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<br />'�x;�� . � . . � . . � . ��yy. . .t
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<br />. ..
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<br /> ��7- (l C1�9�$ c•ir���.,vTY n�rp or nzsTr�znuTzo;� .
<br /> [7ARREN 2�. CnPINELL, as Trustee for Warren David Connell,
<br /> , herein callec3 the Grantor, pur"suant 'to the terms of a Trust Agreernent,
<br /> + ! does grant, I�argain, sEl.1, convey, confirm and distribute unto
<br /> ! WARREN DAVID CDNNELL, the Grantee, '
<br /> the following describecl rcal estate situated in T:a11 County, Nebraskac
<br /> , F•,��st.e.r.1y '�'�,�o-thircis of Lc>t S�.x (E) ancl tl�e
<br /> W�st:crl'y On�-i:Yii.rci o£ 7,ot Sevcn (7) in t31:oc,}:
<br /> Si..�:ty-six (66) , in the Ori.ginal T���n,, naL.r
<br /> C.ity of Gr�ind Island; rlebras}�u;
<br /> J1 r�z�t.of Lots Se�ven (7) ancT Eic�ht (�) , in
<br /> IIloc}: Sixty-Eive (65) , in the Or..ic3inal_ Tawn,
<br /> noca City of Gran:1 Isl��nc�, 2?ebras�:a, described
<br /> as follows: Conim�nci.ng a t thc Narthcast
<br /> corner of such Lot Eiqlzt (R) , r.unning tnEnce
<br /> Southerly a:Lonc; the �asterly line of such lot,
<br /> s � a distance oF r'ii�y-five f�et (55' } ; thence
<br /> Westerly at a righi any].e a distance of P?inety-
<br /> nin� feet (99'} purallel to the South line o:F
<br /> surh J�:I.c,c}�; l.henc;e Northerly at a ric;nt ancrle
<br /> a distance of. E'ifty-Live feet (55' ) parallel
<br /> � with the L'asterly line of: such block to -the
<br /> ; Northerly line of such I,ot Seven (7) ; thence_
<br /> F..asterly alone� t.tle Ncart:Yiez-].y line of such Tots
<br /> Sev<yti (7) aiicl I?.iqht (8) , � ciistzr�ce of Pdinet-y-
<br /> , ninc. feet (99 ') to the place oi i�e�gii�nin:1,
<br /> with a Erontage of F'ifty-fivc feet (55') on
<br /> � I,ocust Street in such city and. a depth of
<br /> ,' ,, Ninet.y-nine fcet (99 ') :
<br /> �
<br /> 1'Yu:.Westerly One-thi.rcl af Lot 'I'hree (3) , and
<br /> ; thc Fasterly Oi�e-third of Lot Four (4) in
<br /> e 131oc}: Llighty (SO) in tae Oriqinzl. To:•rn, no�a ;
<br /> C.i.ty of Grand Island, Dlebr_ask�, together �aith
<br /> a11 of the r.iclPi-t, title a*zt3 interest of thE
<br /> Gr_aiitor.s and thei.r. �r.-e,-,7ecessors in the stair-
<br /> way bet�aec:n the buildi.aig located on the propertgr
<br /> ' i hcz_c:i-n desc�_-i2�ed anCi tYie bui.Idir:g to ine j•Test
<br /> ! tnereo:C, accordinq to t:nc avreement appe�rinq
<br /> E ot recorcl in F3ook C on Pac3e 2��?, af Records in �
<br /> � i:h<c Offi.ce �L t.2i� Register of Deeds in fI<zl:l
<br /> Coun ty, Nebrasl:a;
<br /> T�:LI of Loi: 1� iii Gil.be� k's Subdivisian of the
<br /> DI�L t3ie.rly `i'cao-tt�il-ds o� I,oi�s i'ni-ee (3? atid Four n
<br /> (4) itl Eilock Se�venty-ii.'�re (79) iri tlie nri<;inal
<br /> 7'o��:n, riow City o.f: Gr_and 7slar.cl, Nebraska, as
<br /> stir_veyed, p].att:eci, �ncl r-ecorcled, ai?d c,>hich Lot. I�
<br /> comnrises a tract of qro�znd havi.ng a '�Iortherly
<br /> firoi�i�aqe of '.f=�oe::ty-t�oo fec>L {?_2' ) on Seconcl
<br /> S Strec>t anc3 a .dc.pth c�f S_i:;k-y-six :Eeet ([6 ` )
<br /> tocf�tl7er.- �aitti c-�asct;i..nts rziid r. ights-of-caa��
<br /> i be.lai�giriq Co t_hE. f.rantc�r� a�ic�. t'rie�.r. preccce:;sars
<br /> over t:he I:aster.ly Fic;h�. f_�eet (fS' ) of T_�o�.i; D, F.,
<br /> <iric; :�, in sur.l� C;i.l.bert's Subdivision and in
<br /> ; , . ,
<br /> , i:lie� c>asi�rneiit cvr�trcict s-e�cuz`d<.0 lri 1:3t1o'_-; �-�., at
<br /> . . . . �� . � 1��3C'�,. 77'j� ���f f?nC�•r-G?c:� in j.��']C' �1f4''i .... OF i�?^ . . . . . .
<br /> �,c�:ii�:tcr of I7r:�c�cJe; of I?<�11 C'.•:,:�i.�;, ?Jcbr�ska.
<br /> NEBRA5KIi DUCU(�'iEh7P.nY
<br /> Sl-A�v1P TAX 'r�`�,� " �'�
<br /> , ' ,� .. ,
<br /> � �; ,,.
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