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<br />�� � .� �
<br /> �
<br /> . �..;;.;;�
<br /> � -- :- ._ _� _ :
<br /> �- _- ._ _ _ _. _ �
<br /> � MORTGAGE—Savfage�and Loan��Form-(Dlreet Credlt Plan):2b5•2 (SpedaU . . . .. .. .. . . . .
<br />� � � �� �
<br /> 7°�-(.�U 4 9��J 1ViORTGF►GIE
<br /> { r.o�xo " ��
<br /> ! � � �7HtS 1NUENTUA£.�made thi� .�2�/'�h �� �aY:�o� Ati2gt}S'G . � -.�192.2-...byandhet�qeea � �
<br /> RAVERNE' 8. N�ETFELDT AN�'PAULETTE G. NIETFELDT husband and wife `each in his and her� �
<br /> ; own right and;as spouse of the other
<br /> �at ����a� � � Couaty,Nebraiko,m�morlqaqots_..�� �d Home Federal 3avinga and I.oan�RasociaHon of Grand Island,
<br /> 'a.torporetion�orgaalzad'and�esistinq under�the 7awa�ot Nebraaka with its�pzincipal otHce and pinee al�buaiaees.at Gmnd:Iel�d,Nebraaka,
<br /> �as mortgo4ee.. .. . . � �. � : ,. � .. . . � . � - . . � .
<br /> t�. . � WITriTFSSETH: �That�aa9d morigagox._S, for and in.�coneideration ot the eum o! � � �
<br /> SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/100-------------------------=- 7 500.00
<br /> � . . . 'nollars� (5—._ • l.
<br /> , :� ihe�'rece[pt ot��whieFa.i� 6ereby acimowledqed, do�_ by these�presente.mortgage aad warrant unto eatd mortqagae, �ita�suateesore"aad ,� � ;.�� : ;�
<br /> �-� cQaiqne, fozever,��al3 tha following deeczibed zeal eataie, aiwated in the county of Ha�� � _, � �
<br /> : ; . .aed'State�ot�Neb=aska,tawit: ���. .. .. . . . .. � .. � .. � . .. . . . .. . .. . � � ;: :'
<br /> ;
<br /> �
<br /> Y
<br /> �.!�� . �2ogethei with all beattag, lighting, and pleamhing equipmeat aad tixturea,includiag atokern¢nd burnera.screasta.�awninge, storm windowe �� � �
<br /> � mid��doozr, and windaw ehadta or blinds,used on oz in connecUon with eaid propexty,whether the aame are now tocatod on naid property
<br /> � or horealter placed tbereon. �
<br /> ) �.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD TPiE SAME, together w[th all and eingular the tenemeata,heraditameate axid appuztenaaeea thereunto belong-
<br /> ing,or in anywiee appertaiaiag,torever, aad warrant the title to the same. Said mortgaqor S hereby covenant__ with eaid mortgagee
<br /> � :��� �that__the y are ,at the delivery hereof,the]awtul owaer_5 of the p�emiaea abova conveyed�and described, and_a�8 ..� �
<br /> r �..$�� seised oi a good and indeienaible eatate ol iaheritance thezein, (ree and clear of all ettcumbraacee, and that the�.will wanant and . �
<br /> ; q j � defond tho dtle thera�to lorevez aqainst the daims and demande o! afl persana whomacever. .
<br /> `9 �. �P VID D A W YS, aad th' instrumeut is execu ed and delivered to secure Ihe payment o1 the sum ot � �
<br /> = SE�/E�N l�HOU�SAI�D FI VE I�UNDRED AND N0�100--------____.._______,.r��_ 7,500.00
<br /> '� . �_� nonars (a_ >.
<br /> r with inlorest theroon, togeWer with such chazges and advancea as may bo due and payable to aaid mortgageo undor�the terms and .
<br /> � � ��conditione of the promieaory note of�even date herewith and secured herebp,ezecuted by eaid mortgagors_.to said moriqaqee,payable �
<br /> � ... � . as expreased in.said nnte,and to secure the performance of �sll the terms and conditiona contained�thecein. The terms o! aaid.note are �
<br /> g hezeby incorpozated herein by tAia refexence. �� . � �� . � �_ .
<br /> � � � It is �he intentioa aad agzeemeat o! xhe partiea hereto thai this mo:tgage aha12 also aecure any Euture advaacee made to eaid � �
<br /> � � �mortgaqor`�'V_ by aaid mortgagee, and any and ¢ll iadebtedneae in addirion to the umounf ahove axnted which �aid�mortgogore,or any . �
<br /> � �'�. ot ihem: maq owa to.eafd mortgaqee, however evldenced, whether by nota,book aceouat oz othenvise. Thts mortgage shall remafn 3n�lull � .
<br /> �forca and etfeet batween ihe paniea hereto and their heira, personal zepreeentativee. auccesaozs and asaigna, until ail amouab secuied
<br /> ,�;, hereu¢dak,includtnq Euture advancee,�are podd ta Sull with intereeL � �
<br /> The moreqagor c'_. �.herebp�assiga_So���aid morigaqee ali renL �d iacroma arieinq at any.and aA�4mae from eaid pzopertp. and �
<br /> .hereby authoxize said mortgagee pr ita agant, at Ita opcoa, upon.default,to take charge of said property aad cdlect ail renu and fncome �� � . . .. �
<br /> thorelrom and appiy the eame to the payment af intereat, priacipal,inaurance premiume, tazea, asseeaments, repaire or impzovemente naees� � �
<br /> sary to keap aaid pzoperty In tenaatable condition, or to other chazges w peymeata provIded foz hereiz�or ia the nota hereby aecuzed. This� �
<br /> ��rent aestgnmeat shqll eoat3nue in force un1U the unpaid bulance of eaid note Ss fully paid. Tho taking pf possusalon horeunder Ahail 3a no. ��
<br /> �� maaner pravant oz resard eaid moztgaqee In tLe coAecttoa of eaid eume by toreeloac�xe or othecwisa. � . .
<br /> � . �j .. The lailu�exut„1ha.m��tqaqQa-.io.�^--�•�..aa.y.�.ot.,,,iL rights hereundaz at any tims shall not ba eonatrued ae a wniver ot ils right to rnsert ���
<br /> �' . t6s.�aame at anX,�Jpt��'a'tipe.aqwed�ptD.�ylniqEw;ypop tfpd��lenforca rtrSct compLanca with aU the terma and pcovipioni ol noid nofe and of this �
<br /> mazt.gage. �� . . S .
<br /> j�� �s: +JE4;'�F#�1`;^h 8Ys '�"n :;r.�.r;r., . . . . . . . . . . . .. �. � . . t . . . .
<br /> � ci.�:'Yt' k "„ -. • ' . ... .
<br /> ' � L�wid mor�g�gor � a��il eau'ee to"be��paY3 Ro emd mortgagee the eaKre amount due it hereund�er,and under�the terms and provisiona �
<br /> ; of�afd nole hereb seeured,iaeludia�tuture advaaces,vad any exteasioris.or renewala�iheraof !n aecordance wiih the�terms aad proviaioaa � � �
<br /> ' thereof,and il.wid mortqagor�_ahall comply w3th all ths providons o[aaid aote and of thia mort e,then thase � �
<br /> qag .preaente al�al!be void;
<br /> �;j otherwi�e.to zemain�fa��tull�.lozse and a43eel,:and��aid�martgagpe�hall be.�atltled ta.Ws�pos�eaeion oi.all o!said proparty, m�d may.at Sta � ' ,�,��
<br /> �option,deelare the whole�of said note�and all iadebtedaeu rapreeented thereby ro�be Immediately due and��payablo.and may�tozeclose this � � �- ��.�i,
<br /> moztqage or��take.cmy�other legel ssCioa:to�proteet 1U ziqht, ead lrom�the date oE euch dalault all icems�o! iadebtedaeaa �ecured hore6y . � � ��� : �:'� '
<br /> shall.&cxw interOaR et3%�per aaaum. alpprai�ement wcived. � � �
<br /> ,( � �
<br /> Thir mon4o90�u:be bindla9�.vpon aad �hall saur� to ilu��b�aa!!t.W�ths hMn,ezecutor�, adminletraton,�ucceeson �d aeaigas�.d ti�,x;;�
<br /> "; ths zeapective.pactis�3ssrew. � .., . . - . ... . . ;�;.
<br /> IN W�i£REOP. �a1d.�.Mortqaqor S ba �V9�rsunto �et �.��.thei r � waad S.�tLe:..day and yecr Sirst�above . . .
<br /> � w�.«.0 �--j� A r,_._`
<br /> �
<br /> ., `�----'�..��:-od � �"`
<br /> Laverne :8. Nietfeldt PauietteG. Nietfeldt �
<br />� .�.. �_ �
<br />