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<br /> „ '203�,/s—R£LEASE OF MORTGAGE—Corposntioa 1'he HutCnisn 6eneral 6upply Honee,Lfncotn,Ne7�r. i
<br /> t;
<br /> ;� IN CONSIDERATIOIV of the pay»aent of the d�bt named therein, 1he Five Points Ban}c
<br /> 2015 Noz'th Broadwell, Grand Island, NebL', hereby releases the mortgage,made to
<br /> !;
<br /> , Five Points :Ban]c 6yMichael W, o�Hara and Virginia L.
<br /> . O'Hara, husband and wife ' �•
<br /> ` on the fotlowing described real estate, to-wit:All �he easterly twohundred ninety-five and
<br /> t ee tenths (295.3) feet of the westerly seven hundred seventy-seven and thr �-
<br /> i�e ths (777,3) feet of lot six�(6) o�f voss Subdivision of that part of the eas `
<br /> 3za f o£ the southwes-t quarter ('E'�SWQ j and the wesi- half of the southeast quar e�
<br /> }� SF�) of section eleven (11), Township Eleven (11) North, range nine(9) -wes of
<br /> � 6th P.M. in Ha11 County, Nebr., lying south of the Lincoln Highway, whic
<br /> ;t ct hereby conveyed is more particularly described as follows:
<br /> ;'s (Further described on attached document. )
<br /> ; of Sec3ion , in Township , R¢n,qe of ths P.M.,
<br /> }; County,State of whicla is recorded ix Bgok of Real Estate Mortgages, page
<br /> o/fhe records of said County. DoCur[tent �F77-003420
<br /> IN TESTIMONY WHERF_OF, the said Five Points BanX_ has caused `
<br /> these¢resents to be executed by its pyesident and its Corporate Seal to be ajj'ixed hereto this 30th
<br /> � d¢y of August , zy 77
<br /> � ' ` Witxess: -.--.--.-•--.--FIVE POINTS BANK =;
<br /> ; �-•--•----•....................�-------...-•----•---......... ...__.. E
<br /> � .
<br /> i �--�----...--�-----•--.....--�-•----•--••-----._.. By---�����...�?''�+�:"' �-President C.
<br /> ; ..--•-------•--�---•.........:......�--��---... -•-.--••-•
<br /> ' .....-•--•.............................:._...---------•--...------.......---------.Attest ._.....------------......-•----------......-•---......__..., Cashie�r,Secsetary ;` `;
<br /> ' STATE OF ..._..NEBRASKA 30th Au ust.--- 77 �
<br /> ~ •..................•-•----....-•------.......
<br /> � Ox th:s•-••--------•-••---.da o - �----- - --•-----�•� 7
<br /> �ss. y }.....---------• •- 9---•--••--
<br /> �; -----------------•------•_--_.......County f before me, the undnssigned,a Notary Public in and far said �
<br /> .. . ....:... --�---•HAI.�L
<br /> " �k Count , ersonall came......_..............W�lliam W. Mar'S'hall III 1
<br /> Y p Y ---..........-•...............•--....--�--....._...._.__......_.....---•--•.....__....__.........-•-----.., President of the 1 1
<br /> ; ....... ..:. .............---------k'iirs...�czints...�ank--------..._-•--•---••-�-•-�-----•--.._......_.._.---..........----••-..--------...:..--- a or t' �
<br /> C pora son �
<br /> , i to me personally knozvn to be the President and identical persox whose name u affixed to the above �elease and
<br /> acknowledged the execuEion dhereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such otf'ices, and the voluntasy aet and deed ;
<br /> ,; of said Co�Qoration.
<br /> : I' Witness m,y hand and Notaria!Seal at..-.-__Gr3n_c�_.I,�],a.r}.�.-----..._..............•- in said Cou�ty the day and year '
<br /> �' last aboa�e writJen. ��...� '
<br /> 3 My commissioa espires--•• -•-. ��.k��� �•-•.�..����,,,,�[,�Notasy Public '
<br /> , r�`v`' .�c�f��
<br /> ' f�Mli,�l
<br /> �._�, ,4:�.. .,.::m FQ;; _ . . , ,.. .; �4�.4v..M9�.7.�81b - �. (
<br /> � � �mmencin at a .: . .,._ . ����._ . ;; �
<br /> g point on the south line of said Lot SixLL (y6�),��Wiiich�
<br /> x int ot beginning is four Hundred Eighty-two t482) feet east of the
<br /> west Point or tip of said Lot Six (6) and whicl-i Point of Beginning
<br /> is tlze southeast corner of the tract described in the deed recorded
<br /> in book 101 at page 359 of the Deed records of Hall County, Nebras'ka, �
<br /> running thence North a distance of two hundred thirty-five and
<br /> eight tenths (235.8) feet along the west line of the tract described
<br /> in the deed recorded in book 101 at page359 hereinbefore mentioned
<br /> to the south boundary line of the Lincoln Highway, A1so ]cnown as
<br /> U_5. Highway No. 30, running thence northeasterly along and upon the
<br /> southern boundary line of said U.S. Highway No. 30, a distance of
<br /> three hundred twenty-eight and three tenths (328.3) feet to the
<br /> northwest corner of the tract conveyed by warranty deed recorded
<br /> in book 11'2 at page 165 of the deed records of Hall County, Nebraska,
<br /> running thence south along and upon, the west boundary line of said
<br /> tract described in the deed recorded in Book 112 at page 165 last
<br /> above mentioned, a distance of three hundred seventy-nine and eight
<br /> tenths (:;��.8) f�et to tize soutn boundary line of said lot Six (6)
<br /> a distan-�e of two hundred ninety-five and three tenths (295.3) feet to the
<br /> place of beginning.
<br /> �, � . .
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