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<br /> SUSAN ANN HESSEI�GESSER;and TED HESSELGESSER, wife aild husband, (
<br /> herein caZTed the Grantors , for and in consideration oF the sum of
<br /> � ' Nine 'Hundred Thirty Two and 47/1OO Dollars; ($932.47)
<br /> received from Grantee, do - grant, bargain, sell , convey and conf,i.rm
<br /> untc>.EIELE2J' CONNET,L, the follpwing described real estate situated
<br /> in Hall County�,, Nebrask_a: '
<br /> Fasterly mwo-thirc3s of Lot S.i.x (E) and t-he _
<br /> Westerly Onr-.-thi.rci oF Lot S�ven (7) in F31ock
<br /> Sixty--six (66) , in the Oricj:inz�1 `.Po�an, now
<br /> ;
<br /> City of Grand Tsland, Tdebraska;
<br /> IY p��rt of Lots Seven (7) an.d Eight (8) , in
<br /> F31ock Sixty-five (6��) , i.n -tne Oriqina:L 'I'o�vn,
<br /> now C:cL-y of Gran�i Island, Pdebr_ask�z, described
<br /> � :
<br /> as folJ_ows: Commencinq at the Psorth�ast
<br /> cor.ner of sucYi Lot Fight (E�) , r.unning thence
<br /> Southerly along the Fasterly line oF such lot,
<br /> a disf.:ance oF F'ifty-five feet (5S ' ) ; thence .
<br /> ��esterly at a right angle a distance of D)inety-
<br /> • nine feet (9� ' ) �ar�:l.leel t.o the South 1_ine o�
<br /> such b1oc;:; t:hance rlorche�-ly �:�t a r.:iqht anqle
<br /> c " a �!'i.st:anc:� o�`. :�'.i..[Iy-f:i.v_: i:ce�t (S5') r�rzZle_l.
<br /> wiL'n c]'xc� I::aste�+-l.y Iine: of' suc� block to t:h�
<br /> Nor.t:herly l:ine of such L�t �ieven (7) ; tnence
<br /> z Easterl.y alonq thc Northerly line oi: such Lots
<br /> ` � Seven (7) and Eight (8) , a distance of P7inet��-
<br /> nine �eEt (99' ) to the plac? of. beginninq, � •
<br /> � i with a frontage of F:i.fty-fivc feet (55' ) on
<br /> I,ocust Street in such ci.ty and a depth ot •
<br /> Ninety-nine fe�t (99 ') ;
<br /> TY1e[•lesterly One-third of I.ot Three (3) , and
<br /> the Easte�rl.y Une:-thircl of Lot Fou.r (4) in
<br /> � Rl.ock I?igY2 ty (£�Q j in the� Oi-iq inz1. Town, nv�o
<br /> ' Citv of Grand Is:Lanci, idebraska, together �•ritY�
<br /> x ' a11 of t,he ri.ght., t:i.tl.c and intc:>rest of the
<br /> Grar�tors ancl tl'ieir predc�ecssors in tY�e stair-
<br /> wa}> betsaePn thP building locatec? on the pr.o�erty
<br /> ; " hereiii describe;t and t}��� bui.:Lding t:o t:ii� G?est
<br /> therec�t, accarc�tinry ta thc� �igreement appnaring
<br /> o£ rc>cord in Iiook C- on ?�zgc: 244, oL Recoi:cls i.st
<br /> t:licz Of:f:ice af t_he Reqi.�.ter of Deeds in FIa11 ' .
<br /> Y County, S;Iebras}:a;
<br /> - 7+11 of I,oG A i,� G:ilbc•>.-i:'� ;;i�b-i iv�_>iril oi tticy
<br /> Nort.herly T���o-t:hi_rds of Lots Thr.ee (3) and P'our.
<br /> _ (4) in L;locF; S�vc.nty--i'�ine (79) in th� C�riGin�l
<br /> To���n, no�v City af Grand Island, Nebraska, as
<br /> sur.veyeci, p:Latted, �nd recordecl, and �ahicll Lcat Ti
<br /> cqmp2-ises a L-.ract of qrv�inci havinq a r;ortherly
<br /> frontage of `i'�-rcnLy-two feet. (22' } on Second
<br /> Stree� anc] �i depth o£ S.i.xt:y-si.x £eet (E6')
<br /> tayether wit:lx c�ae>ernents ancl r.ight.s-o[-;•Jay
<br /> belonging to thc Grantc>rs ancl thei.r predce�:ssors
<br /> ` over the P•.asterly 7?iciht fe�c��k {R' ) c�� T.��<; �, r� �
<br /> arici I', I.n such Gi.lb�rt's StarSd.i_��ision ard in
<br /> ' tlie rasc:rtr�r' <.:o :t.r<�ct i'- .c .-�'.�„i in iloo'. t-z, �>t
<br /> '<�aq��. 227, f�!` I'�.:�c.arc3_; :i i� !� . C' f'i c��� c��, tt,;,
<br /> ' T:tiyi:.tr_'r o i',;_:c..c::; i�` ;l�a:i l. Ct,,�nt}', iTr.f�r.<,:;;.:.�_ -
<br /> , . .
<br /> � , - ,��
<br /> ; ..,,_,._ •�..
<br /> NE�I�ASKA DOGUIV[NTAC�'� '� � ��
<br /> � STAr.4P TAX
<br /> � ��1� ���:;
<br /> �`�l;�i l.
<br />� 1 ; /7
<br /> ,.}:
<br /> � % �o_gY ��.
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<br />� � s�m x�.�rk r�T ,�r��+a�.awea�
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