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� , <br /> �� <br />������ � . � . , . . � . � .:�.w�h�' . .. . <br /> . <br />� � .. ._ r . ... . ; ... . ... . .. . .. . . . . .. � . �� <br /> ` ��o ��O 4 9 S S WAR�2F�NTY DI:IiD OF DISTRIT3UT ION <br /> ti9�RREN 11. COr7id�7aL, �s 'Prus�ee for Roger Bruce Burdick, now <br /> Roger Bruce Britten, <br /> herein called the Grantor, pursuant ta tt3e t�rms of a Trust Agreement, ' ' ; <br /> � . C30£a grant, ��hargai�n, sell., convey� COIl.E17:P.1 and distribute unto . � � . ' <br /> , � ROGER BRUCE BRITTEN, the Grantee, ' <br /> " . the following descrihed real estate situated iri FIall County, Nebraska: " - <br /> '. : `` l.�d>tc�rly` <<'cao-th:ia_ds -of Lo'c Six (�) �and tae ` ' <br /> 4�l�rslerly One-Lt�i_r_d o£ 7.ot: Seven (7) :in I31.ocY. <br /> Si}:Ly-,i.x (G5J , in tY,e Oric�inal 9'osar_, nc�:•r <br /> Cirty c�f C,rancl T?;latid. Diebr.aska; <br /> � t�a.rt: qf T�ats Severr (7) and F:icaht (P,) , in <br /> Blor.l: Si.xty-five (65) , in the Or..i.yinal. `�'o:an, <br /> n�w City of 'Gr�Ti:3 Island, r7ebraska, descYibed <br /> as'iollotvs: Commetici.t-iq a t the Northe�s� <br /> corncr of such .Lot Eiglrt (8) , running tPE�nce <br /> South�rly alonc7 the �asterly line of such lot, <br /> , a distance of Fifty-five Feet (55' } ; then�c " <br /> 6Jcsterly at a sight anq].e a distance of Diinety- <br /> nine feet {9J' ) paral3�1 to the Sauth lin�: of: <br /> such btocl:; thc,nce Nartherly at_ a riqnt an�rl.E <br /> a distance of Fifty-five �eet (55' ) parallel <br /> with the linc� oi sucYi b1oGx to the <br /> No.rtherly line of sucl-i Lot Sev�n (7) ; thence <br /> E:asterly alon<� t:hc Nortlic�rly of sur.h Lots <br /> Seven {'7) and F�:i.ght (&) , a dist<uice of idinety- <br /> niile .feet (9�' ) to tlie place of lieg�i�ni�q, <br /> �oith a frontaqe of N'i£ty-five feet (55') on <br /> I.ociist Street in such city and a c,ez�th oi <br /> Ninc�t:y-nine fect (99 ' } ; <br /> � , TheSdesL-erly One-thi.r,�d of Lot Z`hr_ee (3) , and ' <br /> the T'asteriy One-thi.rd of Lot Four (4) in <br /> E31oe::: FighLy (£0? �_n t�hc� Qr:igin��:l '1`o:•�n, noc•� <br /> ° City o£ Gran�3 Isl�nd, DTe�br�ska, toc7�4Y1er c�rith <br /> za11 0� the ra.ql�t:, title and interest of the <br /> Graiitor.s azid t}ir.:ir., pr�decessors in �he stair- <br /> ` way h�Lweeri the buil.diriq locatc�3 on the �rope�rt}i <br /> ; he,rc::i.r. dc:...,cri_bed r.uid thc: t�u:i.ldi,ng to thE td.��st <br /> thcrc:of, accoxdis�g to Ciie aar.e��ir�ent apo-v�riria <br /> of zecord in Book C on Page 244, of xncorcls in ` <br /> ` ` the Of.fice oi thc Register o£ Deeds in iia1.3 <br /> County, Nebraska; <br /> F�1:L oi" Lvt A in�c:rt's Subdivisi.c,n oi the <br /> � D7or_�:herly i't��o-th.i.rds o t 7:.ots ` (3) a,?�? FGur � <br /> (9) in Iilock Sevent-y-nine (79) in tYie ()riqinal <br /> Tc>wn, now City of Gran�l Tsland, IVebr�s}.:a, as <br /> surveyecl, p1aL-ted, and recor.decl, ailc? �•:Y:ich Lot 7� <br /> ctnopris�:s a tr.act of grc?u.�d ]iavi_Tlu, a �iorther.l�� <br /> frontaqe oi '.Pzaerity-tcdo fcnt (22' ) <�n �e<_�ond <br /> < Stre�t and a� c�f �;.i::i-y-:�ix tec:t (��G ' ) <br /> toget}�c�r rritli c.asements �ind right:s-of-��ra�� <br /> bclorigi.nq ta tli�� Grcini c��-:s and t:}��::3_r. pr.e�c;ecc�sso.�, <br /> ovc.r. the Fast<,x-ly L•'ic�tlt feE:t (f�' ) o£ r�ots D, r <br /> , <br /> , and' F, in suc,ki G�.lbc�rt:'� Gnbcli��isi_on a��,' irs , <br /> , t.�ie �.�zsc::mc�ilt cc>nt1`tzct re�c�.�iciE_cl :in r3�,o:: '•", �:t <br /> ; � ]�ac�e 227, c�t }?czcor:ds in t.Pic C�.i_i ic�c, o.� �hc <br /> �. »c.c, i�; of Ur.�c :i�: of H�tl.l Cr�l;nt-.y, Idcl�r�..��:a. <br /> -- --,�_ . <br /> NEQRASKA UOCUMENTARY <br /> STAMP TAX �� <br /> � �i!C 3� i57]' .-__� � �,.,: <br /> � ��. <br /> � /D SY-Cx�,�,�, :.;�� <br />� _ _ <br /> �, . <br /> ,car�terrr�rnsca•� <br /> � _ <br /> -i- � <br />-� � <br />