-ti,z_„t . . : . . . . .� � {y . .
<br />�� � ��
<br />� y�:.�
<br /> i� � r �
<br /> �7� UC14y83 �r��t��rrxY nr:�n or r�i <<<:� u�s�c_;
<br /> ��ARREN A. CONNEI.�L, as Trus�ee for Susan Ann Ingold, now
<br /> Susan Ann Hesselgesser,
<br /> ��}:�,T21I'f��C�'..iZ�@u ��i10 �ii�:aia�G;T.'� �?il2"SLi�iTi� �i0 LilE°� �.C-iT.itS <3i=-� a i'rU�t F�C_jY'GEfft�11Li
<br /> � does qrant, hargain, sell, convey, con..Eirrn �ncl distribute unto
<br /> SUSAN ANN HESSE�.GESSER th� Grantee, ,
<br /> the fallovring describec� real estate sztuated in tla2l County, i�7e�iraska:
<br /> > ' F:a,,�.c�.rly 'C���o-tY�i.rds b.F' I.c�t Six (6) <�nd t.'rie
<br /> L9esterly Onc-CYrird af 7�nc '�>cve;� {7} :in ,s1c>c};
<br /> S:ixty-si.x- (66) . :in tt'�c: Oric;inal 7'ocon, nv�•;
<br /> � , Ci.'ty of Grand tisland, 1�7�braskzx; , '
<br /> !
<br /> A na.r.t, of I�ot,, Se�ve�n (7) exnd F;.i.ght. (£;) , in
<br /> ° I31ock S:ixty-five (6`i) , in the C��-iqinal `?'own,
<br /> noca City ot Gran3 Islancl, rq�hrae,},a, descri.bec3
<br /> as follocos : Cr�inr,2encinq at the ����rthc:rist
<br /> corner of such Lot }•:i:qht (8) , runnirig tnerice
<br /> Sout}iexly along the �ast.erly line o� such 'lot,
<br /> a c�istanc� of Fif ty-iive fcet (55`) ; ttience
<br /> West_erly at a right. angl.e a distarnce of Ni.riety-
<br /> z ni.n� �c,eL- (9�') t�ar.allcl ta th� SouL-h ].i.ne of. -
<br /> such b7.oc}.; thence DTortherly at a ri.qnt e.nqle
<br /> ; a distance of E'ifty-five fcet (55' ) para11c1
<br /> ' wit.h the Easterly line of such block to the
<br /> Nort.herly line of such Tot Seven (%) ; thence
<br /> ,, E;ast:erly �z1.�nq itiE: PdorL-YierJ.y 'line of such 7ot•s
<br /> ` y Seven ('7) ancl Fight (�) , <i dist�lnr.e of iii_netv-
<br /> `, s nine fe:et (99') to tYie p.lace o.� bec3inni:q, � •
<br /> ' with a frontage of �'i.�ty-five feet {�5') on
<br /> 7ocust Street in such cit_y and a depth of
<br /> ' Ninety-nine fect (99' ) ;
<br /> y
<br /> i :•:
<br /> y TheWc:sterly One-thi.r.c:i of Lo t '.Phree (3) , aricl
<br /> „ ' the F�sterly One-tliird o.f I2cit L'au.r (4) in
<br /> r, Bloc}� F.ie�hty (FO) i.Ti i:i-�e� nriyinrr:L `.1'o:•rn, no�•�
<br /> ; , City of Grand Isl�nd, D7ebraska, tocJet3�zer witl�
<br /> a11 of the riyht, ti.tle� a�zcl int.er.est of the
<br /> � Gratitor:� aald their ��rec].er.�s�ats i.i1 thc ��air-
<br /> � way be tween the buil d incj loe�ted on thr-_ propert1�
<br /> � hc.rcin d�scrikaed ari<1 the bu:i Ldir.q to Lhc. � ��st
<br /> - � ther��Uf, �cca�'dinc3 to titc Z�,ree.niEcnt ap,�e�i�-irtc?
<br /> ; oL record in 13ooY. G on -Pac�c 24= , oi Recorcis in �
<br /> - � t:he Office of i:.he Regist:er, of »eecis i.r� iia11
<br /> � County, Nebr_a�}ca;
<br /> f�"il c�f I,ot A :in Gilbert.'s Subdi.vision of the ,
<br /> �Iorther"ly 1's;=o--t:'.�ircls cif 7',ots Thx-�>e (3) an�. l�our
<br /> � (4) in i'.].ock Seventy-ri:i.ne (79) i.ri L-he Or.iGinal
<br /> " ` '1'ao;n, now City of Gr.and Island, Ne�br��sk<, a.>
<br /> � sur.ve,ytil, �latt:eci, 2ind recoa-cli�d, eind �:�nzcta Lot J3
<br /> ' compr.i:a<�s a trac� of ground havs.nq a ^;orth�^_�:1��
<br /> frw'tt�ic,e af_' '?'went-y-two i<�e.t (?_2 ' ) on Second
<br /> St�xeet. and a .dc>.f>t.}i c�£ Si.;�:ty-:�.ix .fc�et (66' )
<br /> ^ toqet.kzer: �•ri tYi eascment.s �ind rig}zts-of-z,;r_i��
<br /> . bel_oriyi_rig �o t}ie C_:r.�zrrt,ors and thc:a.r prec:�:cc.cso:r-s
<br /> �vcr- tl:e F.�ast�erly ]3ic�ht feet (H' ) of �ot�.=; D, _r•,
<br /> zmc: F', in suclt C;:i :Lb�_x L'_, Su:;>c)i:v i.sion _r.ri z n
<br /> �
<br /> : t:l:i�: c.a„�.�mciit, co!iLf.-��.c_t re<:c>.z�ic�Cl .i�� t;oca:: ci, at '
<br /> g �'ac�c� 22"7, o:F` l?ecorc�c� .in t}Zc� O.ff.i.ce oF� '�he
<br /> } �Lc�c:.i�:t_cx- o.F llr��.c7s oa: I�al`I Cc_n;nt-;�, I1F.l�ras}<a.
<br /> , _ , _._ '
<br /> NEBRASK{\ DOGURqENTA4iY � �.� ��-�^"x
<br /> STAMP TAX '
<br /> , .. � ��
<br /> � ' �'J� 3�. ?977
<br /> „�;�
<br /> r� j �w � /C? gy�..1 C�'1L- �
<br /> �,. �
<br /> � -.{ - �s�z.��r nrx��'
<br /> �
<br />� ,
<br />