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.��., { �� t <br /> �1. <br />� �;:.� <br /> � <br /> ._. �: � <br /> �..MORiGAGE-�ariug��md Iom Focm—(Direet CndiF�Pl�,255�2 f3pedaU ... . . . .... .. �. �: ..' <br /> 77� U U 4 9;�2 MORTGAGE <br /> ,..a �No . ' -.� <br /> + �,�x,s n��,�,uaae .,�•� 29tn a .o. Au�uat � �s?L� <br /> �, <br /> . tsy and bptaeen �, . . . <br /> ; r)wht and�as spouse of the other ' <br /> o� "�H71 I �.tp.Nebraaka.�morEgagor S� �d Home�Fede�l Savinqs���and Loan�Asaoelatioa�of Grand�Islmd. <br /> a�:corpc+akion�.or4adxed:and eastlng�.under the lawe�of.Nebraaka �vith�its p:ineIp¢I oiitce and plate of businasa at.Gr�3 Island��Neluaska. ��." <br /> as.�,moriqaqae! � � � � � � ... � . . . . . . . . . <br /> �..�WITNE$SE7H: 17rut emd mortgagor S foz and fn eonatdezatton.o! the evm of � . . . <br /> F,�C$jY TWOIlSAND''FOUR HUNDRFf] ANI� NCl/1(1(1_----_-----_-__ ollan (7..t1A,a11.Q 00 � <br /> , � . , the,:neceipt o3�wLiah'ie Lereby��aClmowledqed. do��_by��tLese presents��mortga9e-aad warr�t ucto�aafd�mort4a9ea. ib����euxeawn �d . �' � :;:. <br /> �� aesigus, forever,QIl�the to3lowiag described zeal��eatate, dtuated ia the couaty ot � �H7I � � � � � � �� <br /> � r' �. �d<SD¢te`oE�itebraaka,to-aiL.... . . ...... . ... . . . � a . ' � j. <br /> LOT SEVENTY T11REE, LE HEIGHTS FOURTH SUBDfVISION, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> , r <br /> � <br /> � <br /> t <br /> y .. . �. . � � . ' .� . . . . <br /> � ��:$ Toqether with all�.heatiaq, 3ighting, md plumbinq aquipment and fi�rturee,iacluding atokera.amd burnara,screeos, awninqa, atom�wfadow•a <br /> :� and.�doors, and window ahvdec or bliuds, ueed oa or in conaection with auid property, whether.the sams�are ao�v located oa eaid prope[ty - <br /> or horeatter plaeed�theieon..� <br /> �e .SO HAV£ AND TO HOLD THE SAME, �ogether with all cmd singular tha teaements,hereditameats and appurteaaneea thereunto�bc2omq- <br /> � . . . . . .. . . . . . . .:�. . : ' <br /> � �inq..or in�anywiae appertainiag,forever, �d wazxaat the titk fo the same. Said mortgagor S� hereby eovenaa�with snid awrtgaqee���� <br /> ,z that t�e—� � are� . at the deSvery hezeof,the Iawful owners� oE the�premisee above maveped �d den�ibed.aad��� di"@� <br /> $ xized�of.a qood artd indefeasible ertate o!inheritance therein, tree and cle� ot�all��eneumhrancea,and that_�La_�will war�m4�.and <br /> l �'3���deioad the title theraxo lorever against tLe claima�and demaads of ail�peraons whomsoaver, � � � � � <br /> e; .. � . . � � � . � . . � ` ._,: �.; <br /> i �� PROVIDED�ALWAYS, and thia inatzument is ezecuted aad defivered to�papmeat o}the sum ot � <br /> k FORTY THOUSAND FOUR tiUNORED AND NO/100-------------------------_ ��e ��40,400.Q0 � <br /> ; wifh�interuat tLereoa,�togather�with such chargea and advances as may ba due and payable to avid mortqagee�uader�the tezau �cnd <br /> ,:a conditions of the promusory aote� of even data Lerewith aad secured herebp,ezecufed by emd mortqagorS—to said mortgagee,paqable . <br /> ' .�� as ezpreased�in eaid apte,and to amue the peitorm�ce ot ¢11 the tarms aad cond9tioas eontaiaed�thereln. �The teima oi-said note are � <br /> ,i bprebp�tnmrporated herein by this reiereaee. . � � . . . . ..... � . <br /> �t .It ia the fntentioa m�d aqreemenl ol the pazties hereto that�thin mortqaqe shall alao sscura �eny futnre advanoea wede to� aaid. <br /> �mortgaqor_.:�_ by�smd mortgagee. aad any.and all indebtednem in additioa to the �ount above ataied which�aafd mortqcigon,�ax.:,¢np . . <br /> , ot tham, mca9 owe 4o eaid mortgcgee.however evidenced,�whelher bY�e,book aceount or�othaxwise. Thia morigage ahail remain!n }ull . . <br /> lozce.�..amd Wect bet�een�the parties hereio and�tLeir he[rs.�.Parsoaal repceeentaUvas, aucceaaoza and�aaaigne.�uatil all. �auats .aecured <br /> ,F hereaadez,�includiag fiatu.'e adv�ees.�e pmd in iull wiW iatezert: .� � . . . �� . . <br /> Tho awclgagor`" �berebq.oasiiqn_$�aaid uwrlqagee all reab and.tasome�arieiug at�any end�all timee lzom meid propectp �d <br /> as <br /> £ hsreby authorize�said mortgaqae ar ib ite option, upoa default to take charqe ot eaid��properip��d�collect�all.reats a¢d ineome <br /> �a � therefrom�and cpPly the scmie ta the.papment o!intez�eet,;ndpal,inawaace:premiums. 2azer.vsseaements. zepairs oa lmprovemeafa necee• � . <br /> ."} ��sary'to keap aatd property in teaantable conditloa, or to othez�charqee or paymeata provided for hareIn or Ls tha aote heraby secured.��R'hin <br /> .rent.aasSgnmeat shall.cont3aue in�lorce until.the.unporid.balcace o!�aaid aote is tully�pmd iho iaking ol poeeeenion Lezeundrz ahall fa�ao � <br /> � -�� m�aer preveat�ar zatard satd mMgagee iu the mllectioa of.eaid aums by fo:eclasure or othetwiae. � . �. � � ��� <br /> l .:; 2hs lailune o! t6e mortqayee to'aeeeet aap ot its s3qhtti'.�ezeundar et�y time�eLall not be canatxued aa a waiver ot i1s zaqht to aasert. . <br /> ez <br /> ihe a�e at any taler time,end to lneiet �xpoa�cmd ea1o�atrtce compllaace�with ¢t! thv tezms qnd- ovisioas�of said note �d .of this 2 <br /> � ��, mu+14a9e. , , � ... . � .. . .�.. .. . . � 1 . .. . <br /> ' t i <br /> 2 � ��.If aaid mortgagor—��aha71�cauae��poid to �aid mortqaqee tha eatire amount due 9t hareunder,and ueder the terms aad pmvfaioa� �� <br /> ai <br /> �; of eaid nWef hereby qeeuced,iacluding tulure adrancpe,aqd aag ezteasioaa.oc�:rens�vqle.tyeroof�9a axordance�wph the te;ms cmd provi�iona � . <br /> `� tlaor�eof.qnd 3[�-.aaid mortqngor� •. �eryall comply with all the provSatoas of eatd aote and of tL3s mortqage. thoa theee preaeate�daall be vofd: . .. . �. <br /> 1 atporari�e�10 zemaia ia lull��.torw and.eflact.�.aad�aid�.mortgqge•.�hall be ontitled�to fhe poeseasion of.all�oi.soid PropertY.�d iie � � . .. <br /> , optioa.�daclara tho w3de ot�md�aote�d all-iadeWsdne�t repte�snted therebp to-bs immxi7atelp�dve and`Payable.�and�maq'ioreclwa�.�tLis � .. . . "'`: ' ,t;, . <br /> ? mortquge or taka mT ot3er leqal�aqion to psoteet !b.Aght, m�d�tmm the�date of such delault atl items��ot Indebtednes��recvred hereby � ..".:.. '� . <br /> � ahait draw iatare�t acf i y�er maum.� Approu�emene a► . .. . . . . . . ... � '' .� �¢.Y71 . <br /> ' �a;������! �a�b�udfa9�P� md-��halt�auro to tLs'�b�ne[ft oi�.ths hsin.�s=eeuton. adadn[atraLon.-auoeeuo�emd aasiqa� o! " � �. .�,,.��N <br /> r , � WtT�Sg tV�pg, ,�d �s 1„t ve y,�„n� •� the i r �=-.+ s 16s day and pear lint abooe <br /> _ ��' <br /> wrletAn. . _� -. . �- � . <br /> . 1.. � �� � � . � �. . . ��. � .. .. .� . . <br />�. :�`�: :r�.r�.r r ��-..�-y�,�,�: ,:�,� � �r .�-- � , � <br /> "" h_ /". � �.� <br /> RANDAL„L P .;KQSMiCKI CHERYL . KOSMfCKi <br />, <br /> �"�"� (_ --1 <br />� � <br />