- � ) � ii7 tl�c. C)ric�inal `.l'own, n��a
<br /> Ci.ty of Gr.and Island, Nebrzsk.a;
<br /> � i `
<br /> ' ' ' A r�art of. Lots Seven (7) and Ei❑ht (f3) , i.n
<br /> F3Toc3: Si.xty�-;ive {(,,) , in the Or_igi.nal. Tpwn,
<br /> naw City of Grzinc'{ Island, r]ebraska, r3esc.ribed
<br /> as fallows: Cornmencinq at the Kor.theast
<br /> ` R corner o� such Lot �ight (8) , running thence
<br /> Southerly alonq the Fasterly line of such lc�t,
<br /> a distance of_ E'_i.ity-£ive feet (55' ) ; t}zence.
<br /> � Westerly at a r.ight angle a distance of Dtinety-
<br /> � ' n:i.n� fret (99') pa.r.a7.le1. t.o the SouLh line of
<br /> " such block; thence Nart:Yierlp at a riqht anqle
<br /> � � r't ctirrtan�-e o:= �'i.f'i,y_fiv� fc,e,t- (SS' 3 r�ara.l.3e1
<br /> � ,' ca:i.tii Lti�: L�i.;t�x-1.y 1:i.ric oi .�uch block to th� ,
<br /> i ; Dlor_ther. l� line of such :Lot Sevc=.n (I) ; tPence
<br /> � Easterly along the Northe.rly line of such Lots
<br /> � ' Seven (7} anci F.ight (8) , a c3istance of PSin�ti�-
<br /> � ninc feet (99') to the
<br /> place of k7egir.ninq,
<br /> .` ; with � frontage a£ Fifty-£ive feet (55' } on
<br /> Locust Street in such city and. a der�th af •
<br /> � ; Ninety-nine feet (99 ') ;
<br /> ; TheC9esterly One-third of Z,at Tkiree (3) , and
<br /> tlie E.astE�rly OIlE'-tI"11I_C� of Lot L•'our (4) in
<br /> P..1.a��k Tiigh�y (�O1 in t.h�� C)ricrir�al. To��rn, now
<br /> ^ i City of Grancj :Cslana, I�'ebraska, toc3ett�er ��ritYi
<br /> j ' alJ of r-hc ri c;}�t:, t..i.tl.e �nd :i_ntere�;t of th�
<br /> . Grar.tor.s ancl t.tieir predc:.cessors in the sta:ir.-
<br /> � ' �va}� bet�,�een the builcl.i.nq l.ocatecl on the pro�erty
<br /> s" he�-cin de�acr.ibe>d ancl the buil.ci:iric� Eo t:he i•rest
<br /> � thereoE, accordi.ng to th�> acxreement appe�r.inc,r
<br /> i o:E recorci in i;oc�}: C' or. �'uqc� 244 , af Itecor.u:: in
<br /> L-hc:� f.itf:icE of the. Fec�i s ter of T)�ec9> i.i: FIal].
<br /> % Count:y, r?cbs�aslca; �
<br /> 7�11 oi' Lv'�- Ia in C�ilbe.!-c's ;i�t�divis.ion of ti�e
<br /> D?or.therly Two-thi..r.d, o` i,o�s _'Piree {3) anci �'oUr
<br /> (�1) :in 231or,}: Sevc�nty-r�iue (79) in t�e clriGi.nal
<br /> Tot3n, now Ci.t:y of Grand Island, N�braska, a,
<br /> sur.veyeci, platt:ed, ar�d recorded, anc3 ��:hich I,ot 7�
<br /> i ' .
<br /> com�s•ises a t.rac;: of qrc>uncl havinq a r7ort.Yierly
<br /> � frontage oi �I•c•�cr,Cy-two feet (22') c�n fiecond
<br /> ' St.reet anc3 ei c?ept.h o£ Si.xt:y-si:; feet (E6 ')
<br /> ' tocJether witYz eae:emcnts ar.d r.i.c�hts-of-�•�ay
<br /> be.Longing t:o the Grantors and +_},eir },rcc�+e�cc:s:>ors
<br /> , o��C.' thc Ea:>t�riy 3;'ic�ili ic>�� in' ) oi ?.Gts I�, ti:,
<br /> ; ancl F, in ;:uc?�i Gilk,�r.t's Subd:i.vi_sion and i.n
<br /> w' tltn nz e::�,.c=r! cot�Lr.��-l- ��,,,�r ,��.� in i;�o!: nt <:t�
<br /> Paqc� `L2% , c��' ):•. '•cc�r-cir; in tt.ca Ct f'icca o.E thc� "
<br /> , ,
<br /> ?�crc�,is;t.<:r c>L i:�.,_cCs c�` il�i:l 1 �;c`,iar.���, r.�ni.x ��s}:a_ �� ,�
<br /> ' _f.___-- - ----------_____ �
<br /> NESRRSKA f�JCUfv,ENTARY �'� � �y'� "
<br /> STA^�P TAX 'ze ,��.
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