<br /> ���
<br /> � t
<br />� } . � ����
<br /> }_�;�,
<br /> � �
<br /> 7.7- ()�4yR'� w�x�u�Y nr:.r,n o=�,}.rs�rrxnuTZorr .
<br /> i�TARREN [�. COPINEL,L, as Trustee for Gatherine Ann Connell,
<br /> now Catherine Ann Moseman,
<br /> herein called the Grantor, �ursuant ta the terms of a Trust Ayreement;
<br /> dc�es ,gra�nL-, 't�argain,-sel1, convey, confirm and distribute unto
<br /> E , CATHERINE ANN MOSEMAN. the Grantee,
<br /> t2ie following described real estate situated in Fia11 County, Nebraskae
<br /> � , ` °
<br /> F:a>terly _Ts�o-thirds �f I,ot Si.x (6� and tne
<br /> Iti�c�st�r.rly One--thi:r.d of 7,ot: Seven (7) : in Bl.ock
<br /> Sir.ly-six (6b) , in ttie C)riginzil 7'ocan, noca
<br /> �` Cityo uf Grand :Tsland, Nebras�a; '
<br /> ; ;, A x��rt: of I,ots S��ven (7) an1 Eight (8) , in
<br /> ' ' 'Block Sixt;y-fi.ve (65) , in the Original '�'os�n,
<br /> � n�w C_iCy of Grand �slancl, rTebrasYzi, descr.i.bed
<br /> � as folTows: Conun�ricinq <<t the Northcast
<br /> corner of stich Lot EiqYit (8) , running thence
<br /> Southerly along th� Easterly line of such lot,
<br /> a distanccy of E'iity-five Leet (55` ) ; thence
<br /> Westerly at z right angl.e a distance of bIinety-
<br /> � ri:ine fect (99' ) par_allc�l to the Sauth linc of:
<br /> such bloci:; l-hence NorL-herly �at a r.iqht anqle
<br /> •� � a disLanca of Fifty-five feet (55' ) parallel
<br /> with the Eastcrly line of such blocY to i�he
<br /> � ' No.rtherly line of such I�ot Seven (7) ; thence
<br /> _ ` k7as tc:rly along tkie. Nor.t_herJ.y line of stich 7:ots
<br /> t 5even (7) and I�;i.glit (8) , a di5i:zince of: Aiine ty- .
<br /> ' nine Ecet (99' ) to the plac� of beginnir.r,
<br /> � �aiL-h a frontage of )?9.fty-five feet (55' ) on
<br /> �, ; I�ocust Street in such city and a c'.epth of
<br /> �
<br /> Ninety-nine feet (99') ;
<br /> ThnWesterly Qne-thi_rd of Lct r)iree (3) , and '
<br /> � � ' the Taster:Ly One-th ird of Lc�t Fouz- (4) in
<br /> � ' B1v::}: Eic�hty {80) i_n tizc Or_iyin�i:l To��m, no�•�
<br /> ; ; City of Grand lsland, r;ebl-aska, toqether �aith
<br /> all vf. th� right, titl� ai�d interest. o`E the
<br /> Graiit.or.s aiia thc�ir pr.ec�.ecc.ssors in the si:ai.r-
<br /> � way bel�,:eE:n the build'�rig located on the Prope:ct-}�
<br /> d herE.in de:-;c:riL�r�c7 .-in<l the �,u:i.lc3ing to thc� t��est
<br /> , .
<br /> { t:hcreof, i.tcca:rdinc� to �._ne� zcr.re��ment ars��><<.rirlc;
<br /> � o£ record in 13voY. G on Paqe 2a4, of Recorc?s in -
<br /> i:he Of.ii.r..c, af i.hc� RegS.ste.r of De.eds ira I1a1.1
<br /> CbunL-y, DTebr-as3�e:x;
<br /> A1.:1 0£ Lot I� isz Gilber.t's Siabc3ivision oi the�
<br /> Dlc�ri.}ie.r.ly `Ct,�o-thirds; of: 3,o�s '±hi�ec (3) and. Four �
<br /> � (A) in I31ock Sc.venty-nine (79) in the Orir,inal
<br /> Tc;�on�, now City of. C.,�-zxnc. Island, Nebrask4, a.�,
<br /> sur,veycd, ��latted, {�nd r.ccorded, and eah:ich Lot I+
<br /> cc>tnprises <i tract. c>1: q:r<:�i�nc3 havinq a rlariher_1}�
<br /> ; fror�taqe ot '.I'cac�nt:y-two feE�t (22` } � on Second
<br /> { '' Str�;ct: and a .c�c.pt.t� af Si�:t.y-si>: Eeet: (f5' )
<br /> � ` toqcther. �•�i.th aasements anci riyht:.s-of.-way
<br /> be]c�nc�i.ng tc� the C�r.antor: and tt�ei.,- pre�dccecsors
<br /> � ovei- thc. 7:<xstc:rly Eivht Feet {�' ) of �o�s D, E,
<br /> ; ; . -' _ . . . .
<br /> t �nc: k , in sucl: G i.lbz�rl.' �; Su:�;i�_v.Lsi on anci ?n .
<br /> ' t:}ac> easc.mcant c�ontt'��.c;t. i-cc ot.uecc: in I3oa?: P�; at -
<br /> . . _ Yacae� ?,27, c�f ]?e:rcai-as _in th<=. O.El:�<::ee oF� t}�c:�
<br /> � Rc.�c}i :ster of lle�c:�els: oi. itall l'<n.:sC.y, rde°2�r�sk._i.
<br /> i
<br /> i . NcBRASK�i DOCUW;EIVTA�'i. �„..,' ,.,,�
<br /> '. . 5TA^:7P TAX . �: J•...
<br /> ; � �r
<br /> � I�,U G �I 1977 � ..
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